Abbildungen der Seite

subsecīvus, a, um, the remaining, over and above, leisure. sub-seco, I, to clip away. subsellium, i, N., a low bench, seat, tribunal.

subsequor, cutus, 3, follow close. subservio, 4, to be subject. subsessa, æ, F., ambuscade. subsessor, ōris, M., waylayer. subsidiārius, a, um, of the reserve. subsidium, i, N., reserves, help. subsido, sēdi, sess-, 3, sink, settle, abide, lie in wait, squat. subsignānus, a, um, serving near the standard.

subsigno, I, subscribe, register. subsilio, ui (ii), 4, spring upward. subsisto, stiti, 3, take a stand, halt, remain, withstand.

subsōlānus, a, um, eastward. subsortior, 4, to choose a substitute. substantia, æ, F., substance. sub-sterno, 3, strew beneath, bestrew. substillus, a, um, dribbling. sub-stituo, [statuo,] 3, to put next, suggest, substitute.

substo, I, to be near, stay firm. substrāmen, inis, N., litter. sub-stringo, 3, bind close, check. substrictus, a, um, close. substructio, ōnis, F., foundation, groundwork.

sub-struo, 3, build beneath. subsulto, I, to jump, spring. sub-sum, to be near, or among. subtēmen, inis, N., yarn, woof. subter (§ 56, i. 3), beneath, close. subter-duco, 3, withdraw secretly. subter-fugio, 3, fly by stealth. subter-labor, 3, glide beneath. subtero, trivi, trīt-, 3, wear away. subterraneus, a, um, underground. subtertius, a, um, less by a third.. subtexo, xui, xt-, 3, weave below, spread, subjoin, annex. subtilis, e, slender, fine, delicate, simple, plain.

subtilitas, ātis, F., fineness, keenness, plainness.

subtiliter, finely, minutely.

subtraho, xi, ct-, 3, withdraw.

subtus, underneath. subūcula, æ, F., a shirt. sūbula, æ, F., [suo,] an awl. subulcus, i, M., [sus,] swineherd. Subūra, æ, F., a street in Rome. suburbānus, a, um, near the city, N., a suburban estate. suburgeo, 2, drive close. subūro, ust-, 3, to singe, scorch. subvectio, ōnis, F., conveyance. subvecto, I, intens. of

subveho, xi, ct-, 3, carry, convey, bring (up stream).

subvenio, vēni, vent-, 4, come to aid, relieve, come to hand. subverto, ti, sum, 3, to overthrow, destroy, subvert.

subvexus, a, um, sloping upward. subvolo, I, fly upward.

subvolvo, 3, to roll up or along. succavus, a, um, hollow below. succēdāneus, a, um, succeeding. succēdo, cessi, cess-, 3, go below, mount, enter, advance, prosper. succendo, di, sum, 3, to set on fire. succenseo, sui, sum, 2, to be angry. succenturio, āt-, I, receive as recruit.

suc-cerno, 3, shake, sift.

successio, ōnis, F., sequence, suc


successor, ōris, M., follower, successor, inheritor.

successus, ūs, M., advance, success. succidia, æ, F. flitch of bacon. succido, [cado,] 3, fall under, sink. succido, [cado,] 3, cut down or


sūccidus, a, um, sappy, juicy. succiduus, a, um, sinking. succinctē (-tim), briefly. succinctus, [cingo,] girt, ready. suc-cingo, 3, to gird, equip. succino, 3, accompany in song. succinum sūcinum, amber. succisivus (subsecīvus), a, um, remaining.

succlāmo, I, shout (in reply). succollo, I, to shoulder.

succresco, I, grow up.

suc-cumbo, 3, to lie, sink, yield.


suc-curro, 3, run under or to help; occur to one's mind. succus=sūcus, sap, juice. succusso, I, to jerk, jolt.

succutio, cussi, cuss-, 3, to toss up. sūcidus, a, um, juicy, fresh. sūcinum, i, N., amber. sūco, ōnis, M., sucker (usurer). sūcōsus, a, um, juicy. suctus, [sugo,] exhausted. sucula, æ, F., [sus,] windlass. sūcus, i, M., juice, sap, vigor. sūdārium, i, N., handkerchief. sūdātōrius, a, um, for sweating. sudes (is), is, F., stake, pile, peak. sūdo, I, to sweat, toil, exude. sūdor, ōris, M., sweat, moisture, toil. sūdus, a, um, dry, bright, clear. suesco, suēvi, suēt-, 3, get wonted. Suessa, æ, F., a town of Latium. suffarcinātus, a, um, stuffed. suffectio, ōnis, F., adding, supply. suffectus, [sufficio,] supplied. suffero, sustuli, sublāt-, put under, offer, sustain, endure. suffertus, [fercio,] stuffed. suffes, ētis, M., the Carthaginian chief magistrate.

sufficio, feci, fect-, 3, put under, imbue, supply, suffice. suffigo, xi, xum, 3, fasten, affix. suffio, 4, fumigate, perfume. suffitio, ōnis, F., fumigation. sufflāmen, inis, N., clog, drag. sufflātus, a, um, bloated. sufflātus, ùs, M., breath. sufflo, 1, breathe or blow forth. suffōco, I, suffocate.

suffodio, fōdi, foss-, 3, pierce, stab, undermine.

suffrāgātio, ōnis, F., voting. suffrāgātor, ōris, M., supporter. suffrāgium, i, N., a vote, julgment. suffrāgo, inis, F., ham, pastern. suffragor, I, support by voting. suffringo, 3, break, pelt with stones suffugio, fūgi, 3, take refuge. suffugium, i, N., shelter.

suffulcio, fulsi, fult-, 4, to prop. suffundo, fūdi, fūs-, 3, pour below, overspread, suffuse.

