Tomb Raiders and Space Invaders: Videogame Forms and Contexts

Bloomsbury Academic, 03.03.2006 - 264 Seiten
Videogames now rival Hollywood cinema in popularity and profits and there are huge followings for titles such as Tomb Raider or The Sims. Exactly what games offer, however, as a distinct form of entertainment, has received scant attention. This book is a valuable contribution to this new field. Its main focus is on key formal aspects of games and the experiences and pleasures offered by the activities they require of the player. A wide range of games are considered, from first-person shooters to third-person action-adventures, strategy, sports-related and role-playing games. Issues examined in detail include the characteristics of gameplay and its relationship with narrative, genre, virtual landscapes, realism, spectacle and sensation. Lively and accessible in style, this book is written for both an academic readership and the wider audience of gamers and those interested in popular culture.

Autoren-Profil (2006)

Geoff King is Professor of Film Studies at Brunel University London, UK. He is author of numerous books, including pioneering studies of American independent and Indiewood cinemas. His most recent publications are Quality Hollywood: Markers of Distinction in Contemporary Studio Film (2016) and Positioning Art Cinema: Film and Cultural Value (2019).

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