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in parliament, to reprefent the peerage of Scotland, in confequence of the above determination.

MAY 1.

By the laft accounts received from the fleet from Botany Bay, they arrived at the Cape of Good Hope on the 13th of October laft, and expected to fail again about the middle of November, and to proceed directly for their place of defination. They were very healthy, and the convicts very orderly The number of deaths from England to the Cape amounted to 21.

Saturday 3.

A meeting of the nobility, clergy, and others, was held at the Duke of Montague's house, Whitehall, to confider further of promoting a reform among the lower order of the people, and a due obfervance of the Lord's Day.

A caufe was determined this day at Guildhall, in which Mr. Linter, a clergyman, was plaintiff, and an opulent rector defendant. The action was brought for 41. 12s. 6d. for performing divine fervice twice a day during the defendant's illness, namely, from Sept. 16, till the 27th, befides eight marriages, feveral chriftenings, and a number of burials; when a verdict was given for the plaintiff for 31. 12s. 6d. It came out in evidence, that the ufual fee for reading prayers was 2s. 6d. and on Sunday mornings 35.61.; and all the other offices 29. 6d. each. The Living is faid to be worth 800l. a year.

[blocks in formation]

Wednesday 7.

Came on a trial at Guildhall, in which the trading people are deeply interefled. The fole question was this, Whether the plainLiffs, who are wholefale grocers and teadealers, to whom the defendant was a culsomer, were entitled to intereft, on the amount of goods fold, computed from the end of three months, being the ufual credit in the plaintiffs trade? which was decided in favour of the plaintiffs.

This day the ceremony of the knighthood and inveftiture of the Rt. Hon. Sir George Yonge, Bart. his Majefty's Secretary at War, and of Sir Alex. Hood, Vice Admiral of the GENT. MAG. May, 1788.

Blue Squadron of his Majefty's fleet, Knights of the most Hon. Order of the Bath, was performed in his Majesty's clofet, several great officers of the court being prefent.

Thursday 3.

Was held the Anniversary Meeting of the Sons of the Clergy, at which were prefent the Abp. of Canterbury, Prefident; Sir John Skynner, Knt. Vice President; the Abp. of York, the Lord Mayor, the B fhops of Londo, Salisbury, Peterborough, Ely, Rochefter, Worcester, Bangor, Lichfield and Coventry, Gloucefter, Oxford, Bristol, Lincoln, Carlile, Cheffer, and St. David's Aldermen Crosby, Clarke, Wright, Gill, Boydell, Watfon, Sheriff Bloxam, Sir Wm. Dolben, Sir Herbert Mackworth, Mr. Justice Wilfon, the Attorney General, with a numerous and respectable body of the Clergy, &c.

The fermon was preached by the Rev. Phipps Wefton, B. D. Prebendary of Lincoln, Canon Refidentiary of Welis, and Rector of Witney, Oxfordshire, from the fixth chapter of St. Matthew, verse 33. Collection at St. Paul's, on

Tuesday, the 6th inft. Ditto, at ditto, on Thursday, the 8th inft. Ditto, at Merchant Taylor's-Hall, ditto

1. S. d. 167 8 6

156 10

[ocr errors]

723 2 4

Total 1047 012 Friday 9.

Ld. Petre, Sir Henry Euglefield, and Mr. Farmer, deputed by and on behalf of the body of Roman Catholics, had an interview with Mr. Pitt, concerning fome further relaxation in the Penal Laws, in confequence of the late edict on the part of France in favour of Proteftants in that kingdom. This has had the effect that might have been expected on the brain of the unfortunate Ld. George Gordon, and has fet his pen to work in Newgate, to punish himself and plague his friends.

Saturday 10.

One of his Majefty's meffengers arrived at the office of the Marquis of Carmarthen, with the Ratification, on the part of the States General, of the Treaty of Defensive Alliance, figned at the Hague on the 15th infant. (See p. 353.).

