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that is meant by the charity of Chriftians, and philanthropy of heathen philofophers; yet is this man a flave to envy, to refentment, and to spleen; imperious to his family, cruel to his dependents, and quarrelfome to his acquintance; continually lamenting the infults of the world, and the malignity of others, and profeffing that he alone is happy, by the habit of putting favourable conftructions on premeditated affronts, and parrying infults by the guard of good nature; yet do his captioufnefs, his infolence and his pride, expole him to attacks, which his implacable refentments converts to never-ceafing hatred.

Squire Big is confcious that he left the country in which his family had long refided, because the neighbourhood refufed him that refpect, to which neither his rank, fortune, nor understanding, had ever entitled him; yet is he continually boafting of influence which he dare not return to exert, and of importance which he never means to refume; folicitous to imprefs on others a sense of his own confequence, and to convince the world that he is fomebody when at home; while he is confuming with melancholy at his own infignificance, and only exifts to difguife the fatal truth, that he is actually no body any where.

Poor Ned Cramp is a good natured throughtiefs fellow, who has fquandered a way a fmall fortune to make the world think he had a large one; he talks of money in the funds which he has long fold out; and laments the tardinels of tenants whofe rents he long fince affigned to fatisfy his creditors: he is conftantly advifing with his friends how to put out fums on the best security, while he is actually borrowing money at exorbitant intereft: he talks of prudence and œconomy as" things well enough for people in narrow circumflances," but thanks hea ven," he has no need of fuch virtues to fecare the permanency of his happiness:" nor is he induced to impofe on others to fupport a falfe credit, or to indulge extravagance, but to gratify the vain defire of being thought a menied man. Thus does he wafte his days in mifery, that he may be deemed happy, and will end them in poverty, that he may be efteemed affluent.

Doctor D--- has but one topic in all companies: a few minutes converfation will bring round his favourite fubject, and you will foon difcover, that implicit obedience in a wife, and the ftricteft fubordination to her husband, conftitute ali his ideas of domeftic happinefs; his greateft glory feems to arife from the confcioùfnefs that he is abfolute mafter in his own family of this boafied fuperiority his friends can feldom bear witnefs, for he rarely invites them to his koule. Daving dined there lately, I per

ceived his reafon; for during the repaft, while he was conftantly engaged in afferting his authority, his wife was as anxious to difpute it; and the comforts of conviviality were banished by this domeftic contention, which gradually increased till the lady left the table. However, the Doctor triumphed in this victory. I could discover, that he dreaded fhe would return to the combat, and that the suspension of hoftilities would end with my visit.

There can be no fituation, however ele vated, that will enfure continual happiness; nor any so abject, as to be without enjoyment: indeed happiness and mifery feem fo neteffarily united, that they are eqully difperfed through all ranks of fociety; and though we cannot perfuade ourselves we are content or happy, we wish to conceal from others every appearance to the contrary; we derive happiness from being thought to poffefs it, and comfort ourselves in wretchedness, if we can difguife it from others.

I fhall conclude my examples of feeming contentment with a letter from one, who can have little reafon to disguise the fenfe of his melancholy fituation it is from a criminal under fentence of twelve months confinement in a folitary cell of a county prifon he is without friends, without property, without character, and without any neceflary of life, except the fcanty allowance which hard labour procures amidst the horrors of a dungeon; yet he wrote the following letter, and delivered it to the keeper, to be forwarded to a brother at a distance.


"Dear Jack,

"This comes with my kind love, hoping it will find you in good health aud spirits, as it leaves me at this prefent writing, thanks to nobody for it. I live in a pleasent part of the kingdom here, and, only for the diftance between us, not fo much amifs.The people are not over and above sociable, and fo I never mixes with one of 'em.Work is in great plenty here, and provifions coft us nothing. The houfe I live in is newly built, and they fay 'tis one of the best of the fort in all England; for they can make up better than forty feparate bed-rooms every night. I was forry to hear poor Bob was catched-out last affizes; but no matter for that, they say Botany Bay is a rare country, and worth while to go on purpose to fee, for 'tis quite another world. And fo hoping we may all go there one time or other, this concludes me, dear Jack,

Your's till death, FOM FILCH." P. S. Direct to me, at A** Bridewell, where I have fallen into a job of work, that will hold me beft part of next winter.


