Fundamentals of U.S. Foreign Policy

U.S. Department of State, Bureau of Public Affairs, 1988 - 97 Seiten

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Seite 19 - PNET verification concerns have been satisfied and the treaties have been ratified, we would engage immediately in negotiations on ways to Implement a step-bystep parallel program, in association with a program to reduce and ultimately eliminate all nuclear weapons, of limiting and ultimately ending nuclear testing.
Seite 19 - The leaders noted the value of these agreements for developing more effective measures to verify compliance with the provisions of the 1974 Threshold Test Ban Treaty and the 1976 Peaceful Nuclear Explosions Treaty.
Seite 16 - ... two countries also instructed their delegations in Geneva to work out an agreement that would commit the sides to observe the ABM Treaty, as signed in 1972, while conducting their research, development, and testing as required, which are permitted by the ABM Treaty, and not to withdraw from the ABM Treaty, for a specified period of time. Intensive discussions of strategic stability shall begin not later than...
Seite 37 - Administration is committed to achieving a successful conclusion of the Uruguay Round of multilateral trade negotiations, under the auspices of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade.
Seite 16 - The INF treaty is in the security interests of the United States and our allies. The treaty now goes to the Senate for its advice and consent as to ratification.
Seite 19 - Union immediately enter into negotiations on ways to implement a step-by-step program — in association with a program to reduce and ultimately eliminate all nuclear weapons — of limiting and ultimately ending nuclear testing.
Seite 16 - ... observe the ABM Treaty, as signed in 1972, while conducting their research, development, and testing as required, which are permitted by the ABM Treaty, and not to withdraw from the ABM Treaty, for a specified period of time. Intensive discussions of strategic stability shall begin not later than three years before the end of the specified period, after which, in the event the sides have not agreed otherwise, each side will be free to decide its course of action.
Seite 16 - Arms, the leaders of the two countries also instructed their delegations in Geneva to work out an agreement that would commit the sides to observe the ABM Treaty, as signed in 1972, while conducting their research, development, and testing as required, which are permitted by the ABM Treaty, and not to withdraw from the ABM Treaty, for a specified period of time.
Seite 77 - ... country to evade sanctions by finding alternate markets for its exports indicates that it would be futile to impose additional measures that would also be harmful to United States strategic or economic interests. In addition, our sanctions measures have made it more difficult for the United States to persuade the South African Government to act responsibly on human rights issues, to move toward negotiations, and to restrain its behavior in the region. I believe that the imposition of additional...

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