This day Mr. Burke, in purfuance of an order of the H. of C. prelented two papers moved for by Mr. Burgels. refpecting the expence already incurred, by carrying on the profecusion againit Warren Hallings, Efq as follows:

Expences of erecting the Court, 3044 11 7 Furnithing the fame 714 7 Money to Solicitors 4300 O O

Total 8053 11 1/4/2 A more precife account has fince been moved for and orderød:


Sunday 11.

Late this evening the Purfer of the Gen. Elliot, Indiaman, Capt. Drummond, came to the India-Houfe, with the news of the arrival of that ship off Weymouth, on the gth inftant.

A dreadful fire broke out in Bull-Inn Court, Maiden-lane, which burnt with uncommon violence, and in a thort space of time laid 14 houfes in alhes.

Monday 12.

This day the Seifions at the Old Bailey, which began on Wednesday the 7th, ended, when II convicts received tentence of death;

37 were ordered to be tranfported, fome of whom to Africa; four to be imprifoned and kept to hard labour in the House of Correction; one in Newgate; three to be whip ped; and 21 to be difcharged by Proclamation

At the above Seffions Jofeph Slack, of Covent Garden, was indicted for feloniously publishing, as true, a certain order for payment of 50l. purporting to be drawn by Fofter Bower on Meffis Gollings, Bankers, payable to John Lane, Efq. or bearer, the principal fum being only 151. which had been altered to 50l. And after a trial of nine hours, and the Jury withdrawing about an hour in confultation, he was acquitted.

Tuesday 13.

Came on at Weitmiter-Hal', before Judge Buller and a Special Jury, a cause in which the Rev. Dr. Vyte was plaintiff, and Sir John Eden, Bart. defendant, to try the right of the Archbishop of Canterbury to make reverfionary grants of the office of Regiter of the Prerogative Court. It was admitted that the Archbishops may put three lives into the office when vacant; but the late Archbishop Cornwallis had made a reverfio, ary grant to Dr. Vyfe and another perton, in the life-time of Dr. Jub, who then held the office as furvivor of three lives put in by Archbishop Herring. Upon the death of Dr. Juob, in 1737, the prefent Archofhop difputed Dr. Vyles grant, and put S. John Eden s and two other lives immediately into the office. The validity, there ore, of the revchionary grant to Dr. Vyle was the prefent queition. Mr. Bearcrott, as counted for the plaintiff, produced evidence of Archbishop Cranmer's having given a reverfionary grant of this office to one Neveton, who afterwards enjoyed it. Archbishop Grindall allo, in 1576, granted the office in reverfion to three perions, who were al erwards admitted into it by his fucceffor

Archbishop Whitgiti: and Archbishop Haring, in the year 1749, made a graut in reverbon to one of his nephews and Di. Jusb, the office being at that time in the hands of Mr. Bennet, the furvivor of three lives formerly put in by Archonthop Wake. Thele rattances, Mr. Bearcroft contended, were fufficient to establish the ulage, many

more of which might be adduce, but he was prevented bringing them into legal proof by the defectiveness of the regifier-books of the Chapter of Canterbury, in which thefe grants are always registered; there being numberless chalms in the regifters throughout the last century, and one of forty years together. Mr. Erikine was couníel for the defendant, and, in reply, produced Mr. Topham, who had examined all the regifters, fome as old as the year 600, but he found no mention of this office till 1502, when John Barret was appointed to it, by a grant in peelion. As to the reverfionary grant by Cranmer, Mr. Etkine fuggefted that, the vacancy happening in his own time, the grant could not be called in queltion. In refpect of Archbishop Grindall's grant, he contended, with extreme ingefituation hindered him from difputing his nuity, that the delicacy of his fucceffor's patron's grant, made in favour of his nearest relations-Whitgift having been raifed by Grindall from the lowest obfcurity, and placed by him in fuch fituations that at length he became his fucceffor. He fhewed that throughout the last century, whenever concurring appointments were made, it was always by a furrender of the perfon in poffeffion. That throughout the time of Lillotfon and Tention there were only two lives in the office, and fome of the time only one; yet thofe prelates never pretended to put in any reverfions. And as to the latt cafe of Archbishop Herring, Mr. Bennet dying in the Archbishop's lite-time, the reverfionary grant never came into operation, the Archbishop immediately making a new grant in poffeffion to his former nominees, with an additional life. The jury, without going out of court, found a verdict for the defendant.