An Effay on English Poetry.

materials of fuc

Elizabeth began to reign in 1558.

Epic Poets.-Spencer, Milton, Davenant,
Philofophical and Metaphyfical.-Sir John

WHILE the accumulate have been requi- Davis, hin, Fletcher, Giles Fletcher,

fite for the completion of other arts, many of which, indeed, ftill remain imperfect and progreffive, poely with a'certain preternatural eccentricity, has diftinguifhed herself by arriving at a degree of comparative perfecti❤ on, with lefs gradual and adventitious affif


Though ages have elapfed fince the birth of Homer, we fill gaze at him with undiminifhed curiosity, till our eyes grow dim with admiration; yet this bard, who has stood the fcrutiny of Greece and of Rome, and the trying teft of three thousand years, had no preexifting models of confequence to look up to; the literary profpects of his day were barren, uncultivated and difheartening. Criticism, as it was a fubfequent production to his works, and in great meafure originally derived from them, had no fhare in advancing him to immortality, by forming his tafte, correcting his fancy, or improving his judgment. Shakfpeare, whofe name will fuffer little in being mentioned after him, when, to read and write, was an accomplishment, untutored by learning (for thofe "fcanty fparks of it that faintly glimmered on his eyes through the medium of tranflation, are hardly to be confidered as fuch) deftitute of the advantages of birth, without rules, and without examples, carried dramatic poetry to a height that has hitherto baffled imitations, and feems likely to defcend to future times without a rival.

The original rectitude of fome men's minds, is fuch as to ferve them in place both of rules and examples; and though genius thus unaíñfed, feldom, in any department of science, produces a perfect model, yet it is always its pride, and not unfrequently its lot, to rife in proportion to the deficiency of its refources, and bear up without them in fuch a manner as to give an appearance of their being unnecellary. If we feriously and impartially examine the cluster of poetical names that fhone, and were concentered in the face of ninety-one years, from the acceffion of Elizabeth, inclufively, to the rei toration of Charles the II and compare them with thofe who have respectively flourished from that time to this, a period of an hundred and thirty-eight years, we fhall find the phalanx of older claffes but little affected by a comparison with the more modern mufter rolls.

The following fcale will tend at one view to illuftrate how large and valuable a portion of literature is compounded in a very narrow period. Many names are omitted of no particular import, individually or collectively considered:

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Amatory and Miscellaneous.-Raleigh, Drummond, Marlow, Cowley, Carew, Corbet, King, Abington, Cartwright, Randolph, Suckling.

Tranflators.-Fairfax, Sandys, Crafhawe. In thus bringing forward the most meritorious and prominent luminaries of a paft age, a natural queftion feems to arife; how happens it that the great parts of poetry fhould fo foon be filled up, and manifeft a degree of excellence, in fome refpects unequalled, and in others unexceeded, by our later writers ? In the following remarks I have endeavoured to affign a true reafon. I cannot but think that there exifts a very close analogy between the intellectual and the bodily powers, and that the ftrength of the one, in its operations, is in a fimilar manner affected with that of the other. The fecondary endeavours of bodily exertion, are feldom proportioned to the ardour of the firft; the labours of the husbandman, are generally found to be most efficacious in the morning, the fultry noon induces laffitude and weakness, and "the night cometh on in which no man worketh. If we turn our eyes to the mind's works in individuals, inftances are fufficiently numerous where its primary effufions remain unequalled by every fucceeding one; like the nature of fome foils, whofe fertility is exhaufted by a fingle harveft, and whofe after-crops do but turn with the rankeft weeds, or the moft fickly flowers. The ftar of Science no fooner appeared in the British hemifphere than, ftruck with the luxury of its beams, the minds of men were fuddenly aroused, and awakened to the moft animated exertions, and the moft daring flights: filent were the legendary oracles of the bard and the minfifel, the dark and long impending clouds of barbarism were difpelled, and inftantly gave way to a clear and a healthy horizon. Add to this, we conftantly find a period in the annals of eve-ry country, at which its people begin to be fenfible of the fhame and the ignominy of ig norance: this no fooner becomes perceived than it is deeply felt; the mind ftimulated by a forcible impulfe, catches the alarm, and haftens at once to renounce its flavery; in the Aruggle and collifion that ensues, the ge



