Abbildungen der Seite

291. Vada non spirant: i. e. a part of the shore where there was no surf. Fervetque fretis spirantibus æquor, Geo. i. 327.

303. Dorso: a sandbank.'-Iniquo: mischievous; destructive.' 304. Fatigat: whilst she buffets the waves.'

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313. Erea suta: a breast-plate formed of brass chain-work.'

317. Quòd licuit parvo: the violent death which he had escaped, when born.-Nec longè: not long after.' Serv.

321. Usque.... dum: as long as.'


325. Nova gaudia: a new object of affection.'

326. Securus: no longer solicitous about;' 'forgetting;' i. e. in death.


345. Curibus: the capital of the Sabines was named Cures.-Primævo corpore: on his youth.'-Clausus: the Claudii derived their descent from Clausus, a Sabine; the name was probably here introduced in compliment to that family.

359. Stant obnixa omnia contrà: 'all the elements contending against each other are at a stand.'

363. Torrens: not the Tyber; but a flood dry in the summer. Perennis sit unda, non torrens; Seneca, Ep. 40. Cerda.

365. Latio. sequaci: to the Latins pursuing them.'

366. Aspera queis.... equos: since the roughness of the ground had induced them to relinquish their horses.'

370. Devicta for depugnata; by the battles you have won.' 378. Trojamne or the fortifications;' Nova Troja.

392. Indiscreta suis: 'not distinguishable one from the other, even by their own friends.'

394. Thymbre: in the voc. Nom. Thymber and Thymbrus.

398. Viri: of Pallas.

399. Fugientem. · præter: præterfugientem. By tmesis. 405. Optato: to his wish.'


407. Correptis. mediis penetrating the centre; the progress of the flames, and that of a victorious army, are compared.

408. Acies Vulcania: metaphorically, for the raging flames.' 409. Ovantes: as if rejoicing in victory.

411. Sed merely an inceptive particle, not making any opposition between the preceding sense and what follows. Serv.

412. Tendit.... colligit arma: advanced, covering himself with his shield.' Serv. En. xii. 491.

415. Elatam: threatening to pierce his throat.

418. Canentia: dying. The eyes roll up their white part in death. 424. Texit used aoristically; whilst he was covering.'


425. Arcadio.... telo: the spear of the Arcadian Pallas.'

432. Nec turba: the combatants rushed together in so dense a crowd

that they could not use their weapons.

439. Soror: sc. Turni; the nymph Juturna. Æn. xii. 138. seqq. 441. Socios: inquit, understood.

444. quore jusso: from the part of the plain which they were required to quit.

447. Omnia: his armour, and every thing about his person.

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450. Sorti.... est: sc. ferendæ ; my father is equally prepared for either fortune;' either for victory or my glorious death; this applies to the brutal wish of Turnus, verse 443.

458. Ire prior: voluit, understood.

466. Genitor natum : Jupiter addresses Hercules. 467. Statis fixed.'

481. Penetrabile: this adjective, of a passive form, has been before
taken in an active sense, Geo. i. 93.

482. Terga: 'plates.'

494. Illi stabunt: will cost to Evander.


497. Impressumque nefas: the horrid tale there represented;' viz.
the story of the daughters of Danăus, who murdered their husbands on
the wedding night. Class. Dict.

511. Discrimine leti: in danger of utter ruin.'

514. Limitem agit ferro: 'hews a passage with his sword.'

519. Umbris: for umbra. to the shade of Pallas.

541. Ingenti umbrâ: 'with the shades of death;' or, 'with everlast-

ing night.

544. Veniens: 'who had come from.'

545. Dardanides: sc. Æneas.

546. Dejecerat: sc. Æneas.

547. Dixerat ille: sc. Anzur. H.—Aliquid magnum: Anxur had
repeated some charm.

548. Coloque animum: had thought highly of his own prowess.'
552. Ille reductâ . .hasta: Æneas, drawing back his spear, then
pierces the buckler and breastplate of Tarquitus, in which the spear
remains fixed.

564. Tacitis: this epithet has been given to Amyclæ in consequence
of a tradition that, by a law of that state, any alarm was forbidden to be
given on an enemy's approach. An enemy did suddenly approach and
capture the city.

565. Egeon: or Briareus.

582. Evi' of your life.'

608. Ut rebare . . pericli: this is said ironically.

617. Nunc pereat

perish.... although'.

tamen said with indignation; 'now he must

623. Ponere sentis: if your meaning be that I should so dispose the


625. Vacat: for licet.

628. Quod voce.... dares: if that favour, which you decline grant-
ing verbally, you should grant me in reality.'

630. Veni vana feror: I am mistaken in the truth.'

631. Quod in which respect.' xa' 8. H.

652. Nec.... ventos: 'nor sees how groundless his exultation is ;'
venti ferunt gaudium is a proverbial expression. Serv.