Friday 16.

His R. H. the Duke of Orleans, arrived at Portland place from Paris, having obtained leave of his fovereign to retire to England til affairs are feitled at court, His first visit was to Monf. de Caloune, with whom he neld conference for fome confiderable time, which fufficiently indicates the fubject of his miffion. His next vifit was to the Prince of Wales.

Sunday 18.

This day Sir James Harris arrived in town from the Hague. His arrival has occafioned various conjectures.

In the afternoon a refreshing thower of rain fell in the neighbourhood of London; being accompanied with lightning, the effects were fatal. A mau-fervant to Mr. Jewer, a gardener, in croding Batteries fields, was itruck dead by it. It is tard, the lightening nearly fplit his body afunter. A cow and feveral theep were truck dead the fame inftant. The range of chambers, No 3, King's Bench Walk in the Temple, received



confiderable damage. The lightning wast feen to frike the chambers in a body; it burft with two dreadful explosions in the chambers of Mr. Philipps; but providentially no perfon was hurt, though the rooms were much damaged.

The papers fay, that a cat was killed in a lady's lap, who received no hurt by the lightning.

Monday 19.

Was held at Enfield church, by the Lord Bp. of London, a confirmation for that and the adjoining parishes of Edmonton, Hadley and S. Mimms, when upwards of 300 perfons of both fexes were confirmed. Tais commences the general confirmation throughout London.

Came on to be tried, before Ld. Loughborough and a fpecial jury, the cause initituted by the Countefs of Strathmore againft Mr. Bowes, to recover back certain eftates (value 12,col. a-year) which he had fecured to hertelf by a private deed, made previous to her marriage with the defendant. This was on iffue directed by the Ld. Chancellor; and the question for the jury to try was, "Whether a deed the 1ft of May 1777, executed by the court, revoking the former deed, was obtained by the influence of terror, arifing from cruelty and violence." A feries of the most diabolical cruelty was exhibited. And the jury, without going out of court, brought in a verdict for the plaintiff. The whole court expreffed the higheft fatisfac


Being appointed for the Installation of the Knights Elect of the Most Honourable Order of the Bath, they affembled with their Squires in the Prince's Chamber at ten o'clock; and foon after the Knights Companions met in the fame place, where the latter, cloathed in the full habit of the Order, and the Knights Elect in their furcosts, manties, and fpurs, accompanied by the proper officers, were regularly marthalled by the heralds, and at a quarter before ten o'clock the proceffion began. Of the 38 Knights, of which the Order confits, the following only were prefent, and the order of their proceffion was alfo as follows: the Knights Elect clofed in immediately after the Provincial Kings in their tabards.

Knights Elect.

Sir Alexander Hood-Sir George Yonge.
Vilcount Galway-Sir W. Fawcett.

Sir James Campbell, Bart.

As proxy for

Sir Archibald Campbell.



Sir Robert Boyd-Sir Charles Grey.
Lord Heathfield--Sir John Jervis.
Lord Rodney.
Knights Companions.
Sir Edward Hughes.

Sir William Howe.

Sir John Blaquiere -Sir George Howard.

Sir John Lindfay.

Sir George Warren-Lord Howard
Lord Amber-Sir George Pocock.

Sir Jofeph Yorke-Earl Beaulieu. Gentleman Uther-Register-Secretary. Bath King of Arms-Garter-Genealogift. The Bishop of Rochester, as Dean of the Order.

