| Charles Gildon - 1718 - 394 Seiten
...Alms for Oblivion : A great•fiz'd Monfler of Ingratitude's j Thofe fcraps are good Deeds paft. , "Which are devour'd as faft as they are made, Forgot...Honour bright : 'To have done, is to hang ,. [ Quite onit pffafliion, like a rufty Mile, .. ,.A In monumental Mock'ry : Take the inftant way, For Honour... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1745 - 574 Seiten
...he puts alms for oblivion, A great-fiz'd monfter of ingratitude. Thofe fcraps are good deeds paft, which are devour'd As faft as they are made, forgot as foon As done : perfeverance keeps honour bright : To have done, is to hang quite out of fafliion, Like rufty Mail in monumental... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1752 - 450 Seiten
...puts alms for Oblivion : (A great- fiz'd moniler of ingratitudes) Thole fcraps are good deeds paft, which are devour'd As faft as they are made, forgot as foon As done : Perfeverance keeps Honour bright : To have done, is to hang quite out of fa(hion, Like rufty mail in monumental... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1752 - 268 Seiten
...alms for oblivion. .. (A great-fiz'd monfter of ingratitudes) . • Thofe fcraps are good deeds paft, which are devour'd As faft as they. are made, forgot as foon As done: perfeverance keeps honour bright: To have done, is to hang quite out'of fafhion, Like rufty mail in.monumental mockery.... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1765 - 564 Seiten
...he puts alms for Oblivion. A great fiz'd monfter, of ingratitudes, Thofe fcraps are good deeds paft, which are devour'd As faft as they are made, forgot as foon As done : 7 Pei fcverance keeps Honour bright: To have done, is to hang quite out of fafhion, Like rufty nail... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1767 - 486 Seiten
...puts alms for Oblivion : (A great-fiz'd roonfter of ingratitudes) Thofe fcraps are good deeds paft, which are devour'd As faft as they are made, forgot as foon As done : Perfeverance keeps Honour bright : To have done, is to hang quite out of fafhion, Like rufty.mail in monumental... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1773 - 514 Seiten
...he puts alms for oblivion, A great fiz'd monfter of ingratitudes. Thole fcraps are good deeds pail ; which are devour'd As faft as they are made, forgot as foon As done : ^ perfevcrance, dear my lord, Keeps honour bright : to have done, is to hang Quite out of fafhion,... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1774 - 392 Seiten
...puts alms for oblivion, A great-fiz'd monfter of ingratitudes : Thofe fcraps are good deeds paft ; which are devour'd As faft as they are made, forgot as foon As done : Ferfeverance keeps honour bright : To have done, is to hang quite out of fa(hion, Like nifty mail... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1780 - 336 Seiten
...he puts alms for oblivion. (A great fiz'd monfter of ingratitudes) Thofe fcraps arc good deeds pail, which are devour'd As faft as they are made, forgot as foon As done: perfeverance keeps honour bright: To have done, is to hang quite out of fafhion, Like rufty mail in monumental mockery.... | |
 | William Shakespeare - 1785 - 632 Seiten
...great-fiz'd monfter of ingratitudes: Thofe fcraps are good deeds paft j which are devour'd As faft a$ they are made, forgot as foon As done : Perfeverance,...honour bright : To have done, is to hang Quite out of fafhion, like a rufty mail 7 Noia iue Jhallfee to-morrota An a£l that very chance doth ihro-iu upon... | |
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