Facts and Obfervations on the African Slave Trade.

nius of the people frequently takes aftonish-
ing ftudies towards perfection. Not fatisfied
with a tardy, gradual, and deliberate reform,
the cause of learning and improvement is
carried far beyond thofe limits that experi.
ence and cooler reafon might have fixed for
its advances. Peter the Great had no fooner
teturned from the infpection of foreign courts,
and the influence of the trafplanted arts had
begun to foften the groffnefs and feverity of
the Ruffian manners, than his court, difguft-
ed at the meannefs of their appearance,
would not content themselves with a mere
reform, nor proceed in the common courfe,
from fqualor to decency, and from thence to
elegance; but refolved to do fomething, and
not knowing where to ftop, they hastily pass-
ed over the happy medium, and affumed at
once an air of tawdry splendor, of aukward
and irregular magnificence, not to be paral-
leled by any nation on the face of the globe.
We may yet farther observe, that the milita-
ry fpirit of the day, in Eliza's reign, being
put upon the ftretch, far beyond its ufual
tone, by the perilous and alarming fituation of
the kingdom, ferved to excite and to diffufe
a general inclination for action, that invigo
rated attempts of every kind, whether lite-
rary or political. The temper of the times
was happily and fingularly disposed for the
reception and cultivation of the claffics, which
then more immediately began to operate with
falutary effects. The manly fpirit of expir-.
ing chivalry lent a romantic grace to the
vailing tafte, which, affociating with the
fantastic incongruities of Italian imagery,
quired nothing but the chastity and good fenfe
of antient learning to add a weight.

Military Anecdote.


THE 'HE great duke of Marlborough once met with an inftance how an inferior may refent the prevaricating injuftice of his fuperior officer; it was as follows: A general officer, had, by length of meritorious fervices, a fair claim to a regiment, and had accordingly the promise of one from the duke. This promife, however, was very long dif regarded. Vacancy after vacancy happened; and on application the general was put off. The fact was, that the duke was fordid e nough, through Sarah his duchess, to fell them as they became vacant; and this general had either not the inclination or the means to fatisfy this commander in chief's rapacity. The anfwer that he generally got was, that unfortunately the regiment for which he applied, was already given away. He therefore refolved to look out for an occafion on which he might be the earliest fuitor. He was not long before he found one. A colonel of a regiment died in the night, and he got information of it from the colonel's valet early in the morning. He went and knocked up the


duke, acquainted him with the vacancy, and
afked him for the appointment.-"How un-
fortunate (said the duke) it is not more than
five minutes ago, I gave away that regiment.”
"You lie! (replied the other emphatically)
you could not know that such a thing was in
"Oh! my
your gift till I informed you."
dear friend, faid the duke (recollecting ho
his baseness had laid him open to the veteran's
chaftifement) you are too warm; what I
faid was merely to try your temper―the re-
giment is your's.

Facts and Obfervations on the African Slave

[By John Matthews, Lieutenant in the Roy-
al Navy.]

THE nations who inhabit the interior


parts of Africa, caft of the SierraLeone, profefs the Mahometan religion, and following the means prefcribed by their prephet, are perpetually at war with the furrounding nations who refufe to embrace their religious doctrinės.

The prifoners made in thofe religious wars, furnish a great part of the flaves which are fold to the Europeans; and would, I have reafon to believe, from the concur ring teftimony of many of the most intelligent natives be put to death, if they had not the means of difpofing of them.

That death would be the fate of their prifoners, the example of the inhabitants of Madagafcar, is fufficient proof; for fince the Portuguese decline dealing with them they put all their prifoners to death.

It is alfo given as a reafon for the abolishing of this traffic, that the diftinction of crimes are multiplied, and every tranfgreffion punished with flavery, in confequence of their intercourfe with the Europeans.

Upon this head I fhall obferve, that the crimes of murder, poifon, witchcraft, adultery, and theft, are always confidered as capital, and have been punished with death or flavery, time immemorial.

That the punishment of death, for the commiffion of thefe crimes, is remitted by their becoming flaves, I believe, in many infances, to be the cafe; yet furely no one would adduce this circumstance as a proof of its inhumanity.

Leffer offences, whether they respect the religious ceremonies, or particular customs of the country, are punished by fine, which if the defendant is not able to pay, he be comes the flave of the plaintiff till redeemed, nor can he be redeemed without the pro fecutor's confent.

