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Nicholai, parochiis ejusdem ville sue Galvie Diocesis Enachdunensis...... videlicet, Guardiani et octo vicariorum collegialium, more Anglorum debite et honeste eruditorum, in una aula ac mensa comorancium, cum quotidiano cantus servicio, quondam per Reverendissimum in Christo patrem Dominum Donatum tunc Archiepiscopum Tuamensem, prelibate ecclesie ratione perpetue unionis, ordinarium, auctoritate ordinaria, primitus supplicacione et precibus dicte communitatis, fundatum et institutum, atque de quarta sua Episcopali in quibusdam aliis beneficiis ac unionibus donatum, communia, ut tunc moris fuerat, per Episcopum Romanum vel ejus auctoritate confirmatum. Nunc denuo, regia auctoritate, graciose fundaretur, et institueretur, aut in pristinum statum confirmaretur, cum gardino et duodecim vicariis, utque in posterum, re et nomine, Collegium Regis nominaretur, reputaretur et acciperetur, imperpetuum, per eosdem majorem, ballivi et comburgenses, qui pro tempore fuerint, ejusdem ville, auctoritate Regia, regendum, gubernandum et defendendum, cum privilegio exemptionis a Diocessani ac ordinaria alia quacumque jurisdictione, regia et ipsorum majoris et comburgensium, qui pro tempore fuerint, ejusdem ville auctoritate et jurisdictione duntaxat exceptis; per quos vero majorem et burgenses sicut hactenus, nomine Regis, ex predictis vicariis, unus guardianus, de anno in annum, sit elegendus, et vicarii ad presentacionem eorum majoris, ballivorum et comburgensium, per guardianum et convicarios, more hactenus usitato, elegendi, per ipsos vero majorem, ballivos et conburgenses, corrigendi, puniendi ac inde penitus ejiciendi, et removendi juxta sua merita et demerita sint, imperpetuum. Pro augmentacione vero divini cultus, ac ampliori sustentacione dictorum Guardiani et duodecim vicariorum collegialium, ac aliorum inibi serviencium, ex habundantissima Regie Majestatis gratia, Rectoriam ejusdem ecclesie collegiate, jure quo nescitur, hactenus et nunc per monacos ac abbatem monasterii collis victorie, ordinis Cisterciencium Tuamensis diocesis predicte, sub colore unionis occupatam, propter quam infinite contenciones et discordie inter rebelles, diversis temporibus, emerserunt; in grave dampnum, depredacionem et depaupertacionem communitatis predicte ville Galvie, predicto collegio donari et uniri prememorati major, ballivi et communitas ferventer supplicant, postulant et requirant; unacum perpetua unione et confirmatione omnium et singulorum beneficiorum, jurium et pertinencium, que, jure ordinario vel alio quocunque modo, ad dictum collegium, dev enerunt, pertinebant aut pertinere vel concernere debebant, principaliter et precipue vicaria et quarta episcopalis ejusdem ecclesie Sancti Nicholai, cum desertuosis rectoriis et vicariis de Rahuyn, Maycollyn, et Foran more ac Rosquam; necnon et aliis exiguiis vicariis de Clayer, Kylcomyn, Meary predicte diocesis, eciam vicaria de Skryn, que omnia et singula queque, quite possessa, tam desertuosa, infructuosa et exigua sunt, et minime sufficiunt ad debitam sustentacionem eorum guardiani et vicariorum,


suorumque servitorum, adeoque propter inopiam, communem mensam quibusdam temporibus anni eos deserere oportet. Ea propter, non solum debitam confirmacionem, corroboracionem ac perpetuam unionem omnium et singulorum terrarum, tenementorum, messuagiorum, rerum, reddituum, sensuum, et revercionum, ex concessionibus, suffragiis, elemosinis aut legatis que eidem collegio, pro sua sustentacione aut augmentacione divini cultus in eodem, hactenus concessa, aut in posterum concedenda vel assignanda sunt per quoscunque. Verum eciam ut loca sive monasteria in franchisiis dicte ville Galvie extra muros, in quibus fratres mendicantes consueverunt residere, jus sepulture, decimas neque privilegia aliqua mendicantibus concessa habeant, nec ullatenus habere valeant, nec servientes in eisdem premissis de cetero gaudere presumant, immo eadem monasteria cum pertinenciis, pro capellis eidem collegio, et pro augmentacione ibi serviencium assignari, prefati major et communitas supplicant ac plurimum desiderant, ex uberiori autem gratia, de mera et largissima Regis excellencie liberalitate, in perpetuam elemosinam officium sue serenitatis, quod vulgariter dicitur fees, aut reversionem ejusdem, cum suis fructibus et pertinenciis, in eadem villa Galvie, completo saltim termino seu firma honesto viro Roberto Cowly, nuper magistro Rotulorum Regis Cancellarie hujus regni Hibernie, inde debita et assignata, pro augmentacione numeri, ac divini cultus, et sustentacione ampliori ejusdem Collegii, assignari et graciose concedi, omni diligentia qua possint sue celcitudinis, ac legei fidelissimi oratores Regiam majestatem cum fiducia, prelibati Major, ballivi, burgenses et comunitas solicitant, supplicant et implorant, adeoque servientes in dicto collegio, de die in diem, pro bono statu ac prosperitate Regie serenitatis predecessorum et successorum ejus, imperpetuum, preces animose fundere valeant, eciam et cogerentur, ut quoque aures sue Majestatis potius premissis inclinarentur."-Orig.