653. Crepidine: the ancient dative, for crepidini.

668. Crimine dignum: i. e. worthy of such an imputation on my
character as that of deserting in battle.

670. Quem: i. c. qualem?with what character ?'

672. Manus illa: sc. dicet; what will the troops say of me?'

681. Mucrone.... induat: 'whether he shall stab himself.' Se ipsi
acutissimis vallis induebant, Cæs. de B. G. vii.

686. Animi miserata: an elliptical expression; dolorem animi mise-
rata. H.

688. Urbem: Ardea. En. vii. 412.


698. Latagum. occupat os; i. e. secundum os.

706. Ignarum: for ignotum.

709. Defendit: 'sheltered.'

711. Inhorruit armos: i. e. in armos, or armis; erecting the bris-
tles on his shoulders.'

712. Irasci.... virtus: sc. est; 'nor has any one courage to exas-
perate, or to approach him.'

725. Surgentem in cornua: poetically, a stag distinguished by stately horns.'

733. Cæcum.... vulnus: a wound inflicted from behind; unseen, therefore, by him who receives it.

734. Obvius.... occurrit: i. e. having run by, he turns and meets Orodes.

736. Pede nixus: sc. ait Mezentius.

738. Letum paana secuti : raising a joyful song.

758. Inanem: 'fruitless.'

763. Turbidus: 'raging.'-Quam: 'such as.'

765. Stagna: the deepest parts of the ocean.' Æn. i. 126.

766. Aut.. referens: or resembling.'

767. Ingreditur. ... solo: Homer represents Orion as a hunter. 773. Dextra: i. e. let my right hand, which is my god, and this good spear, which I poise, now lend their aid.' It will be remembered that Mezentius is styled contemptor divûm.

775. Lause, tropeum : instead of promising to adorn the trunk of a tree with the spoils of Æneas, Mezentius says he will array his son Lausus in them, when he shall have stripped them from his foe. 781. Alieno vulnere: by a wound intended for another.'

784. Tribus. tauris: three bulls' hides.'


786. Sed.... pertulit: but it had spent its force.'


792. Vetustas: here put for posterity.' De me nulla unquam obmutescet vetustas, Cic. pro. Mil, 35.

794. Ille: Mezentius.-Inutilis: sc. pugnæ; 'disabled.'—Inque ligatus: and entangled; encumbered.'

804. Præcipitant: sc. se.

805. Tutâ.... arce: in a place of shelter.'

833. Genitor: sc. Lausi; Mezentius.

834. Vulnera siccabat lymphis: 'was stanching his wounds with cold water.'

838. Colla fovet: 'eases his neck by leaning.'

845. Corpore inhæret : 'clings to the body of Lausus.

861. Rhabe : this address to his horse is very natural in Mezentius, under existing circumstances.

879. Perdere : sc. me.

880. Divum parcimus: alluding to the invocation by Eneas, of Jupiter and Apollo : this verb has here the sense of the Greek peideo9at, to dread; to reverence.'

887. Silvam: i. e. the spears fixed in the shield.


689. Pugnâ inique : Mezentius was mounted ; Eneas on foot. 902. Nec tecum.... Lausus: 'nor did my son make with you an agreement, that you were to spare my life.' 905. Defende: forbid; prevent.'

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ALTHOUGH the last book terminates without completing the narration of the battle, it may be presumed that the Latins and Rutulians were repulsed. The Trojans, worn down by long watchings and by the toils and hardships of the sanguinary conflict of the preceding day,

had yielded to the impulse of nature, and sought repose during the night.

But, with the first dawn of the morning, their leader called them to the solemn duties before them. And, although their dead were still on the field of battle, yet, as it was the custom of the Romans never to offer sacrifice when defiled by the rites of burial, the first step was to offer vows and thanksgivings to the gods.

4. Primo. Eoo: i. e. Lucifero; at early dawn.' Lucifer, 'the morning star,' is also called Eõus, from us, morning.'

7. Tropium: a trophy. This was the name given to a post or trunk of a tree dressed in the spoils of a slaughtered enemy.

16. Hic est: this is Mezentius;' pointing to the trophy. 19. Ubi primùm. annuerint superi: before raising their stand ards to march, the Romans consulted the gods by auguries.

21. Metu sententia: 'deliberations proceeding from timidity.'

22. Socios inhumataque corpora: the unburied bodies of our friends. By hendiadys.

35. Crinem.... solutæ: sc. secundum; weeping females are con stantly described as attending the funeral obsequies of the ancients. Whence came these Trojan dames does not, however, clearly appear. Nisus had said, Æn. ix. 216, seqq. that the mother of Euryalus was the only matron who had accompanied them from Sicily.

42. Tene.... quum læta veniret, invidit fortuna mihi: 'did fortune, when she came propitious, envy me the possession of thee?'

