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Adams, Stephen, a Senator from Mississippi,

incidental remarks by..............302, 309
remarks on propositions to amend the Post Office
appropriation bill...... .272, 274, 275, 278
Administration, the policy of the, discussed in the
House of Representatives..........
.31, 70
Agricultural statistics.
41, 48, 64, 105, 106, 107, 261, 326, 327, 347
Alliance with France, General Washington's an-
nouncement to the Army of the, in 1778..253
American politics, discussion in the House of
Representatives in regard to, by-

Mr. Banks.

Mr. Cox....

Mr. Keitt.


Mr. Smith, of Alabama.

Mr. Sollers...

Mr. Yates..




Appropriations, list of, made in the second session
of the Thirty-Third Congress...........425
Armstrong, the brig-see General Armstrong.
Army, remarks in the House of Representatives

on the bill to increase the regular, by four
additional regiments, by Mr. Benton ....334

Badger, George E., a Senator from North Caro-



remarks on the bill to give protection to Federal
officers in executing the laws of the United
.214, 218, 226, 229
remarks on the bill providing for the ocean mail
.286, 289, 290, 291
Bailey, David J., a Representative from Georgia,
incidental remarks by.......
remarks in reply to Mr. Campbell, of Ohio,
touching the powers of the Federal Govern-
ment over the Territories and the slave ques-

Banks, Nathaniel P., jr., a Representative from

remarks on American politics, Know-Noth-
ingism and Catholicity..


Barry, William S., a Representative from Mis-

eissippi, incidental remarks by..49, 50, 96, 190
remarks in regard to civil and reli.ious tolera-
tion and Know-Nothingism..............53
Bayard, James A., a Senator from Delaware—
remarks on the bill to modify and amend the
judicial system.......
remarks in regard to the aspersions upon the
character of the late James A. Bayard, of Del-
aware, contained in the "Anas" of Thomas
Jefferson, as published under the authority of
remarks on the bill to give protection to Federal
officers in executing the laws of the United
..218, 221, 226, 243||
remarks on the bill providing for ocean mail
288, 289, 290, 295, 296, 297, 301, 304


Bayard, the late James A., vindication of the Campbell, Lewis D.-Continued.

character of, by→→→

Mr. Bayard.
.Mr. Cass.......
Mr. Hunter

Mr. Mason.....
Mr. Pearce.....





Bayly, Thomas H., a Representative from Vir-
ginia, incidental remarks by.............33
Bell, John, a Senator from Tennessee, incidental
remarks by................
...159, 309
remarks on propositions to amend the Post

Office appropriation bill..........275, 276
Benjamin, Judah P., & Senator from Louisiana-
remarks on the bill to protect Federal officers in
executing the laws of the United States..212,
219, 223, 239, 244
remarks on propositions to amend the Post
Office appropriation bill..... ....273, 274
Benton, Thomas H., a Representative from Mis-

remarks on the Pacific railroad bill.........73
remarks on the French spoliation bill......118
remarks on the proposition to raise four new
regiments for the regular Army of the Uni-
ted States.....
Boyce, William W., a Representative from South

remarks on the subject of the annexation of
Breckinridge, John C., a Representative from

remarks on the Texas debt bill...... ....155
remarks on the bill making appropriations for
the Collins line.....
Bright, Jesse D, a Senator from Indiana, inci-
dental remarks by.......
Brodhead, Richard, a Senator from Pennsylvania,
incidental remarks by......
remarks on the bill proposing to grant to rail-
road companies three years in which to pay
the duties on iron imported for railroad pur-
remarks on propositions to amend the Post
Office appropriation bill............273, 276
Brown, Albert G., a Senator from Mississippi,
incidental remarks by.....
remarks on propositions to amend the Post
Office appropriation bill.......273, 274, 275
Butler, Andrew P., a Senator from South Caro-
remarks on the bill to give protection to the
Federal officers in executing the laws of the
United States....224, 226, 227, 228, 244, 246
remarks on the bill making appropriation for the
ocean mail steamers...... ..291, 292, 302

[ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small]

remarks in regard to Kansas and Nebraska,
- Georgia and Ohio, and free labor and slave
remarks in reply to Mr. Stephens, of Georgia,
on free labor vs. slave labor..... .....321
Carpenter, Davis, a Representative from New

remarks in regard to the veto of the river and
-harbor bill......

Cass, Lewis, a Senator from Michigan-

remarks relative to the charges in Jefferson's

papers against the late James A. Bayard, 140
Catholicity, the question of toleration in regard to,
discussed in House of Representatives, by-

[blocks in formation]

Mr. Smith, of Alabama....
Chamberlain, Ebenezer M., a Representative from

remarks in regard to a proposed mediation on
the part of the United States to settle the dif-
ficulties in the East......
Chandler, Joseph R., a Representative from Penn-
sylvania, incidental remarks by. ..98,
191, 192, 202
remarks in regard to the temporal power of the
Pope and to true Catholic doctrine......111
remarks on the bill to remodel the diplomatic
and consular systems of the United States, 162
Chase, Salmon P., a Senator from Ohio-
remarks or the bill to protect Federal officers in
executing the laws of the United States..211,
212, 213, 217, 234
remarks on the bill making appropriation for the
ocean mail service..
.302, 303, 304
Chastain, Elijah W., a Representative from Geor-

[blocks in formation]

remarks on the subject of the acquisition of
Clingman, Thomas L., n Representative from
North Carolina, incidental remarks by..110,
remarks on the joint resolution proposing a
peace mediation by the United States to the
Powers engaged in the Eastern war......60
Clay, Clement C., jr., a Senator from Alabama,
incidental remarks by........ ......197
Clayton, John M., a Senator from Delaware, ici-
dental remarks by...........
remarks on propositions to amend the Post
Office appropriation bill.....
remarks on the bill making appropriation for
the ocean mail service...... ..310, 311, 312
Colleges and schools, statistics of certain......42
Collins steamers-see Mail Steamer Service.
Colt's patent for improvement in fire arms, re-
marks in the Senate on the bill to extend, by
Mr. James...

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