Pro. I'll force thee yield to my desire. Val. Ruffian let go that rude uncivil touch; Thou friend of an ill fashion! Pro. Valentine! Val. Thou common friend, that's without faith or love; (For such is a friend now), treacherous man! Thou hast beguiled my hopes; nought but mine eye I am sorry, I must never trust thee more, The private wound is deepest: O time, most curst! Be a sufficient ransom for offence, I tender it here; I do as truly suffer, Val. Then I am paid; And once again I do receive thee honest: Who by repentance is not satisfied, Is nor of heaven, nor earth; for these are pleased; By penitence the Eternal's wrath's appeased: And that my love may appear plain and free All that was mine in Silvia, I give thee. Jul. O me, unhappy! Pro. Look to the boy. [Faints. Val. Why, boy! why wag! how now? what is the matter? Look up; speak. Jul. O good Sir, my master charged me To deliver a ring to madam Silvia; Which out of my neglect was never done. Pro. Where is that ring, boy? Jul. Here 'tis: this is it. Pro. How! let me see: Why this is the ring I gave to Julia. Jul. O, cry your mercy, Sir, I have mistook; This is the ring you sent to Silvia. Gives a ring. [Shows another ring. Pro. But how cam'st thou by this ring? at my depart, I gave this unto Julia. Jul. And Julia herself did give it me; And Julia herself hath brought it hither. Pro. How! Julia! Jul. Behold her that gave aim* to all thy oaths, * Direction. † An allusion to cleaving the pin in archery. In a disguise of love: It is the lesser blot modesty finds, Women to change their shapes, than men their minds. Pro. Than men their minds! 'tis true: O heaven! were man But constant, he were perfect: that one error Fills him with faults; makes him run through all sins: What is in Silvia's face, but I may spy More fresh in Julia's with a constant eye? "Twere pity two such friends should be long foes. Enter OUTLAWS, with DUKE and THURIO. Out. A prize, a prize, a prize! Val. Forbear, I say; it is my lord the duke. Your grace is welcome to a man disgraced, Banish'd Valentine. Duke. Sir Valentine! Thu. Yonder is Silvia; and Silvia's mine. Val. Thurio give back, or else embrace thy death; I do applaud thy spirit, Valentine, And think thee worthy of an empress' love. Val. I thank your grace; the gift hath made me happy I now beseech you, for your daughter's sake, To grant one boon that I shall ask of you. Duke. I grant it, for thine own, whate'er it be. Val. These banish'd men, that I have kept withal, Are men endued with worthy qualities; Forgive them what they have committed here, Length of my sword. 1 Interest. And let them be recall'd from their exile: And fit for great employment, worthy lord. Duke. Thou hast prevail'd: I pardon them and thee; Duke. I think the boy hath grace in him; he blushes. Val. Please you, I'll tell you as we pass along, That done, our day of marriage shall be yours; [Exeunt. SCENE I.-An apartment in the DUKE's Palace. Enter DUKE, ESCALUS, Lords, and Attendants. Duke. Escalus, Escal. My lord. Duke. Of government the properties to unfold, My strength can give you: Then no more remains For common justice, you are as pregnant in, That we remember: There is our commission, From which we would not have you warp.-Call hither, * Bounds. [Exit an Attendant. + Full of. What figure of us think you he will bear? Lent him our terror, dress'd him with our love; To undergo such ample grace and honour, Enter ANGELO. Duke. Look, where he comes. Ang. Always obedient to your grace's will, I come to know your pleasure. Duke. Angelo, There is a kind of character in thy life, Did not go forth of us, 'twere all alike As if we had them not. Spirits are not finely touch'd, The smallest scruple of her excellence, But, like a thrifty goddess, she determines Herself the glory of a creditor, Both thanks and use.§ But I do bend my speech To one that can my part in him advertise; Hold, therefore, Angelo; In our remove, be thou at full ourself; Mortality and mercy in Vienna Live in thy tongue and heart: Old Escalus, Though first in question, is thy secondary: Ang. Now, good my lord, Let there be some more test made of my metal Be stamp'd upon it. Duke. No more evasion: We have with a leaven'd and prepared choice *Endowments. For high purposes. So much thy own proper § Interest. |