Themes in Drama: Volume 12, Drama and PhilosophyJames Redmond Cambridge University Press, 05.07.1990 - 227 Seiten This collection surveys madness in drama. It includes articles on 'The Duchess of Malfi'; virginity and hysteria in 'The Changeling'; the confined spectacle of madness in Beys's 'The Illustrious Madmen'; The male gaze in 'Woyzeck' - representing Marie and madness; and other drama examples. |
Drama and Aristotle | 21 |
Faith reason and the Prophets dialogue in the Coventry Pageant | 37 |
the synthesizing imagination and | 47 |
an Hegelian approach to genre | 61 |
Selfundoing paradox scepticism and Lears abdication | 73 |
His legs bestrid the ocean as a form of life | 87 |
in A King and No King | 107 |
Socrates in eighteenthcentury verse dramas | 127 |
Theatre as temple in the New Movement in American theatre | 143 |
plagues on the houses | 161 |
coincidence of contraries | 171 |
modern perspectives on the Loudun | 185 |
Professional Foul breaks the rules | 199 |
The puzzle of Tadeusz Różewiczs White Marriage | 211 |
225 | |
Häufige Begriffe und Wortgruppen
action actors Aeschylus Anderson Antony and Cleopatra Antony's Arbaces Aristotle Aristotle's audience authority Beckett believe Beniamin Bessus Bianka Bruno Caesar Cambridge Catherall character Cheney Christian Claudius coincidence of contraries comedy comic context critics Croo death dialogue divinity Drama International Conference emotional Euripides experience fact feminist final Fool gods Grandier Greek Hamlet hero human Iceman Cometh idea imagination justice King Lear Kuharski language Lear's liar paradox London Loudun McKendrick meaning moral nature Nicomachean Ethics O'Neill paradox passion pathē pathein pathos philosophical Plato play play's Poetics Politics Professional Foul question rational reality reason reformers religion revealed Rhetoric Robert Edmond Jones role Różewicz Samuel Beckett satire scene seems sense Shakespeare Socrates Sophocles speech spiritual stage Stoppard story suffering suggests Tadeusz Różewicz theatre theatrical Themes in Drama things thou tradition tragedy tragic trans Troilus truth University Press victim White Marriage Wittgenstein women words York