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drink than a bottle of bad rum, the water upon which we rowed being salt. In the evening I went to bed with a very violent fever I had somewhere read that cold water, drank plentifully, was a remedy in such cases. I followed the prescription, was in a profuse sweat for the greater part of the night, and the fever left me. The next day I crossed the river in a ferryboat, and continued my journey on foot I had fifty miles to walk. in order to reach Burlington, where I was told I should find passage-boats that would convey me to Philadelphia. It rained hard the whole dav so that I was wet to the skin Finding myself fatigued about noon, I stopped at a paltry inn, where I passed the rest of the day and the whole night, beginning to regret that I had quitted my home. I made besides so wretched a figure, that I was suspected to be some runaway servant This I discovered by the questions that were asked me, and I felt that I was every moment in danger of being taken up as such. The next day, however, I continued my journey, and arrived in the evening at an inn, eight or ten miles from Burlington, that was kept by one Dr. Brown.

This man entered into conversation with me while I took some refreshment, and perceiving that I had read a little, he expressed towards me considerable interest and friendship Our acquaintance continued during the remainder of his life I believe him to have been what is called an itinerant doctor; for there was no town in England or indeed in Europe, of which he could not give a particular account. He was neither deficient in understanding or literature, but he was a sad infidel; and, some vears after, wickedly undertook to travesty the Bible, in burlesque verse, as Cotton travestied Virgil He exhibited, by this means, many facts in a very ludicrous point of view, which would have given umbrage to weak minds, had the work been published, which it never was.

I spent the night at his house, and reached Burling. ton, the next morning. On my arrival. I had the mortification to learn that the ordinary passage-boats bad sailed a little before This was on a Saturday, and there would be no other boat till the Tuesday follow. ing. I returned to the house of an old woman in the


town, who had sold me some gingerbread to eat on my passage, and I asked her advice. She invited me to take up my abode with her till an opportunity offered for me to embark. Fatigued with having travelled so far on foot, I accepted her invitation. When she understood that I was a printer, she would have persuaded me to stay at Burlington, and set up my trade; but she was little aware of the capital that would be necessary for such a purpose! I was treated while at her house with true hospitality. She gave me, with the utmost good-will, a dinner of beef-steaks and would accept of nothing in return but a pint of ale.

Here I imagined myself to be fixed till the Tuesday in the ensuing week; but, walking out in the evening by the river side. I saw a boat with a number of persons in it approach. It was going to Philadelphia, and the company took me in. A's there was no wind, we could only make way with our oars. About midnight, not perceiving the town, some of the company were of opinion that we must have passed it, and were unwilling to row any farther; the rest not know.. ing where we were, it was resolved that we should stop. We drew towards the shore, entered a creek, and landed near some old palisades, which served us for firewood, it being a cold night in October Here we stayed till day, when one of the company found the place in which we were to be Cooper's Creek, a little above Philadelphia; which, in reality, we perceived the moment we were out of the creek. We arrived on Sunday about eight or nine o'clock in the morning, and landed on Market-street wharf.

I have entered into the particulars of my voyage, and shall, in like manner, describe my first entrance into this city, that you may compare beginnings so little auspicious, with the figure I have since made.

On my arrival at Philadelphia I was in my working dress, my best clothes being to come by sea. I was covered with dirt; my pockets were fil'ed with shirts and stockings; I was unacquainted with a single soul in the place, and knew not where to look for a lodging. Fatigued with walking, rowing and having passed the night without sleep, I was extremely hungry. and all my money consisted of a Dutch dollar, and about a shilling's worth of coppers, which I gave to the boatmen for my passage. As I had assisted them in rowing, they refused it at first; but I insisted on their taking it A man is sometimes more generous when he has little, than when he has much money; probably because, in the first case, he is desirous of concealing his poverty.

I walked towards the top of the street, looking eagerly on both sides, till I came to Market-street, where I met with a child with a loaf of bread. Often had I made my dinner on dry bread. I inquired where he had bought it, and went straight to the baker's shop which he pointed out to me. I asked for some biscuits, expecting to find such as we had at Boston; but they made, it seems, none of that sort at Philadelphia. I then asked for a three-penny loaf. They made no loaves of that price. Finding myself ignorant of the prices, as well as of the different kinds of bread, I desired him to let me have three-pennyworth of bread of some kind or other. He gave me three large rolls. I was surprised at receiving so much: I took them. however, and having no room in my pockets, I walked on with a roll under each arm, eating the third. In this manner I went through Market-street to Fourth-street, and passed the house of Mr. Read, the father of my future wife. She was standing at the door, observed me, and thought with reason, that I made a very singular and grotesque appearance.

