The stranger lost in transport stood, While she with equal wonder view'd he Act directs, by JRoach Rue Court, oppofile the Pitt door of New drug As o'er the barren rock she tean'd, LONDON Rann printed by & for JRoach Russell Court, oppofite the Pitt door of New Drury 1) Price 6,4. SIR, то DAVID GARRICK, Esq. is fcarcely poffible that any one fhould entertain a IT is more humble opinion of the following little Production, than fhe who prefents it to you. It is a trifle which, fhe confeffes, has but a very flender claim to your protection; but fhe confiders that your name will be an ornament to her book, as your friendship has been an honour to its author. Where merit is inconteftible, and characters are decided by the concurring fuffrage of mankind, praife becomes almost impertinent. It is abfurd to be induftrious in proving truths fo felf-evident, that no one ever thought of controverting them. I may be accufed of advancing a flartling propofition, when I declare that you are an enemy to the Mufes; but if it be allowed that defcription and invention are the very. foul of Poetry I fhall be juftified by the world in general, who conflantly behold you difplaying talents which cannot be described, and exhibiting excellencies which leave nothing to be imagined. Vol. II. 7. A Whatever |