66 -fay, "Lord, what wilt thou have ME to " do?" Speak, Lord, for thy fervant "heareth." Extract from the scripture the mind of God concerning yourselves individually. Take home the words I have been explaining, read, compare, refolve, reform. Do not ye, husbands, take away the duties of the wife, nor, ye wives, the duties of the husband; but both of you take respectively your own, and fay, "O that my feet were "directed to keep thy ftatutes." "I have "chofen the way of truth, thy judgments "have I laid before me." Through thy 66 precepts I get understanding, therefore I "hate every falfe way." "I have sworn, " and I will perform it, that I will keep thy righteous judgments." 66 Let the young think of this, and let it influence their choice. Let those think of it who are approaching this holy flate. By many it is totally overlooked; and they contract marriages on confiderations purely accidental, or fenfual, or worldly-as if they wished to marry, not to be happy; to gain each other, not to enjoy. Who forms this alliance as a christian; with thofe views and motives the gospel supplies? Who confults God in the undertaking? Who has the banns published in heaven to ascertain what G impediments are pleaded there? Thus perfons are often unfuitably bound together by an engagement which can only be diffolved by death, who comes to release them from one hell, and conduct them into another. But may I not congratulate others? In this important concern, I hope, my BELOVED FRIENDS, YOU have done nothing without asking counsel of the Lord. I trust you have engaged that Saviour who was present at the marriage of Cana in Galilee, to honour your approaching nuptials-May your mutual affections increase with time, and shine bright to all eternity.—I look forward and see you bleffing, and blessed. I fee you "walking in all the commandments " and ordinances of the Lord blameless." I fee 66 your children like olive plants around your table." I see you endeavouring to form them into characters, and to "train "them up in the nurture and admonition of "the Lord." I see you refigning each other with the feelings and hopes of christians."For this I fay," BROTHER, "the time is "fhort: It remaineth therefore that both they that have wives, be as though they "had none; and they that weep, as though 66 66 66 66 they wept not; and they that rejoice, as though they rejoiced not; and they that |