From thefe reafons it appears that the abolition of the flave trade would add nothing to the happiness of the Africans. Reflections

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That the world has a governor or a fuperintendant, is juft as evident as that it had a maker. For no perfon does any thing with out fome defign, or without intending to make fome use of it. A telescope is made to be ufed for the better diftinguishing diftant objects, the eye itself for feeing things at a moderate distance from us, and no doubt, men, and the world, for fome end or other. And as the fame Being that made the greatest things, made the fmalleft things alfo, all being parts of the fame fyftem, fome ufe, no doubt, is made of every thing, even what appears to us the most inconfiderable; fo that, as our Saviour observed, a fparrow falls not to the ground without God, and the very hairs of our heads are numbered.' Alfo, as nothing was made, fo nothing can came to pass without the knowledge, the appointment, or permiffion of God.-Something, therefore, is intended by every thing that is made. But in little things a defign is not fo apparent as in greater and more ftrik ing things. Though, therefore, the hand of God be really in every thing that happens, and that is recorded in hiftory, our attention is more forcibly drawn to it in great events, and especially in things which happen in a manner unexpected by us.

How can we help acknowledging the hand of God when we fee great and important events brought about by feemingly trifling and inconfiderable means which feem to have little or no relation to the end; as when our king James and both houfes of parliament were refcued from deftruction, by a letter which a confpirator sent with a view to fave one of the members of the house of lords for whom he had a friendship?

Who would have imagined that the defire which Henry VIII. had to be divorced from his wife, would have brought about the reformation in England? The indifcretion of a Portuguese prieft, who wou'd not give place to one of the king's officers in Japan, and the obflinacy of the Jefuits, in refufing to give up the house which a nobleman had given them, when his fon claimed it back again, occafioned the extirpation of the Roman catholic religion in that country.

But what most of all fhews the hand of Providence, and the weakness and fhortfightedness of men, are great events being brought about contrary to the intention of the perfons who were the chief inftruments of them, and by the very means which were

intended to produce a contrary event. Thus

perfecution has always been the means of promoting the perfecuted religion; infomuck, that it is become a common proverb, that the blood of the martyrs, is the feed of the church.' Thus, likewife, Athens, Lacedæmon, Carthage, Rome, and many other ftates have been ruined by their own fucceffes. Philip II. of Spain, by his intolerable oppreffion, was the caufe of the freedom of the ftates of Holland. Such has often been the confequence of wicked men over-acting their parts. Thus alfo the fenate of Rome was once faved by Catiline's making the fignal for the maffacre too foon. With what fatisfaction may a perfon who has an eye to divine Providence read such a paffage as the following in Machiavel, that Borgia had fo well conducted his measures, that he must have been master of Rome, and of the whole ecclefiaftical state after the death of his father, but that it was impoffible for him to forefee that he himself would be at the point of death at the very time that Alexander his father finished his life. They were both poifoned at an entertainment, by a miftake of the waiter, who ferved them with the wine which was to have taken off their enemies.

It is no uncommon thing, in the hiftory of divine Providence, that persons being known to have abilities fhall have been the means of keeping them in obfcurity, while others have been advanced in confequence of their feeming infignificance. If Auguftus had shown any capacity, as a ftate finan or general, any greatnefs of foul, or any thing in the leaft enterprising, at first, he would probably never have been inafter of the Roman empire. Bat while Cicero, and Antony, in their turns, thought to make a tool of him, they, unknown to themselves, increased his power and influence, at the expence of their own.

In this view it is very amufing, and useful, to consider to what a different purpose, the labour, powers, and works of men, and nations, have been employed from what was originally thought of and intended; as that the Romans, after all their conquefts of other nations, fhould be often governed by favage and tyrannical barbarifns, fuch as Maximin and others; and that that city, the mitrefs of the world, which was built by Romulus, and whofe power was enlarged by fuch men as Camillus, Scipio Africanus, Marius, Sylla, Cæfar, Pompey, and Trajan, fhould now be in fubjection to the Pope, and the feat of a power totally different from what had before refided in it, and of which the founders


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could have no conception. How far was Conflantine from foreleeing, that Conftantinople would be the capital of the Turkish empire, and the principal fupport of a religion oppofite to that which he established! How far, alfo, were the heads of the Grecian commonwealths from forefeeing, that their country, the feat of arts and liberty, would ever become the moft ignorant, and enflaved of all the ftates of Europe!

