Abbildungen der Seite

ment is candid, and his manner agreeable. We may here, too, obferve, that he all along preferves fuch an air of moderation, and decent regard to the characters and opinions of refpectable men, who entertain different fentiments, both of measures and prospects, as cannot fail of procuring for himfelf, and for his reafonings, a great degree of approbation, and deference, from all parties, where violence does not exclude candour, and prejudice fhut the door against conviction.

In the fifth Letter, added in the prefent edition, the Author treats on POPULATION; on certain REVENUE LAWS and REGULATIONS, connected with the interefts of COMMERCE; and on PUBLIC OECONOMY. On all thefe fubje&is, he is the meffenger of glad tidings. His fpeculations are of a complexion very oppofite to thofe of Dr. Price, whofe fimates, and moft alarming deductions, he endeavours to refute; while he oppofes him in a manner becoming the character of a Gentleman, and with that conciliating urbanity, from which men of letters fhould never depart.-Though Mr. Eden is confidered as a ministerial advocate, he treats Dr. P. with that politeness and refpect which are undoubtedly due not only to the Doctor's abilities, but to his truly patriotic views as a public writer: and he candidly acknowledges himself indebted to his reverend antagonist for that liberality of mind with which,' fays Mr. Eden, he has communicated to me the knowledge of fome of my own errors, at the fame time that he differed from me, as to the principal pofitions which I had wished to etablish 'This is hand fome; and it will feem not only HANDSOME but GENEROus, if we allow that he has the advantage of the Doctor on the subjects of the Coinage, and of the Population of England. We cannot pretend, here, to enter into the calculations made by these ingenious writers, with respect to the laft mentioned fubject, nor to examine the data on which they are founded; but we hope, at least, that Mr. Eden is right in his attempt to prove, in oppetition to Dr. P. that this country is not in a decreafing flate of population.

Art. 26. The Syftem. Occafioned by the Specch of Leonard Smelt, Efq; late Sub-governor to their Royal Highneffes the Prince of Wales and Bishop of Cfnaburgh, at the Meeting at York, Dec. 30, 1779. 8vo. 6d. Almon.

A very good whigeith fermon, to which Mr. Smelt's fpeech ferves for a text. The Author writes with a becoming decency of language, but his fentiments and reafonings are not the iets weighty or energetic on this account; nor is the view that he has given of our political fituation the lefs alarming for the difpaffionate terms in which he expatiates concerning the dangerous inroads that have been made on the British constitution of government; and which are all refolved into the Syftem' that (as it is affirmed) hath been adopted by the fecret couniellors of the crown.'

*Sce, alfo, The Yorkshire Question,' in our laft Month's Catalogue, Art. 13.



Art. 27. The Ancient English Wake; a Poem. By Mr. Jerningham. 4to. 1 s. 6d. Robfon. 1779.

That primitive fimplicity of manners, fo oppofite to the artificial refinements of polished life, and which is fuppofed to characterize our uncultivated ancestors, is not eafy to delineate. It will therefore be thought no flender compliment to the abilities of this ingenious Writer to fay that, in this part of his prefent work, he has difplayed the fame judgment and tafte which have been remarked in fome of his former publications.

Whatever may be the difficulties that the poet encounters, who attempts to defcribe manners at a diftance fo remote from the prefent, they are, in a great meafure, counterbalanced by the advantages he will gain in the conftruction of his fable. Unrestrained by an attention to that propriety of conduct and occurrences which is expected in modern ftory, he may give a locfe to the reins of fiction, without danger of exciting either weariness or difguft. Events, which in themselves are not only romantic but improbable, will frequently, when viewed through the medium of antiquity, affume an air which is at once both graceful and engaging. That falfe glare of colouring, which fhecks the eye of the fpectator when brought too near, will, when placed at due ditance, acquire a mellowness which has every effect of juft painting. This obfervation may, with peculiar propriety, be applied to the principal incident in the poem before us.

