ing as you retire? Can you live according to the dictates of reason, of conscience, and of GOD?-Be principled-be decided—be refolved-be firm. Having formed your views in the divine presence, and feeling all your motives, go forth, and be stedfaft and unmoveable in the execution. There is another inftance in which these pious women exercised confidence-depending on the providence of GOD, staying themselves by faith on his promises, and thus looking forward with a firm unruffled mind towards those trying, painful, perilous events which were expected to befal them. The fcripture, with its ufual tenderness, furnishes the woman with this foothing, tranquillizing hope, in profpect of a season the most anxious-" Notwithstanding she shall be faved in child-birth, if they continue "in faith and charity, and holiness, with fobriety." 66 PART II. MEN AND BRETHREN, you have been hearing my addrefs to the companions of your lives. But I hope you deem instruction equally neceffary for yourfelves. I hope you are not inclined to take advantage of the fubject to abuse your authority or your claims. Be affured they are 66 not unqualified. If the wife is to be governed by you, you are to be governed by reafon and religion. If fhe is to fubmit, you are to honour. If in fome things there is a difference, in others, and those too the most interesting and durable, there is an equality. Likewife, ye HUSBANDS, dwell with them according to knowledge, giving honour unto the wife, as unto the weaker veffel; " and as being heirs together of the grace of "life; that your prayers be not hindered." Observe, my brethren, 1ft, the reprefentation of your duty; and, 2dly, the motives by which it is enforced. 66 66 The representation of your duty comprehends two things. 1. You are to DWELL " with them ACCORDING TO KNOWLEDGE." This intends nothing less than refidence oppofed to abfence and roving. It is abfurd for those who have no prospect of cohabitation to enter this state, and those who are already in it, should not be unnecessarily abroad. Circumftances of various kinds will doubtless render occafional excurfions unavoidable; but let a man return as foon as the design of his absence is accomplished, and let him always travel with the words of Solomon, "As a bird that wandereth from "her neft, fo is a man that wandereth from "his place." Can a man while from home discharge the duties he owes to his household? Can he discipline his children? Can he maintain the worship of GOD in his family? I know it is the duty of the wife to lead the devotion in the absence of the husband; and fhe fhould take it up as a cross, if not for the time as a privilege. Few however are thus disposed, and hence one of the fanctuaries of GOD for weeks and months together is fhut up.-I am forry to say, that there are some husbands who seem fonder of any society than the company of their wives. It appears in the disposal of their leisure hours. How few of these are appropriated to the wife! The evenings are the most domestic periods of the day. To these the wife is peculiarly entitled-she is now most free from her numerous cares, and moft at liberty to enjoy reading and converfation. It is a fad reflection upon a man when he is fond of spending his evenings abroad. It implies fomething bad, and it predicts fomething worse. But though the apostle intends nothing lefs than refidence, he defigns much more. Refidence is required with a view to the performance of all the duties of the state-and is used to express them. In the discharge you of these obligations, the husband is to act according to knowledge" - to " behave" himself" wifely", to regulate all his proceedings by a holy discretion. O ye hufbands, fhew that you are capable of the relation in which you are placed! If you will be the head, remember the head is not only the feat of government, but of knowledge. If will have the management of the ship, see that you do not place a fool at the helm. Shall the blind offer themselves as guides? To enable you to live as a Christian husband, in how many instances will the exercise of an enlightened prudence be found neceffary! By this you are to af certain the temper, the excellencies, the foibles of your affociates. This is to teach you how to accommodate. you when to fee as if hear as if you heard not. how to extinguish the This is to fhew you faw not, and to This is to tell you torch of difcord; how even to prevent the kindling of ftrifewhen to give up, when to recede from a lawful claim for the fake of a greater good. This is to teach you also when you are NOT to yield.-Adam, to indulge the folicitation of his wife, difobeyed the commands of heaven. By the fame foft, feducing inftrumentality, the heart of Solomon was turned afide from "GOD." Their fad examples have been unhappily too often followed. But would the force upon you her antipathies-would she embroil you in all the refentments of caprice, or rivalry-would fhe allure you towards fcenes of diffipation and gaiety-would fhe urge you to extravagance in appearances, drefs, table, furniture— would fhe chill you with fufpicions, and render you lefs generous-the importunity of woman, "lovely woman," is to be in vain. "He that loveth" even-" WIFE more than me, is not worthy of me." 66 2dly. You are to "give HONOUR unto "the wife."-What honour? The honour of-ESTEEM, arifing from a consciousness of her worth, and a knowledge of her importance in the community -in the family-and as to yourselves-by polishing your character, dividing your cares, foothing your forrows, affording you in a peaceful home a refuge from the ftorm, an afylum from the mortifications of an unfriendly world. The honour of ATTACHMENT, peculiar, undivided, unrivalled affection. Nothing should wear it away-nothing should diminish it: no length of time, no discovery of imperfection. Children are parts of your 5 |