| Alexander Pope - 1736 - 64 Seiten
...Parnajfian Laurels yeild, Or reap'd in- Iron Harvefts of the Field ? Where grows— where grows knot?— If vain our Toil, We ought to blame the Culture, not the Soil : Fix'd to no Spot is Happinefs fincere ; i 5 'Tis no where to be found, or ev'ry where; 'Tis... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1751 - 370 Seiten
...Parnaflian lawrels yield, Or reap'd in iron hafvefls of the field ? "Where grows ? — where grows it not ? If vain our toil, We ought to blame the culture,...not the foil : Fix'd to no fpot is Happinefs fmcere, 15 'Tis no where to be found, or ev'ry where j *Tis never to be bought, but always free, And fled from... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1751 - 272 Seiten
...wreaths Parnaflian lawrels yield, Or reap'd in iron harvefts of the field ? Where grows ? — where grows it not ? If vain our toil, We ought to blame the culture, not the foil : Fix'd to no fpot is Happinefs fincere, 15 'Tis no where to be found, or ev'ry where ; 'Tis never to be bought, but always free, And... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1751 - 274 Seiten
...Parnaflian lawrels yield, Or reap'd in iron harvefts of the field ? W here grows ? — where grows it not ? If vain our toil, We ought to blame the culture, not the foil : Fix'd to no fppt is Happinefs fincere, 15 'Tis no where to be found, or ev'ry where ; 'Tis never to be bought,... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1752 - 376 Seiten
...wreaths Parnaflian lawrels yield, Or reap'd in iron harvefts of the field ? Where grows? — where grows it not? If vain our toil, We ought to blame the culture, not the foil : Fix'd to no fpot is happinefs fincere, 1 5 'Tis no where to be found, or ev'ry where : 'Tis never to be bought, but always free,... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1757 - 234 Seiten
...wreaths Parnaflian lawrels yield, Or reap'd in iron harvefts of the field ? Wliere grows ? where grows it not ? If vain our toil, We ought to blame the culture, not the foil : Fix'd to no fpot is happinefs fincere, 15 Tis no where to be found, or ev'ry where : Tis never to be bought, but always free, And... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1760 - 402 Seiten
...lawrels yield, Or reap'd in iron harvefls of the field ? Where grows ? — where grows it not ? If vairt our toil, We ought to blame the culture, not the foil : Fix'd to no fpot is happinefs fmcere, I $ Tis no where to be found, or ev'ry where : 'Tis never to be bought, but always free, And fled from... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1762 - 160 Seiten
...wreaths ParnaJJian laurels yield , Or reap'd in iron harvefls of the field? Where grows — where grows it not ? If vain our toil , We ought to blame the...not the foil: Fix'd to no fpot is happinefs fmcere ¡ i J 'Tz'i no where to be found, or ev'ry where; 'Tis never to be bought, but always free , And fled... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1762 - 370 Seiten
...wreaths Parnaflian lawrels yield, Or reap'd in iron harvefts of the field? Where grows? — where grows it not ? If vain our toil, We ought to blame the culture, not the foil: Fix'd to no fpot is happinefs fincere, ic Tis no where to be found, or ev'ry where: Tis never to be bought, but always free, And... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1763 - 150 Seiten
...wreaths Parnaffian laurels yield, Or reap'd in iron harvefts of the field ? Where grows? — where grows it not? If vain our toil, We ought to blame the culture, not the foil : Fix'd to no fpot is happinefs fincere, 15 'Tis no where to be found, or ev'ry where : 'Tk never to be bought, but always free, And... | |
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