King Henry VIII. died before the foregoing petition could be presented. It was afterwards re-directed, and presented to his successor, Edward VI., who thereupon granted the charter, under which the warden and vicars hold to this day.

It is stated in this petition, that the monks of the abbey de Colle Victorie, Knockmoy (for which see Archdall's Monasticon, p. 266), possessed the rectory of the collegiate church, "jure quo nescitur." But the origin of the right has since been ascertained, and will be found in the following passage in our author's Ogygia. "Inter excerpta R. P. Francisci Brown Capucini è vetustis Patriæ indefatigabili curâ undequaque quæsitis membranis è scripto quodam poenè vetustate exeso reperio Comitem de Muntir-moroghow cum consensu Caroli Regis Connactiæ dedisse E. D. Abbati, & Conventui de Knockmuy Lismacuan Pagum in Clonferg ... (f) Testibus præsentibus Carolo Rege Connactiæ, E. D. filio ejus, C. Archiepiscopo Tuamensi, H. Episcopo Anaghdunensi, L. Elfinensi, D. Comite Magluirg, F. O. Flanegagn, D. Maccoiraghty,


Maccoiraghty, & T. Cormacain cantore.-(f.) Clanfergaile regiuncula 24 Pagorum, in qua nunc Galvia."—Ogyg. p. 30.


Dispensacio pro Nicholao Blake et Sescilia uxore ejus.
"A. D. 1556.

"Universis sancte matris ecclesie filiis ad quos presentes pervenerint: Cristophorus, miseracione divina et Apostolice sedis gratia, Tuamensis archiepiscopus, Salutem in Domino sempiternam: Cum dilecti nobis in Christo Nicholaus Johannis Blak et Sescilia Lynche, layci dicte nostre diocesis, non obstante quod in pari quarto equali totidem dispari consanguinitatis gradibus attingunt, matrimonium in facie ecclesie, tempore preteriti scismatis contraxerunt, illudque carnaliter consumarunt, et prolem inde procreaverunt, unde nobis humiliter supplicarunt ut impossita eis penitencia salutari pro incestu jam comisso, et in eodem contracto matrimonio amplius legittime remanere valerent, prolem susceptam et suscipiendam legittimam decernendo: auctoritate sedis Apostolice cum eis benigne dispensare dignaremur: Cum enim summus pontifex Paulus quartus Reginaldo, miseracione divina, sancte Marie in Cosmedin sancte Romane ecclesie prespitero cardinali, ac in regnis Anglie et Hibernie de latere legato, concessit ut cum talibus in eisdem regnis dispensare valeret: necnon etiam potestatem subdelegandi aliis prelatis in suis diocesibus eidem cardinali comisit. Cum enim nos eandem potestatem ab eodem cardinali in nostris diocesibus accepimus, cum prefatis Nicholao et Sescilia eadem auctoritate qua fungimur in hac parte dispensamus, et dispensatum esse declaramus per presentes, ut illis expressis impedimentis non obstantibus legittime amplius remanere valeant impossita eis penitentia salutari pro modo culpe, prolem susceptam et suscipiendam legittimam decernendo. Datum sub nostri sigilli testimonio, die Martii secundo, anno 1556.


"M. propria."-Orig.

Confirmacion by Richard Blake, of his Auncestors Gifts to the Colledge.

"A. D. 1558.

"Mem. that whereas the warden and corall viccaries of Galway apiered before and in presence of the maior and councill of Galway, and alledgeth how that on Richard Blake of the sam bourgees, do the ussurpp and detainethe from them, certain yerly rents due unto them, upon certain lands and tenements legated to them be the sept of Blakes, to say, William, Cille, Henry, Walter fitz-John yong, and Henry fitzThomas duf Blak, without assent, which rents the said Ric. holdeth wronguffully all theasse xv. yers paste, and therupon broght present, note onely thold donacconn and IRISH ARCH. SOC. 15. 2 H deade