His Royal Highnefs the Duke of York, fift and principal Knight Companion, as Great Mafter.

In this order they entered the Abbey at the fouth-east door, paffed down the fouthfide aifle, and fo proceeded up the north-fide a.fle to the great tranfept of the Abbey, and from thence to King Henry the Seventh's Chapel.

The chapel was fuperbly decorated for the occafion. The banners of the feveral

knights were difplayed over their refpective falls; the throne, the altar, the cushions, were all fplendidly covered with crimson velvet, and all the avenues were lined with people of fashion.

The ceremonial in the chapel was performed in all its parts with great flemnity. For former inftallations, fee our vols. XXXI. p. 236. XLVI. p. 93.

This being the Queen's real birth-day, who then entered into her 45th year, her Majefty received the compliments of the royal family on the occafion, at her palace in Buckingham-houfe.

Wednesday 21.

An exprefs arrived at the E. 1. Houfe, with the agreeable news of the fafe arrival of the Lafcelles, Capt. Farrington, off the Isle of Wight. She failed from China on the 8th of January; and on the 23d fell in with Capt. Wood (commander of the Company's packet Charlotte,) who was caft away on a reef of rocks on the eaft fide of the inland Crecotoa. They had got a few provifions on thore, and were farting every thing overboard to lighten the veffel to get her off, when a large prow, with upwards of 30 Malays, forced them to quit the vefiel, which they plundered, and then fet it on fire. Capt. Faringdon left Capt. Wood his cutter with fome provifions, to enable him to remain on that flation till all the China fhips had paffed, he having difpaches for those thips from Bombay.

Thursday 22.

Adm. Levefon Gower was appointed to the command of a fleet of oblervation for channel fervice.

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mildeft fentence of the law might be inAlicted upon him, as he had already fuffered a long imprifonment. The court under thefe circumftances fined him one fhilling, and ordered him to be difcharged.

Ld. Rawden's Infolvent Bill was rejected in the House of Lords.

It is thought that a bill will be introduced in its ftead, agreeable to the idea of the Earl of Abingdon, by which the enor mous expences of the lower clafs of attorneys will receive a fevere check.

Mr. Crefpigny, fon of the member of that name, in paffing through the city, met a body of the guards with fixed bayonets, and, not readily giving way, was, on fome words arifing, ftabbed through the cheekbone; fince which he has been under the care of a phyfician and two furgeons.

Monday 26.

This morning the Blues took poffeffion of the Horfe-guards, and mounted in form, the Life-guards and Horfe grenadier companies having on Saturday night bid adieu to the life of foldiers, not one of them having entered in what they call the inferior corpfe. They receive with their difcharge the money they gave on enlifting, viz. 100 guineas, with fome small deduction. (See p. 268.)

The grandeur of the decorations and illuminations of the Pantheon this evening, for the new-elected knights Ball, furpaffed all defcription; and fuch was the demand for tickets, that 18 guineas were offered and refufed. It is faid 30 guineas were given, probably by thofe only who repaid themselves with intereft for their money; the Marchionefs of Blandford loft her purfe, the Duke of Orleans his watch, and Col Arabin was obliged to turn a lady out, who ufed her hands fo manlike as left no doubt of her fex.

Friday 30.

The account in the London Gazette of the progrefs of the war differs in nothing material from that in the ordinary papers.

Certain advice has been received, that Mr. Eden, the new British ambassador, arrived at Madrid the 3d inftant.

By a letter from Madrid, dated May 5, the Ruffian Minifter, at the Court of Spain, having announced the entrance of a fleet of his nation into the Mediterranean, and asked permiffion for it to enter the ports of Spain in cafe of neceffity, the fame was granted, on the ufual conditions, that only a certain ftated number should enter at a time. This flatly contradicts former reports.