47. Imperium: i. e. to the command of the Tuscans. Æn. viii. 475. 51. Cœlestibus. debentem: the living are subject to the gods above; the dead, to the gods beneath. Æn. xii. 646-7.

55. Fides in those promises of the safe return of Pallas.

56. Nec sospite. •pater: nor will you, a father, imprecate an accursed death on your son saved by dishonourable means.'

59. Hæc ubi deflevit: after having, with tears, thus spoken.'

67. Agresti.... stramine: i. e. on a bed of leaves, or branches, and flowers.

82. Caso poetically, for casorum.


89. Positis insignibus: carrying no trappings.'

101. Veniam: the favour.'

112. Veni: for venissem. Serv.

118. Vixet syncopated for vixisset.

122. Crimine: 'by accusations;' criminibus terrere novis, Æn. ii. 98. 126. Justitie: according to the Greek idiom, a verb expressing admiration here governs a genitive.

133. Pace sequestra: 'by a truce.' In a litigation, the term sequester was applied to a person in whose hands the subject in controversy was by mutual consent deposited: hence, to any thing intermediate, as to the cessation of arms; during which the contending parties are in a state of security. Serv.

160. Vivendo vici . . . . fata : ' I seem, by my longevity, to have survived my own fate;' i. e. to have exceeded the natural bounds of life 161. Secutum sc. me.

169. Quin ego omnis: but I could not bestow on thee, O Pal las, any greater funeral honours than the affectionate Eneas, and the brave Trojans, and the Tuscan generals, and the whole Tuscan army have paid thee.'

172. Magna. leto: i. e. magna tropea ferunt, sc. Troes et Tyrrheni, eorum quos dat [dedit] tua dextera leto. H. Evander says that no greate funeral honours could be paid to his son than the bearing

with his body in solemn pomp the spoils of those whom he had slain in battle; and that the spoils of Turnus would have been added to these, had Pallas been equal to him in years and bodily strength.

175. Armis: i. e. ab armis. H.

177. Quòd vitam.... tua est: my motive for enduring life is my confidence in your avenging arm.'


179. Meritis.... locus: i. e. ad meritum; this is the only way that now lies open to you and to fortune for rendering me a favour.'

181. Perferre: i. e. to be the messenger to my son of the vengeance inflicted on Turnus.

192. It cœlo: for ad cælum. Lat. Gram. Rule xvii. Obs. 5.

195. Munera nota: i. e. offerings of the arms which had been theirs. 196. Non felicia: not successful' in the hands of their possessors. 211. Ruebant: an active verb; for eruebant.

222. Multa.... Turno and, on the other side, the sentiments of many were expressed in different language in favour of Turnus.'

223. Regina of Amata, his aunt.-Obumbrat: 'protects.'

226. Super for insuper; moreover.'-Diomedis: it will be recollected, that at the commencement of hostilities Turnus sent an embassy to Diomedes to ask assistance. See En. viii. 9.

243. Diomede: the Greek accusative, contracted from Diomedea.Argivaque castra: pro urbe; Diomedes was king of Ætolia, and one of the bravest of the chiefs at the siege of Troy. He abandoned his native country, and settled in Italy, where he built the city Agyripa, afterwards called Arpi.

254. Ignota doubtful in their consequences.'

259. Vel Priamo: even by Priam.'

260. Sidus: i. e. the storm raised by the wrath of Minerva.-Caphereus: the promontory on the eastern shore of Eubœa, on which Ajax Orleus was shipwrecked.

262. Protei.... columnas i. e. to the island of Pharos, on the coast of Egypt, where Proteus reigned.

265. Idomenei: En. ii. 717.-Locros: a part of this nation is said to have settled on the African coast, in the town called Pentapolis. Serv. 266. Ductor Achivum: Agamemnon; who was murdered by his wife Clytemnestra and her paramour Ægysthus.

268. Devictam. . . . adulter: and the adulterous assassin possessed himself of conquered Asia.'

269. Invidisse: referamne, or some similar verb, is understood. 272. Et socii: on the coast of Apulia are five islands frequented by sea-birds, into which the companions of Diomedes were said to have been transformed.

275. Speranda: 'to be expected,' or 'feared.' En. iv. 419.

276. Calestia corpora: Diomedes had wounded Venus. Il... 335; and Mars, e. 857.

286. Ultro: i. e in offensive war; in the first place.

290. Vestigia retulit: was repulsed.'

293. Quá datur: by any means that are practicable.'

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298. Clauso gurgite: when the stream is dammed back.'


305. Gente deorum: a nation deriving its origin from the gods.'


310. Cætera alluding to the army and resources of the state. Serv. 316. Antiquus ager: a tract of land long in cultivation.'

324. Aliam. gentem: another country.' H.

327. Plures: i. e. si valent complere eas.

329. Navalia: 'other necessaries for their equipment.'

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