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" Pursues that chain which links th' immense design, Joins Heaven and Earth, and mortal and divine ; Sees, that no being any bliss can know, But touches some above, and some below ; Learns from this union of the rising whole The first, last purpose of the... "
Roach's Beauties of the Modern Poets of Great Britain: Carefully Selected ... - Seite 50
von James Roach - 1793 - 240 Seiten
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An essay on man [by A. Pope]. With some humourous verses on the death of ...

Alexander Pope - 1736 - 64 Seiten
...• Learns, from this Union of the rifmg li'hale^ Tfce firft, laft Purpofe of the human Soul ; And And knows where Faith, Law, Morals, all began, All end in LOvE of, GOD, and LOvE of MAN. 330 For him alone, H.->pe leads from Gole to Gole, And open., ftill, and opens on his Soul, Till lengthened...
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An Examination of Mr. Pope's Essay on Man: Tr. from the French of M. Crousaz ...

Jean-Pierre de Crousaz - 1739 - 248 Seiten
...327, From the Union of the rijing Ifliole,, ffh'e fir/1, loft Purpofe of the human Soul, — TFhcre Faith, Law, Morals all began, All end in Love of God, and Love of Man, 'Tis in vain that Mr Pope adds, that, asfoon as a Perfon is enter'd into this Syftem For him alone,...
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Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Alexander Pope, Esq, Band 2

William Ayre, Edmund Curll - 1745 - 426 Seiten
...below ; * * Learns, from this Union of the riling Wbolet* The firft laft Purpofe of the human Soul ; And knows where Faith, Law, Morals, all began, All end, in Love of God, and Love of Man. And now having mentioned the Love of God, he makes Ufe of this Occ^fion to make Profeffion of his Faith...
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Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Alexander Pope, Esq;: Faithfully ..., Band 2

William Ayre, Edmund Curll - 1745 - 432 Seiten
...below ; Learns, from this Union of the rifina; Jf^hile^ The firft laft Purpofe of the human "SoQl ; And knows where Faith, Law, Morals, all began, All end, in Love of Godt and Love ef Man. And now having mentipn'd the Love of God, he makes Ufe of this .Occafion to make...
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The Works of Alexander Pope Esq, Band 3

Alexander Pope - 1751 - 274 Seiten
...touches fome above, and fome below ; Learns, from this union of the rifing Whole, The firft, laft purpofe of the human foul ; And knows where Faith, Law, Morals, all began, All end, inLovE OF GOD, and LOVE OF MAN. 340 For him alone, Hope leads from goal to goal, And opens ftill, and...
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The Works of Alexander Pope, Esq: Moral essays

Alexander Pope - 1752 - 376 Seiten
...Ji.2«, wkhKAToec otly for iu* ii -jFiustt j* £tc-*«s be p-iice^. VCL.QL id i54 ESSAY ON MAN. Ep.IV. For him alone, Hope leads from goal to goal, And opens flill, and opens on his foul ; Till lengthen'don to FAITH, and unconfin'd, It pours the blifs that fills up all the mind. COMMENT ARY....
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The Works of Alexander Pope: Moral essays

Alexander Pope - 1757 - 234 Seiten
...touches fome above, and fome below ; Learns, from this union of the rifmg Whole, The firft, laft purpofe of the human foul ; And knows where Faith, Law, Morals, all began, All end, in LOVE OF Goo, and LOVE or MAN. 340 For him alone, Hope leads from goal to goal, And opens ftill, and opens on...
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The Works of Alexander Pope, Esq: In Nine Volumes Complete, with His ..., Band 3

Alexander Pope - 1760 - 402 Seiten
...touches fome above, and forae below j Learns from this union of the riling Whole, The firft, laft purpofe of the human foul; And knows where Faith, Law, Morals,...and LOVE OF MAN. For him alone, Hope leads from goal togoaj, 341 And opens flill, and opens on his foul ; COMMENTARY. VER. 329. Tel peer with fortune, fcfr.]...
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Essai sur l'homme: poëme philosophique par Alexandre Pope, en cinq langues ...

Alexander Pope - 1762 - 370 Seiten
...below; Learns , from this union of the rifing Whole , The firft , laft purpofe of the human foul; 34» And knows where Faith, Law, Morals, all began, All...him alone, Hope leads from goal to goal, And opens ftill, and opens on his foul; 'Till lengthen'd on to FAITH, and unconfin'd, 345 It pours the blifs...
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Essai sur l'homme

Alexander Pope - 1762 - 160 Seiten
...touches fome above, and jome below; Learns, from this union of the rißng Whole, *fheßrß, laßpurpofe of the human foul¡ And knows, where Faith, Law, Morals all began, All end, in LOVE of GOD and LOVE O/MAN. iiifenfible fait eclater dans fes faulTes joyes , font beaucoup moins agre'ables que les pleurs...
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