Petitions against the flave trade have been prefented from Rippon, Colchester, Cambridge, Falmouth, Lancashire, Staf. ord, Northampton, Scarborough, Stamford, Rotheram, Helftone, Shrewsbury, Worcefter, Warwick, Hertford, Chefterfield, Warrington, Lincoln, Briftol, Chamber of Commerce at Edinburgh, New Windtor, Chipping Wicomb, Hallifax, and th

Borough of Southwark. Alfo from Bridge water, Bridgnorth, Nottingham, Bradford, Leedes, Sheffield, Grantham, Chefter, Co. ventry, Redruth, Newcaftle upon Tyne, Bridport, Devifes, and Cambridge Univer fity, York, Bedford, Hull, Maidstone, the body of Quakers, the University of Cambridge, Salisbury, and Carfifle, and some other places.

The inhabitants of Edmonton having received a fubfcription to add 2 bells to their former fet, they were put up in the courfe of laft month, and the joyful event celebrated by crowning the feeple with garlands and boughs, and ringing the bells for the greater part of the day.

In the courfe of this month, the frame or trough in which the New River run near Buth-hill Edmonton, as defcribed in our Vol. LIV, pp. 643, 773, was completely removed, the water having continued near 12 mouths in its new bed of earth and clay. The old lead, amounting to near 50 tons, was fold at 18 s. per ton to five plumbers; the boarding at bottom was found in many places fo com pletely decayed, that nothing but lead foftained the weight of water, and confe quently many leaks were occafioned in the trough.

of 33 miles this river has but 33 inches It is commonly reported that in a courfe fall; whereas at Bufh-hill its fall is 2 feet, and at Highbury barn 3 feet..

The general confternation which feized the mercantile part of the city of London at the beginning of the prefent month has gradually affected the whole kingdom in the progrefs of it.

Not thofe only, who are engaged in the cotton and linen manufactories, have been fufferers; but the whole commenity dependant upon trade, rich and poor; not a few moneyed men, who, from a laudable motive of forwarding and fopporting a growing manufactory, had advanced large fums at common intereft, are reduced from affluence to a fcanty maintenance, to the ruin of their families and their own difquiet; while many hundreds, deprived of work, are deftitute of bread. Yet it is pretended, that this is no national jofs. Things are not annihilated, though they are deranged; and a fhort time will reftore to order what now appears to be all confafion; but he muft have a callous heart who does not feel for prefent mifery. What if the millic appropriated to the payment of the National Debt, of which this generation will never have the benefit, were for one year remitted, and properly applied to relieve this temporary diftrefs!

It is faid that 108 dockets have been frock in the Bankrupt Office fince the first explo fion; 29 commiffions were fealed Tuesday 20; and that the amount of paper, now in ci cu lacion, from one houfe that has itoped, -is .362,000.

Additions to, and Corrections in, our laft Month's Obituary. 461

P. 277. A capital Collection of Mr. LudJam's Models, Machines, Inftruments, Aftronomical, Optical, Philofophical, and Mathematical, were fold by auction, by Mr. Herring, at the Globe Tavern in Fleet-street, on the 6th of May, 1788; a collection, faid to be comprehenfive in its compafs, and of fuperior excellence in many of its particulars. Whatever parts of it were purchased in the fhops were felected with all that care and judgement for which Mr. Ludlam was diftinguished; and many articles were iuch as could no where elfe be found: they were the fruits of his own invention, and made by his own hands; for it will be well recollected that, to the deepest penetration, and the clearest views in abftra& fcience, he joined the highest powers of fancy and invention, and the manual dexterity of the ableft work


It is not wonderful then that truth, usefulness, and elegance fhould be found in all his productions: and it was his conftant maxim never to make what could be purchafed. As the parts of this collection were often closely related, although not neceffarily connected with each other, a great number of lenfes, cells, &c. were put up in feparate lots, though they did not properly belong to any one optical inftrument, but were applicable to them all. This was done for the fake of variety and experiment. Mr. L's large Collection of Curious Tools were fold by private contract. For Mr. Ludlam's Report to the Board of Longitude fee our vol. XXXV. p. 412.

