Trade Adjustment Assistance Programs Under Title II of the Trade Act of 1974: Hearings Before the Subcommittee on Trade of the Committee on Ways and Means, House of Representatives, Ninety-fifth Congress, First Session ... March 31 and April 1, 1977


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Seite 133 - Interest on loans made under this section shall be at a rate not less than (i) a rate determined by the Secretary of the Treasury taking into consideration the current average market yield on outstanding marketable obligations of the United States with remaining periods to maturity comparable to the average maturities of such loans adjusted to the nearest one-eighth of 1 per centum, plus (ii) an allowance adequate in the judgment of the Secretary of Transportation to cover administrative costs and...
Seite 220 - Commission conducts investigations to determine whether an article is being imported into the United States in such increased quantities as to be a substantial cause of serious injury, or the threat thereof, to the domestic industry producing an article like or directly competitive with the imported article.
Seite 214 - ... instructions of the President, shall be responsible for the proper administration of the trade agreements program, and may, as he deems necessary, assign to the head of any Executive agency or body the performance of his duties which are incidental to the administration of the trade agreements program. (e) The Special Representative shall consult with the Trade Policy Committee in connection with the performance of his functions, including those established or delegated by this Order, and shall,...
Seite 184 - Commissioners voting that such article was being imported in such increased quantities as to cause or threaten serious injury...
Seite 214 - USC 1351), and Section 301 of Title 3 of the United States Code, and as President of the United States it is hereby ordered as follows: Section 1. The Trade Agreements Program.
Seite 217 - ... firm or an appropriate subdivision thereof contributed importantly to such total or partial separation, or threat thereof, and to such decline in sales or production. For purposes of paragraph (3), the term "contributed importantly...
Seite 8 - From the date of last entry, all basic time and earning cards or sheets of the employer on which are entered the daily starting and stopping time of individual employees, or of separate work forces, or the individual...
Seite 214 - Congress, the annual report on the trade agreements program required by section 163(a) of the Act. At the request of the Special Representative, other agencies shall assist in the preparation of that report. (d) The Special Representative, except where expressly otherwise provided or prohibited by statute. Executive order, or instructions of the President, shall be responsible for the proper administration of the trade agreements program, and may, as he...
Seite 214 - Negotiations, who shall be the chief representative of the United States for each negotiation under this title and for such other negotiations as in the President's judgment require that the Special Representative be the chief representative of the United States, and who shall be the chairman of the organization established pursuant to section 242 (a).
Seite 214 - trade agreements program" includes all activities consisting of, or related to, the negotiation or administration of international agreements which primarily concern trade and which are concluded pursuant to the authority vested in the President by the Constitution, Section 350 of the Tariff Act of 1930, as amended, the Trade Expansion Act of 1962, as amended, or the Act.

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