deade of the said Blaks, but also showth fourthe a decrey given in ther ffaivor, concerning the same rents, bearing date at Galway the of January an° r. r. Henrici octavi primo, MDIX. together and an arbitrement made betuxt them and the said Ric. concerning the same mater, bearing date at Galway the day of October an° r. r. H. octa. xxxIIII. [1542] wherein the said Richard, his heirs and assignes, was condempned to pay unto the said wardean, viccaries and to ther successoures, the wholl quantitie and somes mencioned in the said old deade made and delivered by the said Blakes. And considering the sam in every condicon requiereth the mayor and concell aforsaid, not onely to compell the said Richard to restore unto them tharreradgs of theass xv. yers past, but also and as well to compell the said Richard and his heires to seass from hensfourth of his unjuste usurpasson in that behalf. The said Richard therunto answered and said, that altho the said mater to be alwais judgid and arbitird agenst him and against his forfathers, yet he afirmeth that in the sam arbitrement it was adwardid to him, to have suche pledge as the said wardian and vicarres had of him; and said also that he holdeth the sam anuall rents onely for his pledges, and not for any other contradiccon or contempt of his predecessoures donacions. And requiereth to have his said pledge, and, having the sam, he is content to confirm his forfather's graunts, graunted to the said colladge, as well of him during his naturall lyf, as also of and from his heirs and assigns for evermor. So the said wardian and viccariis consultid together, and be conssent of the mayor and consaill aforsaid, in awoyding fourther chardges or demaunds to ensue in that behalf, therfor imediately, the wardian and vicariis delivered unto thands of the said Blak, wholl payment and ffull satissfaccion in all his demaunds, to his owen deassir and full contentacon. And lyckwiss the said Richard, and his sonn and principall heir, John Blak, tendering the benediccon of ther predeccessours, and also fearing the mallediccon and cours of ther said forfathers, which at ther wills might make ther franck almes (ad pias causas) and to thentent, that the said Richard and John, ther heirs and assigns, may be nombered amongest that rest of ther said predecessours, and to thagumenctacon of God's divin servic, quotidially ussid in the said churche be the said wardian, viccariis and ther successours for ever mor. Ther for we the said Richard and John, of or owen voluntary wills, for and in the honor of God, do hierby theass presents confirm, not onely all and singler our said forther's graunts, donacons and gifts, given to the said wardian and viccariis, and to ther successours, in ther owen kynnds and in every condiccon, as in thold donaccons maketh mencon, within and without Galway, as the divicon is made, and as it is written be partialls in the said colladgs bowke; but also and as well we do giv and graunt unto the said wardian and viccariis, and to their successours, all and singuler the said rents, as fower marks sterling

sterling yerly within and without Galway, upon the veray sam lands and tenements as mak mencon in the said colladge is bowke, any clames, titells, challandgs or rights that we have had, or that hierafter our heirs or assignis might have hadd, or of right ogt to have in any the said yerly rents, to the contrary notwithstanding. And lyck as our said predeccessours willed and comaunded us to obey and perform ther wills, upon payn of ther mallediccon or curs, lyckwiss we do chardge and comaund all or heirs, successours and assignis, into whoss hands any parte or parcells of the said lands or tenements cometh, to obey and performe this our donacon, ffrom tyme to tym, and pay the said anuall rents as in the said colladg bouk menconed, and this upon payn of our curss and mallediccons. Alwais requiering thordinary for the time beinge, to causs the sam to be observed, and lick wiss comaunding the maior for the tyme being to se the same put in execucon accordingly, upon payn menconed in the said old donacons. To have and to hold the said yerly rents perpetually for evermore, to the said wardian, vicariis and to ther successours, of and from us our heirs, executours and assignis for evermor be theass presents. In witnes hierof, we not only confirmid the said arbitrement with our hands, but also and for the more assuraunc set hierunto our signis and sealls, and willid the notary to writ and sign the sam, at Galway the third day of Marche, annis r. r. Phi. et Marie quarto et quincto, MDLVIIIo. Being present, the Reverend father in God Cristopher archebusopp of Tuamencis, Mr. Jamy Linch fitz-Ric. maior, Ric. and Walter Linch bailivis, Jamy Kyrevan and David Kyrewan proctouris of the said churche, Thomas Martin Johnneg and Nichas Linch fitz-Stephen, Thomas and Nichas Blak, and Thomas Colman Notary, and other divers. -per me, Richard Blake fyz-Sefre-per my, John Blake fyz-Rychard.”—Orig.

"Order touching Srowher, etc.
"A. D. 1569.

"By the L. Presydent and Counsell of Connaghte.

"Where as complaint hath bene made unto us by the Warden and Collegiatts of St. Nycholas churche of Galway, that John Boorke, nowe Cheryfe of Connaght, and Walter and Willm. Boourke fitz John fitz Meyller wrongfully dispossessed them of the profitts and fruicts of the vicaradges of Srowher, Skryne in Tome, and Kenlagh (parcell of the lyvinge united unto their sayd colledge), pretending title there unto in the right and behalf of Sir John mc Willm prest, Dermot O Rowan and John O Doroghe: against whome the sayd Warden and collegiats produced an order before us, in the deffence of their title, passed and geven by Sir Thomas Cusak and others her Matt comyssioners; whereby it dose appeare that the sayd John mo Willm, Dermot O Rowane and John O Doroghe had not any lawfull title or intereste, in or to the 2 H 2 said

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