I then turned the corner, and went through Chesnut-street, eating my roll all the way; and having made this round. I found myself again on Marketstreet wharf, near the boat in which I arrived. I stepped into it to take a draught of the river water; and, finding myself satisfied with the first roll, I gave the other two to a woman and her child, who had come down the river with us in the boat, and was waiting to continue her journey. Thus refreshed, I regained the street, which was now full of well-dressed people, all going the same way. I joined them, and was thus led to a large Quaker meeting-house, near the market-place. I sat down with the rest, and. after tooking round me for some time, hearing nothing said,


and being drowsy from my last night's labour and want of rest, I fell into a sound sleep. In this state I continued till the assembly dispersed, when one of the congregation had the goodness to wake me. This was consequently the first house I entered, or in which I slept in Philadelphia.


I began again to walk along the street by the riverside; and, looking attentively in the face of every one I met with, I at length perceived a young quaker whose countenance pleased me. I accosted him, and begged him to inform me where a stranger might find alodging. We were then near the sign of the Three Mariners. They receive travellers here, said he, but it is not a house that bears a good character: if you will go with me, I will show you a better one conducted me to the Crooked Billet, in Water-street. There I ordered something for dinner, and, during my meal, a number of curious questions were put to me; my youth and appearance exciting the suspicion of my being a runaway. After dinner my drowsiness returned, and I threw myself upon a bed without taking off my clothes, and slept till six o'elock in the evening, when I was called to supper. I afterwards went to bed at a very early hour, and did not awake till the next morning.

As soon as I got up 1 put myself in as decent a trim as I could, and went to the house of Andrew Bradford, the printer. found his father in the shop, whom I had seen at New-York. Having travelled on horseback. he had arrived at Philadelphia before me. He introduced me to his son, who received me with civility, and gave me some breakfast but told me he had no occasion at present for a journeyman, having lately procured one. He added, that there was another printer newly settled in the town, of the name of Kei mer, who might perhaps employ me, and that in case of refusal, I should be welcome to lodge at his house, and he would give me a little work now and then, till something better should offer.

The old man offered to introduce me to the new printer. When we were at his house, "Neighbour," said he, "I bring you a young man in the printing bu siness; perhaps you may have need of his services."

Keimer asked me some questions, put a composingstick in my hand, to see how I could work, and then said, that at present he had nothing for me to do, but that he should soon be able to employ me. At the same time, taking old Bradford for an inhabitant of the town, well disposed towards him, he communicated his project to him, and the prospect he had of success. Bradford was careful not to discover that he was father of the other printer; and from what Keimer had said, that he hoped shortly to be in possession of the greater part of the business of the town, led him, by artful questions, and by starting some difficulties, to disclose all his views. what his hopes were founded upon, and how he intended to proceed. I was present, and heard it all. I instantly saw that one of the two was a cunning old fox. and the other a perfect novice. Bradford left me with Keimer, who was strangely surprised when I informed him who the old man was.

I found Keimer's printing materials to consist of an old damaged press, and a small fount of worn out English letters, with which he himself was at work upon an elegy on Aquila Rose, whom I have mentioned above, an ingenious young man, and of an excellent character, highly esteemed in the town. secretary to the assembly. and a very tolerable poet. Keimer also made verses, but they were indifferent ones. He could not be said to write in verse, for his method was to set the lines as they flowed from his mus; and as he worked without copy, had but one set of letter cases, and the elegy would probably occupy all his types, it was impossible for any one to assist him. I endeavoured to put his press in order. which he had not vet used, and of which indeed he understood nothing and, having promised to come and work off his elegy as soon as it should be ready. I returned to the house of Bradford, who gave me some trifle to do for the present, for which I had my board and lodging.

In a few days Keimer sent for me to print off his elegv. He had now procured another set of lettercases, and had a pamphlet to re-print, upon which he et me to work

The two Philadelphia printers appeared destitute

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