thing that encourages virtue, or difheartens vice, let it intercede for pardon of my many defects and errors.
THAT your reign may be as pious as it is glorious, and give pofterity as many inftances of exemplary virtue and religion as it will of eminent talents, and extraordinary capacities; that it may not only fhine in hiftory, and be great in the annals of the earth, but also be fet down in the obfervation of angels, and with diftinguished characters be written in the book of life, to give joy at the Great Day is the conflant prayer of him who is, as moft particularly obliged to be,
Your Majefty's most humble,
And most obedient Subject,
Ipfe pater media nimborum in nolle, corufca Fulmina molitur dextra; quo maxima motu Terra tremit, fugere fera, et mortalia corda Per gentes, humilis ftravit pavor.
THILE others fing the fortune of the great; Empire and arms, and all the pomp of state; With Britain's hero fet their fouls on fire, And grow immortal as his deeds afpire;
I draw a deeper fcene: a fcene that yields A louder trumpet, and more dreadful fields;
The world alarm'd, both earth and heav'n o'erthrown, And gafping nature's laft tremendous groan Death's ancient fceptre broke, the teeming tomb, The righteous judge, and man's eternal doom. 'Twixt joy and pain I view the bold defign, And afk my anxious heart, if it be mine.
The Duke of Marlborough..
Whatever great or dreadful has been done, Within the fight of conscious stars or fun, Is far beneath my daring: I look down On all the fplendors of the British crown! This globe is for my verse a narrow bound; Attend me all ye glorious worlds around! O! all ye Angels, how foe'er disjoin'd, Of ev'ry various order, place, and kind, Hear and aflift a feeble mortal's lays, 'Tis your Eternal King I ftrive to praife,
But chiefly thou, Great Ruler! Lord of all! Before whofe throne arch-angels proftrate fall; If at thy nod, from difcord, and from night Sprang Beauty, and yon fparkling worlds of light, Exalt e'en me all inward tumults quell; The clouds and darknefs of my mind dispell ; To my great fubject thou my breaft infpire, And raife my labouring foul with equal fire.
Man bear thy brow aloft, view ev'ry grace In God's great offspring, beauteous nature's face: See fpring's gay bloom; fee golden autumn's flore; See how earth fmiles, and hear old ocean roar. Leviathians but heaves their cambrous mail, It makes a tide, and wind-bound navies fail. Here, forefts rife, the mountain's awful price; Here, rivers meafure climes, and worlds divide There, vallies fraught with gold's refplendent feeds, Hold kings, and kingdoms fortunes in their beds:
There, to the fkies, afpiring hills afcend, And into diftant lands their fhades extend. View cities, armies, fleets; of fleets the pride, See Europe's law, in Albion's channel ride. View the whole earth's vaft landfkip unconfin'd, Or view in Britain all her glories join'd.
Then let the firmament thy wonder raise ; 'Twill raife thy wonder, but tranfcend thy praife, How far from eaft to weft ? the lab'ring eye Can fcarce the diftant azure bounds defcry: Wide theatre; where tempefts play at large, And God's right hand can all its wraths discharge. Mark how these radiant lamps inflame the pole, Call forth the feafons, and the year controul: They fhine thro' time, with an unalter'd ray : See this grand period rife, and that decay: So vaft, this world's a grain; yet myriads grace With golden pomp the throng'd ethereal space; So bright, with fuch a wealth of glory flor'd 'Twere fin in heathens not to have ador'd.
How great, how firm, how facred all appears! How worthy an immortal round of years! Yet all must drop, as autumn's ficklieft grain, And earth and firmament be fought in vain : The track forgot where conflellations fhone, Or where the Stuarts fill'd an awful throne : Time fhall be flain, all nature be deftroy'd, Nor leave an atom in the mighty void.
Sooner or latter, in fome future date, (A dreadful fecret in the book of fate!)
This hour, for aught all human wisdom knows, Or when ten thousand harvefts more have rofe; When scenes are chang'd on this revolving earth, Old empires fall, and give new empires birth. While other Bourbons rule in other lands, And (ifman's fin forbids not) other Annes ; While the ftill busy world is treading o'er The paths they trod five thousand years before, Thoughtless as those who now life's mazes run, Of earth diffolv'd or an extinguifh'd fun.
(Ye fublunary worlds, awake, awake! Ye rulers of the nations, hear and shake!) Thick clouds of darkness fhall arife on day; In fudden night all earth's dominions lay; Impetuous winds the scatter'd forests rend ; Eternal mountains, like their cedars, bend; The valleys yawn, the troubled ocean roar, And break the bondage of his wonted shore A fanguine ftain the filver moon o'er-spread ; Darkness the circle of the fun invade ;
From inmost heav'n inceffant thunders roll And the firong echo bound from pole to pole.
When lo! a mighty trump, one half conceal'd
clouds, one half to mortal-eye reveal'd,
all pour a dreadful note: the piercing call, all rattle in the centre of the ball;
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