Abbildungen der Seite

Third Schol. The devils whom Faustus served have torn

him thus:

For 'twixt the hours of twelve and one methought
I heard him shriek and call aloud for help:


At which self time the house seem'd all on fire,
With dreadful horror of these damnèd fiends.
Sec. Schol. Well, gentlemen, though Faustus' end be such
As every Christian heart laments to think on,
Yet for he was a scholar, once admired

For wondrous knowledge in our German schools,
We'll give his mangled limbs due burial;

And all the students, clothed in mourning black,
Shall wait upon his heavy funeral.

Enter Chorus.


Chor. Cut is the branch that might have grown full


And burnèd is Apollo's laurel-bough,

That sometime grew within this learnèd man.
Faustus is gone: regard his hellish fall,
Whose fiendful fortune may exhort the wise,
Only to wonder at unlawful things,

Whose deepness doth entice such forward wits
To practise more than heavenly power permits.

Terminat hora diem; terminat auctor opus.





ACTEON; an allusion to the story of Acteon changed by Diana into a stag; xii. 132. ADJUNCT, 'every adjunct to the heavens,' i.e. 'every star joined to, belonging to, the heavens'; iii. 11. AGE, old man; xvii. 76. AGRIPPA, an allusion to Cornelius Agrippa, the famous magician; i. 118.

ALBANUS, perhaps a reference to Pietro d'Abano, an Italian physician and alchemist (circa 12501301). According to Mitford, 'Albanus' is an error for 'Albertus,' i.e. the famous scientist and theologian, Albertus Magnus, 'Doctor Universalis'; i. 155.

ALEXANDER, Paris, Priam's son;

vi. 27.

ALLIED, connected by friendship; ii. 38.

ALMAIN, German; i. 126. ANAGRAMMATIZ'D (A, 'and Agramithist'), made into anagrams, i.e. 'conceits arising from the transposition of the letters of a name '; iii. 9.

ANALYTICS (A, 'Anulatikes'), i.e. 'the resolution of reasoning into its elements and general powers'; i. 6. ANTARCTIC, i.e. 'opposed to the

north,' southern; iii. 3. ANTWERP'S BRIDGE, 'the fiery keel at Antwerp's Bridge'; alluding to

the breach made by the famous fire-ship at the siege of Antwerp (cp. Motley's United Netherlands, i.); i. 97.

ARETHUSA, a water-nymph, pursued by Alpheos, the river-god, and changed into a fountain; the rivergod mingled his stream with the fountain (Marlowe's mythology seems incorrect in this instance); xvii. 116.

ARGOSIES (originally 'ragusies,' i.e. vessels of Ragusa), vessels of heavy burden; i. 131.

ARRAS, 'cloth of arras,' i.e. cloth from Arras in Artois,' where it was made; tapestried carpets; vi. 122. ARTIZAN, skilled artist; i. 56. ASSURE, pledge; v. 55. AZURED (B, 'azure'), azure; xvii. 116.

BASILISK, a kind of snake whose gaze was fatal, unless first vanquished by the gaze of its victim; viii. 143.

BEATEN SILK, a special kind of silk, referred to quibblingly: iv. 19. BELIKE, it may be like; i. 44. BENE DISSERERE EST FINIS LOGICES, 'to argue well is the end of logic'; probably quoted from Ramus' Dialectica; i. 7.

BEVERS, refreshments between meals; vi. 149.

BILLS, placards, advertisements, prescriptions; i. 20.

[blocks in formation]

chum; xix. 11. CHARACTERS, magical signs; i. 52. CHE SERA, SERA, i.e. che sarà sara' (Italian proverb), 'What shall be, will be '; i. 48. CIRCLE, encircle; i. 90. COMMENC'd, used technically for 'having proceeded to the full degree' being a doctor of theology;

1. 3. COMPARE, comparison; xvii. 33. CONCEIT, thought, fancy of attaining; i. 79.

CONFERENCE, conversation; i 69. CONFERENCE, 'conference of,' conversation on; Chor. viii. 320. CONFOUNDS, confuses; iii. 63. CONSISTORY, place of assembly; viii.

[blocks in formation]

ale seu mobile, the current scholastic expression for the subject matter of Physics' (Ward); ii. 21. COSMOGRAPHY, the science which 'measures coasts and kingdoms of the earth'; Chor. vii. 59.

COST, 'of free cost,' at no expense; ix. 38.

CONTINENT TO, adjoining, contingent, forming a whole with; iii.


CUNNING, knowledge; Chor. i. 20.

DARDANIA, Troy; xvii. 24. DECRETAL, belonging to the papal decrees; viii. 105.

DELICATES, delicacies; i. 86. DEMOGORGON, one of the chief of the evil spirits, 'master of the fates'; iii. 19. DETERMINED,

'determined with ourselves,' decided, agreed with one another; xvii. 11. DIAMETARILY, diametrically; iv. 80. DIRGE, funeral service; viii. 287. DIs, 'infernal Dis,' i.e. Pluto, hell; xviii. 1.

DOUBLE, 'double cannons,' (?) can

nons with double bore; viii. 42. DRIFT, tendency, intention; xvii. 82.

EMBDEN, Emden, near the mouth of the Ems, formerly an important commercial port; v. 23. EMPYREAL, the empyreal heaven (A, 'imperiall'), i.e. the highest heaven, where the pure element of fire (μTUρos) was supposed to exist; vi. 62. EQUIVALENTS (A, B, 'equivolence '), equal parts; viii. 12.

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ERRING STARS, planets; iii. 12. ETERNIS'D, immortalised; i. 15. EXHÆREDITARE FILIUM, etc., i.e. a father cannot disinherit his son, except,' etc.; i. 31.

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