As a fpecimen of the poem, and as a juftification of the opinion we have given of it, we fhall fubjoin the following extract:

The hoary paftor near the village-fane

Receiv'd the honour'd chief and all his train:
This holy, meek, difinterefted man

Had form'd his ufeful life on duty's plan:
Unpractis'd in thofe arts that teach to rife,
The vacant mitre ne'er allur'd his eyes.
Regardless still of diffipation's call,
He feldom tarried at the feftive hall,

Where all around the ftoried texture hung,

Where pfaltries founded, and where minstrels fung;

But to the humble cot's neglected door

The facred man the balm of comfort bore:

Still would he liften to the injur'd swain,

For he who listens mitigates the pain:

There was he feen reclining o'er the bed,

Where the pale maiden bow'd her anguifh'd head;
Where, reft of hope, the yielding victim lay,
And like a wreath of fnow diffolv'd away:
With feeling foul the paftor oft enquir'd
Where the meek train of filent grief retir'd,
Shame that declines her forrows to impart,
The drooping fpirit, and the broken heart.
He ne'er the friar's gaping wallet fed,
But to the widow fent his loaf of bread:

His fee to ROME reluctantly he paid,
And call'd the Pardoner's a pilf'ring trade.
The facred Pfalter well he knew to glofs,
And on its page illuminate the Cross:
The written Miffal on the altar feen,
Inclos'd in velvet of the richesft green,
Difplay'd initials by his fancy plann'd,
Whofe brilliant colours own'd his fkilful hand.
This gaily-letter'd book his art devis'd,
The temple's only ornament compriz'd:
The hallow'd fervice of this modeft fane
(Far from the fplendour of a choral train)
Could boat no labour'd chaunt, no folemn rites,
No clouds of incenfe, and no pomp of lights,
But at the plain and lowly altar ftands
The village priest with pure uplifted hands,
Invoking from above, Heav'n's guardian care,
In all the meek fimplicity of pray'r.'

Art. 28. Epifle from the Honourable Charles Fox, Partridge-
Shooting, to the Honourable John Townsend, cruifing. 4to.

Faulder. 1779.

1 S..

Few poems that we have lately met with have afforded us more pleasure than the little epiftle which is now before us. It is not only terfe and elegant, but replete, alfo, with a kind of pleasantry which is, in fome degree, peculiar to itfelf; a pleafantry unembittered by the gall of party or perfonal fatire: it is very rarely that true humour and good humour are fo happily blended. The Epiftle opens with the following lines:

While you, dear TOWNSHEND, o'er the billows ride,
MULGRAVE in front, and HANGER by thy fide,
Me it delights the woods and wilds to court,
For ruftic feats and unambitious fport.-

At that dim hour when fading lamps expire,
When the laft, ling'ring clubs to bed retire,
I rife!-how fhould I then thy feelings fhock,
Unfhav'd, unpowder'd, in my fhooting frock!

What frock thou crieft-I'll tell thee-the old brown ;
Trimm'd to a jacket, with the fkirts cut down-

Thou laugh'; I know, thou do'ft; but check that sneer;
What though no fashion'd fportfman I appear,

Yet hence thy CHARLES's voice gains fhriller force;
Ah! JACK, if DUNNING hot, he'd not be hoarfe.
Nor deem ev'n here the cares of ftate forgot,

I wad with gazettes ev'ry second shot:
ALMON's bold fheets the intervals fupply;

And fill, methinks, his charges fartheft fly.'

The company and entertainment with which he purpofes to celebrate his friend's return, bear fuch evident marks of taste and good judgment, that we fhould cileem ourfelves happy in having a card of invitation to be of the party:

That night, to feftive wit and friendship due,
That night by CHARLES's board hall welcome you.


Sallads, that fhame ragouts, fhall woo thy tafle;
Deep fhalt thou delve in WELTJIE's motley pafte;
DERBY fhall lend, if not his plate, his cooks,

And, know, I've bought the best Champaigne from BROOKS;
From liberal BROOKS, whofe fpeculative skill,
Is hafty credit, and a diftant bill;

Who, nurs'd in clubs, difdains a vulgar trade,
Exults to truft, and blushes to be paid!

On that aufpicious night, fupremely grac'd
With chofen guests, the pride of liberal Tafte,
Not in contentious heat, nor madd'ning ftrife,
Not with the bufy ills, nor cares of life,

We'll waste the fleeting hours; far happier themes
Shall claim each thought, and chafe Ambition's dreams.
Each Beauty that Sublimity can boast

He beft fhall tell, who ftill unites them moft.
Of Wit, of Tafte, of Fancy, we'll debate;
If SHERIDAN for once is not too late :
But fcarce a thought to minifters we'll spare,
Unless on Polish politics, with HARE:
Good-natur'd DEVON! oft fhall then appear
The cool complacence of thy friendly fneer:
Oft fhall FITZPATRICK's wit, and STANHOPE's cafe,
And BURGOYNE's manly fer.fe unite to pleafe.
And while each gueft attends our varied feats
Offcatter'd covies and retreating fleets,

Me fhall they with fome better fport to gain,

And Thee more glory, from the next campaign.'