A regard to divine Providence, is, likewife, extremely useful to heighten our fatisfaction in reading hiftory, and throw an agreeable light upon the moft gloomy and difgufting parts of it. With a view to this, the most difagreeable objects in hiftory will bear to be looked upon with fatisfaction. And could we fee every event, in all its connexions, and moft diftant influences, we fhould, no doubt, perfectly acquiefce in eve ry thing that comes to pafs under the government of God; in feeing that all evils, lead to, and terminate in a greater good. But in many cafes, we fee events which give us pain at first sight, and which occafion much regret and difappointment, to thofe who give more fcope to their paffions than to their reflection while they are reading; which, if we look no farther than the next and immediate confequences, we fhall be thoroughly fatisfied and pleased with.

No perfon converfant with the ancient claffical hiftorians, and who has thereby acquired a claffical tafte, and claffical notions of liberty, but regrets that Rome, in the height of its glory, should fall under the power of mafters. But it is because he does not confider that all the provinces of the vaft Roman empire were moft miferably oppreffed and plundered by the republican governors, who had little to fear from courts of juftice; but were relieved and happy under the government of perfons who lived in conflant fear of being accufed of maladministration, to an inexorable mafter. Nay the provinces were not much lefs happy under Tiberius and Nero, than under Trajan and the Antonines.

A reader of Thucydides is apt to be extremely mortified at the ill treatment of Alcibiades, and the defeat of the Athenians before Syracufe. But it is because he does not think that would probably have been the confequence of the fuccefs of that expedition; namely, the flavery of Greece, and, from the nature of its government, the confufion and flavery of Athens too. As fuccefs naturally points out our favourite hero to us, we cannot help conceiving a violent indignation against Hanno, for taking no more care to fend recruits to Hannibal, after the battle of Canna. But juftly did he, and all Carthage, dread the power Gent. Mag. O. 1788.


of Hannibal, when master of Rome, who was able to change the whole form of their government, even when he was conquered.

Hiftory too, in the misfortunes and hardfhips to which the moft diftinguifhed perfonages have been reduced, gives us a deep conviction of the inftability of all human things, and prepares our minds, to fubmit to adverfity with more patience and refignation, as to a condition from which we fee none are exempt. Even the misfortunes and difappointments of brave and good men, who have brought themselves into difficulties, in confequence of their generous attempts, in favour of the liberties and beft interests of mankind, do not, as exhibited in hiftory, in the leaft tend to flacken our zeal in the fame glorious caufe; at the fame time that they make us more prudent in the choice and profecution of our meafures, to attain the fame end, and dispose us to yield to disappointment with a better grace. That an acquaintance with hiftory has this effect, I appeal to what any person feels after reading of the untimely end of Agis, Cato, Brutus, Hampden, and the great Algernon Sydney. The honourable mention that will, to the end of the world, be made of fuch glorious, though unfortunate men as these, and their noble ends, will raife more friends to the fame great interefts; while their misfortunes will only serve to make thofe friends more prudent, and therefore probably more fuccefsful in their endeavours.

But, independent of thefe martyrs of liberty raifing up more, and more fuccessful patrons of it, the remarkable reverfes of fortune in the hiftory of confiderable perfonages, has a fine effect upon the human mind. It. wonderfully foftens and calms it, and gives it an excellent temper for encountering with the viciffitudes of life. What other fenfations do we feel, while we read that flenrietta, daughter of Henry IV of France, and wife to Charles I of England, was reduced to the utmost extremity of poverty; and that her daughter, who was afterward married to a brother of Lewis XIV, is faid to have lain in bed for want of coals to keep her warm, while the people of Paris, blind with rage, paid no attention to their fufferings? The fame kind of fenfations we feel, when we read of the great and fuccefsful general Belifarius (if the ftory be true) begging his bread; of Cortez, the renowned conqueror of Mexico, living unknown and in difgrace in Spain, and fearce able to get to fpeak to his mafter Charles V, though when the king afked, who the fellow was that was fo clamorous to fpeak to him, he cried out, I am one who have got your majefly more provinces, than your father left you towns.' He afterwards ferved in a


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