| Alexander Pope - 1733 - 26 Seiten
...See ! fome fit Paffion ev'ry Age fupply, Hope travels-thro', nor quits us when we die. . 'Till then, ^Opinion gilds with varying rays Thofe painted Clouds...of Happinefs by Hope fupply'd, And each Vacuity of Senfe by Pride. Thefe build up all that Knowledge can deftroy ; In Folly's Cup {till laughs the Bubble,... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1736 - 64 Seiten
...fome fit PaJJion ev'ry Age fupply, Hope travels through, nor quits us when we die. 260 'Till then, Opinion gilds with varying Rays Thofe painted Clouds that beautify our Days ; Each Want 0"f Happinefs by Hope fupply'd, And each Vacuity of Senfe by Pride. Thefe build up all that Knowledge... | |
| William Warburton - 1742 - 220 Seiten
...this is his third general Divifion: h Commentaire, p. 206. H2 — Of in: on ioo ^COMMENTARY on — Opinion gilds with varying Rays Thofe painted Clouds...of Happinefs by Hope fupply'd, And each Vacuity of Senfe by Pride. Thefe build as faft as Knowledge can deftroy : In Folly's Cup ftill laughs the Bubble... | |
| William Ayre, Edmund Curll - 1745 - 426 Seiten
...more innocent of thofe Detefions which he fpeaks of in the fecond Epiftle, where he fays: 'Till then, Opinion gilds with varying Rays Thofe painted Clouds, that beautify our Days, &c. L. 265. Having thus prov'd how empty and unfatisfa&ory . all thefe greateft external Goods, are,... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1751 - 272 Seiten
...And beads and pray'r-books are the toys of age : Pleas'd with this bauble ftill, as that before ; 281 'Till tir'd he fleeps, and Life's poor play is o'er....days ; , Each want of happinefs by Hope fupply'd, 285 And each vacuity of fenfe by Pride : NOTEs. VER. 280. And beads | tuity of fenfe by Pride : ] and... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1751 - 274 Seiten
...And beads and pray'r-books are the toys of age : Pleas'd with this bauble ftill, as that before ; 281 'Till tir'd he fleeps, and Life's poor play is o'er....our days ; Each want of happinefs by Hope fupply'd, 285 And each vacuity of fenfe by Pride : NOTEs. VER. 280. And beads and pray1 'r-baoks are the toys... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1751 - 370 Seiten
...to make the real miferies of life lefs infupportable : And this is his third general divifion : — Opinion gilds -with varying rays Thofe painted clouds that beautify our days, &c. One profpe£t loft, another J}ill we gain ; • And not a vanity is giv'n in vain. Which muft needs... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1752 - 376 Seiten
...with which he Jet out. Ep. II. ESSAY ON MAN. tfi Pleas'd with this bauble ftill, as that before; 28 1 Till tir'd he fleeps, and Life's poor play is o'er....varying rays Thofe painted clouds that beautify our daysj Each want of happinefs by Hope fupply'd, 285 And each vacuity of fenfe by Pride : Thefe build... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1754 - 236 Seiten
...when he publifted his laft Edition of the Efiay, he referved the lines above for fome following one. Mean-while Opinion gilds with varying rays Thofe painted clouds that beautify our days j Each want of happinefs by Hope fupply'd, 285 And each vacuity of fenfe by Pride : Thefe build as... | |
| Alexander Pope - 1757 - 234 Seiten
...his riper ftage, And beads and pray'r books are the toys of age: 280 Pleas'd with this bauble ftill, as that before ; 'Till tir'd he fleeps, and Life's...with varying rays Thofe painted clouds that beautify pur days ; Each want of happinefs by Hppe fupply'd, 385 And each vacuity of fenfe by Pride : cf another,... | |
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