P. 319, col. 2, 1. 19, г. "ever probable." P. 333. The quotation as from a work of the laft Lord Lyttelton, we are defired to fay, is from a production well known not to be written by that Nobleman, but a forgery by the well-known Author of "The Diaboliad," who has attempted the fame impoftion (and fometimes with equal fuccefs) in other cafes. We allude particularly to fome Letters juft published under the name of Mr. Sterne, which, we are atfured, are by the fame author as the pretended "Letters of the late Lord Lyttelton."

P. 363. The account of Lady Vane (by miftake called Lady Vifcounters Fane) being erroneous, two perfons being confounded, fomewhat fimilar indeed in title, but exceedingly opposite in qualities; we are obliged o a correfpondent for the following correc

*The names have been before not unfre quently confounded. Even in a monumental infcription placed by the family of Fane at Shipborne in Kent, in memory of an amiable lady, we find the fame error:

"Here lies the body of the Lady Frances Vane, of Furlane, wife to the Right Honourable Sir Henry Vane the eldes, who lived with much modefty, prudence, and vertue all her dayes, and died with great Chriftian piety the 2d of Auguft, 1663, in the 72d year of her age."


tions." Sufannah Lady Viscountefs Fane whofe alliances are accurately defcribed frora line 34 to 45, is ftill living.-The Lady Vane was the daughter of Francis Hawes, efq. of Purley Hall, near Reading, one of the South Sea directors in 1720; and married, about the beginning of 1732, at a very early age, to Lord William Hamilton (brother to the Duke of that title); who dying July 11 1734, he married, May 19, 1735, the Lord Viscount Vane of the kingdom of Ireland, ftil living; though, in the Irish Peerage, published in 1784, the title is faid to be extinct, a circumftance which contributed to mislead us in confounding the names. The misunderstandings, elopements, and various difgraceful fituations to which the expofed herfelf during part of her life, are too well known to be concealed (feveral of them being recorded in the Legal Reports), bat may now, with no impropriety, be buried in oblivion. She certainly communicated the materials for her Life to Dr. Smollet; but we were miftaken in supposing there was any reference to her in the infamous publication alluded to in our laft. We' were equally mistaken in fuppofing her to be the perfon mentioned by Dr. Johafon in "The Vanity of Human Withes." That Lady was a different perfon, whofe death is recorded vol. VI. p. 163.”

Another correfpondent, who was well acquainted with her Ladyfhip, informs us, that, at the age of 17, the married Lord William Hamilton, whom the accidentally met at Court, where their eyes and looks met too, and they were foon after married, and called by Queen Caroline, "The Handsome Beggars; for they were rich only in perfonal charms. Lord William, within the year, was obliged to go to Scotland; and, in returning haftily to the arms of his beautiful wife, over-heated himfelf, which threw him into a fever, and killed him. This beautiful widow at 18 was addreffed by Lord Viscount Vane, and in fome meafure compelled by her father to give her band only to the noble Lord, who fettled 1500l. a year jointure upon her, and 4001, pin-money; with whom the lived, and parted; and parted, and lived; wonderful to relate ! She was the finest minuet-dancer in England, and, in point of all other personal accomplishments, inferior to no woman who has appeared in the eighteenth century. She was faid to be handfome in spite of her teeth; not that her teeth were not found and white, but growing toe clofe, were irregular-Her Memoirs in "Feregrine Pickle" were given to Dr. Smollet from her own pen; but they were written. by another celebrated De Tor. moft extraordinary in her life, and that is faying a great deal, is, fhe told the writer of this article, that, upon one of her returns to her Lord's houfe, the gave him thofe Memoirs to read!! My Lord read them, and shut up the book without opening his

But what is


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