Abbildungen der Seite

assurer, to assure, secure; s'ascertain, make sure. atroce, hideous.

attacher, to tie, attach; s'- à, attach oneself, fasten upon, stick to.

attendre, to wait, wait for, await; expect.

attirer, to attract, draw, entice, lure.

attrait, m. attraction. attraper, to catch. audacieu-x, -se, bold, audacious.

augmenter, to increase. aujourd'hui, to-day, nowadays.

auprès de, (near) to, in connection with, in the company of.

aussi, also; (at beginning of clause) so, thus;

as... as.


aussitôt, at once; que, as

soon as.

autant, as much, enough; d', só many. auteur, m. author; monsieur l'-tombé! Mr. Failure! autorité, f. authority, the law. autour de, in the vicinity of, near, by.

autre, other, different; vous -s, you (sneeringly emphatic).

autrefois, formerly, long ago. autrui, other people, others. Auvergnat, m. native of Auvergne (central French province).

avance; d'—, beforehand. avancé, advanced, le jour est moins it is earlier. avancement, m. getting on, success in life.

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beaucoup, much, many, lots.
bénir, to bless.
béquille, f. crutch.

bergère, f. shepherdess, lass.
besoigneu-x, -se, needy.
besoin, m. need.
bête, f. beast.
bête, stupid.
bévue, f. blunder.

bien, m. good thing, property;
-s, property; possessions.
bien, well, very; nice-looking;
du (de la, des), much,
many; faire, to do right.
bientôt, soon, very soon.
billet, m. note; doux, love
note; de logement, qua-
termaster's billet.

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- de,

bout, m. end, tip; venir à
to circumvent, checkmate.
boutique, f. shop, store.
branlant, wagging.
bras, m. arm.

brasier, m. brasier, furnace.
braver, to defy.

bravo! Good! Well done! brebis, f. sheep.

brevet, m. letters (of exemption, etc.).

brigade, f. crew. brillant, brilliant.

brisé, broken, all broken up. briser, to break, smash. broder, to embroider.

broderie, f. embroidery, piece of embroidery. bruit, m. noise.

brûler, to burn; de, long

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caractère, m. disposition. Castilles, f. the two old provinces of Old (northern) and New (southern) Castile, the most central region of Spain. Catalan, m. native of Catalonia, the most northeasterly portion of Spain. cataplasme, m. poultice. cause, f. reason; et pour and for a very good reason


causer, to cause, give.

cavalier, m. trooper. céans, (here) within. ceci, this (thing).

céder, to yield.

ceinture, f. girdle, belt; pistohip-pistol.

let de

cela, that (thing).

censeur, m. censor (of literary productions).

cent, one hundred. certes, of course. cervelle, f. brains.

cesse; sans —, without ceasing, ever, all the time. ceux, those; -ci, these; some; --là, those; others. chacun, each, each one, everybody; (p. 41, l. 13) (à) chacun son affaire, each to his own (i. e. to each one his own business).

chagrin, m. dull care, trouble. chalumeau, m. rustic pipe

(musical instrument). chambre, f. room.

champ, m. field; sur-le--, at

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chat, m. cat.

chaudement, warmly, warm. chauve, bald.

chef, m. pate, head.

chef-d'œuvre, m. masterpiece. cheminer, to creep on. ch-er, -ère, dear.

chercher, to seek, search, seek

to remember; fetch.

chéri, beloved.

cheval, m. horse. chevalier, m. knight. chez, at the house of. chien, m. dog.

chirurgien, m. surgeon. choisir, to choose.

choix, m. choice, alternative. ciel, m. sky, heaven. cinquante, fifty.

circonflexe, bandy (legged). circonstance, f. circumstance. claquer; faire ses pouces,

to snap one's fingers (against one's thumbs).

clavecin, m. harpsichord (early form of piano); le cabinet du

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the music room.

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ble! What the deuce! commission, f. errand. commun, common, lowly. compagne, f. companion. compagnie, f. company; de la de, in attendance upon. compliment, m. pretty speech. complot, m. plot, conspiracy. composé, calm, cool. comprendre, to understand.

to get

compromettre; se oneself into trouble. compte, m. account; rendre (de), to report (upon). compter, to count, be sure; y count on it.

comte, m. count.

concedo, (Latin for) I grant that! That's the thing! concerté, pre-arranged, a putup job.

concevoir, to conceive, realize. conçois, see concevoir. conduire, to lead, betray into. confiance, f. trust, confidence, belief (in a person). confiant, trustful.

confidence, f. secret; faire une —, to impart a secret. confident, m. confidant. confirmer, to corroborate. confondre, to mix up. confrère, m. colleague. congé, m. dismissal, notice. conjurer, to beseech. connaître, to be acquainted with, know. connu, see connaître. conquête, f. conquest. conserver, to preserve, have (any) left.

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consulter, to consult (together). consumer, to consume, devour, eat up.

conte, m. fairy tale.

content, glad, pleased, satisfied. contraire; au-, on the contrary.

contrarier, to vex, jar, thwart. contrat, m. (marriage) certifi


contre, against, in violation of. contrefaire, to imitate, mimic. contretemps, m. jar, jolt, hitch,, accident.

convaincre, to convince. convenir, to agree, behoove;

de, acknowledge; (p. 64, 1. 22) nous en sommes convenus, we agreed upon it, i. e. to say so. coquin, m. knave.

cornet, m. twist of paper, cornucopia.

corsaire, m. pirate.

côté, m. side; de ce —, in that direction; du de, towards. coteau, m. hillside.

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cou, m. neck. coucher, to lay down; aller se -, go to bed; donner à to 'sleep', i. e. put (a person) up for the night, give a bed. coup, m. blow, stroke; tout à suddenly; tout d'un all at once, while you are at

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- sur —, time and again; de maître, master-stroke; (p.52, l. 17), le — m'a porté au cœur, I felt it in my very heart.

coupable, guilty.


couper, to cut, cut off; voix, choke the voice. couplet, m. verse (of several lines of poetry). cour, f. court.

courir, to run; (p. 7, l. 11) il courait, there were in circulation.

courroucer (se), to be angry. court, short. cousin, m. gnat. coûter, to cost.

coutume, f. custom; avoir -, to be accustomed to, be in the habit of.

couvent, m. convent; grand

Great Convent.

couvrir, to cover, cover up. cracher, to spit.

craindre, to fear, be afraid of.

crâne, m. skull.

crainte, f. fear; de

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de, lest.

défaire, to undo; se

de, get

rid of.

crédule, credulous. crescendo

(Italian musical

term), increase of sound. cri, m. shout, outcry. crier, to shout, yell, cry out. critique, m. critic.

crochu, hook-shaped, clutched. croire, to believe, think; m'en

-, take my word for it, take my advice.

croisée, f. window (see p. 3, note 1).

cuirassé, well protected (lit. with breastplate on). curieu-x, -se, curious.

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