There are a few verbal inaccuracies, too trifling indeed to be noticed in a poem of less excellence, which, in the ardour of compofition, have efcaped correction: one or two we have marked in italice.

We believe it is now a needlefs piece of information, that the Public are indebted for this performance to the fame elegant pen that produced the Project, and the Wreath of Fabion.

Art. 29. Ruin feize thee, ruthlefs King! A Pindaric Ode, not written by Mr. Gray. 4to. 1 S. Almon. 1779.

This free parody contains many lines that are humorous, fome that are unintelligible, and a few that are impudent.


Art. 30. William and Nanny; a Ballad Farce, in Two Acts. As performed at the Theatre in Covent Garden. 8vo. 1 S. Kearly. 1779.

Idle fing-fong, and flimfy dialogue, futained by hacknied charaders poorly delineated, not enlivened by humour, nor rendered interefting by any circumstances of the fable.

Art. 31. The Cottagers: A Mufical Entertainment. As performed at the Theatre in Covent Garden. 8vo. 6d. Griffin. The first draught of William and Nanny, the Author of which has thus chara&erifed the Cottagers."The fact is, that this little farce was originally written ten or eleven years ago; as it flood then, a


real Baronet was in love with Nanny, who generously refigned her to William, on difcovering their attachment; this was thought FLAT Preface to William and Nanny.


We have only to echo the Author's last words, flat and infipid! Art. 32. The Critic; or, Tragedy Rehearfed: a Literary Catchpenny! by way of Prelude to a Dramatic After-piece. By R. B. Sheridan, Efq. With a Dedication, Preface, and Prologue. 8vo. 1 s. Kingsbury. 1779.

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Many a true word fpoken in jeft. This piece exactly answers the defcription in its title page. A literary catchpenny, by way of prelude to a dramatic after-piece."

Art. 33. The Critic Anticipated; or, the Humours of the Green

Room: A Farce. As rehearfed behind the Curtain of the Theatre in Drury Lane. By R. B. S. Efq; &c. 8vo. 1 s. Bladon. 1779. Alius & idem! Another theatrical mushroom, engendered by the warmth of Mr. Sheridan's reputation.

Art. 34. The Mirror; or, Harlequin everywhere. A Pantomimical Burletta. As performed at the Theatre, Covent Garden. 8vo. I S. Kearly. 1779•

This pantomimical burletta may, for aught we know, be a very diverting Spectacle on the theatre;-in the clofet it is but a poor en


Art. 35. The Shepherdess of the Alps; a Comic Opera, in Three Acts. As performed at the Theatre, Covent Garden. 1 s. 6 d. Kearily. 1780.


A dramatic travelty of the elegant and affecting tale of Marmontel. The character of Count Trife is tounded, if we recollect rightly, on one of the Proverbes Dramatiques. Mot of the other conic characters and incidents are mere counterparts to thofe which have been repeatedly exhibited, with more addrefs, in our late musical dramas.


Art. 36. Remarks on the Law of Defcent, and on the Reasons affigned by Mr. Jallice Blackstone for rejecting, in his Table of Defcent, a Point of Doctrine laid down in Plowden, Lord Bacon, and Hale. 4to. I s. Gd. Brooke. 1779.

The point of law here difcuffed, in 47 quarto pages, is, "Whether the heir of the Great Grandmother, on the part of the father, ought to be preferred, in the courfe of the inheritance, to the heir of the Grandmother on the fame fide; or, vice verja ?" Mr. Juftice Blackftone gives the preference to the Great Grandmother, in contradiction (as this Author contends) to the ancient doctrine. Had the learned Commentator on the Laws of England contented himself with fingly declaring his opinion on the fubject, the Public would find little difficulty in chuling between fo, weighty an authority, and that of an anonymous writer; but as the reafons on which the former grounds his opinion are affigned at fome length, thofe reafons are Certainly open to the fic examination. The queftion is shifted from authority to argument. Our Remarker enters on the difcuffion with temper, and with decency; but with what fuccefs he hath acquitted himself, mult be left to the decifion of those who are deep in

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