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suggero, gessi, gest-, 3, carry under, raise, furnish, suggest. suggestum, i, N., a height, platform. suggredior, gressus, 3, approach. suggrunda, æ, F., eaves. sugillo, I, to bruise, insult. sūgo, xi, ct-, 3, to suck, exhaust. sui, sibi, se (sese), one's self. suillus, a, um, of swine; suile sty. sulcator, ōris, M., ploughman. sulco, I, to cut, furrow, plough. sulcus, i, M., furrow, trench, wake. sulfur, uris, N., brimstone, sulphur. sulfureus, a, um, like sulphur. Sulla, L. Cornelius, the Roman Dictator, B.c. 138-78.

Sulmo, ōnis, M., a Pelignian town. sultis si vultis, if you will. sum, esse, fui (§ 119, 176. a), to be ; (w. dat.), belong.

sūmen, inis, N., breast, udder. summa, æ, F., the chief point, sum, whole, main body (of army). summas, ātis, of high place. summātim, on the surface, gently. summē, in the highest degree. summergo, si, sum, 3, plunge, submerge, sink.

summerus, a, um, rather clear. sumministro, 1, aid, supply. summissē (-im), gently, calmly. summissus, a, um, low, gentle, mean. summitto, missi, miss-, 3, send forth, rear, let down, send secretly. summopere, to the utmost. summoveo, mōvi, mōt-, 2, send or clear away, withdraw, withhold. summus, a, um, uttermost, utmost, top of, highest, chief, last.

[blocks in formation]

super (§ 260. c), above, concerning,

besides, during. [super-, over and above, or upon. superabilis, e, conquerable. superbē, haughtily.

superbia, æ, F., pride, haughtiness. superbio, 4, to be haughty, splendid. superbus, a, um, haughty, arrogant, proud, superb, magnificent. supercilium, i, N., brow, ridge. summit, arrogance, sternness. superēmineo, 2, overtop, excel. superficies, ēi, F., surface, structure, what is aboveground. superfio, to be remaining. superfluo, xi, 3, overflow, abound. superfluus, a, um, overflowing. superfundo, 3, pour over, extend. supergredior, gressus, 3, overstep. superi, ōrum, the upper divinities. superimpleo, 2, fill to overflowing. superinjicio, 3, throw on or over. superior, us, higher, upper, former, older, superior.

super-jacio, 3, throw upon, overtop. supernas, nātis, of the upper country, northern.

supernē, upward, from above. supernus, a, um, on high, celestial. supero, I, surmount, surpass, surrive, abound, subdue, go past. super-pōno, 3, place on or over. supersedeo, sēdi, sess-, 2, sit upon surpass, desist, omit.

superstes, stitis, C., a bystander, survivor.

superstitio, onis, F., superstition, object of dread or scrupie. superstitiosus, a, um, superstitious, prophetic, scrupulous. supersto, I, stand on or over. super-sum, remain, abound, survive, be present, assist. superus, a, um (§ 91. a), upper, higher; pl, the celestials. supervacaneus (-vacuus), a, um, superfluous, needless.

super-venio, 4, come upon or over, follow, surpass, attack. supīnē, negligently. supino, I, to lay backward.

supīnus, a, um, fallen backward, outspread, heedless, haughty. suppar, paris, nearly equal. supparasītor, 1, to fawn, flatter. supparum, i, N., a woman's linen garment, topsail.

suppedito, 1, [pes,] to abound. have in abundance, furnish. suppetiæ, ārum, F., aid, succor. suppetior, I, to aid, succor. suppeto, īvi (ii), īt-, 3, be at hand or equal, to agree, correspond. suppilo, 1, filch, purloin. suppingo, pact-, 3, fasten beneath. supplanto, 1, trip up the heels, overthrow.

supplēmentum, i, N., filling-in, supply, recruiting.

supplēmentum, i, N., filling up. suppleo, ēvi, ēt-, to fill up, supply. supplex, icis, kneeling, suppliant. supplicatio ōnis, F., public prayer or thanksgiving.

suppliciter, suppliantly, humbly. supplicium, i, N., prayer, supplication; also punishment, torture (the criminal kneeling for the blow). supplico, 1, kneel, implore, worship. supplōdo, si, 3, stamp, applaud. supplōsio, ōnis, F., stamping. sup-pōno, 3, put beneath, substitute, forge, counterfeit, subjoin. supporto, I, carry, convey. suppositicius, a, um, substituted. suppositio, ōnis, F., substituting. suppressio, ōnis, F., keeping back or down, embezzlement. supprimo, pressi, press-, 3, press down, sink, check, detain, suppress. supprōmus, i, M., under-butler. suppūro, I, to gather matter, [pus] supputo, I, to prune, reckon, trim. suprā, above, before, beyond, besides. suprēmus summus, highest, last. sūra, æ, F., calf of the leg. surculāceus (-osus), a, um, woody. surculus, i, M., sprout, shoot, iwig. surdē, dimly, indistinctly. surdus, a, um, deaf, dull, mute. surgo, surrexi, ct-, 3, to rise, lift. surrādo, si, sum, 3, scrape.


surrēmigo, I, to row beneath. Surrentum, i, N., Sorrento (near Naples).

sur-rēpo, 3, creep sofily, steal upon. surrepticius, a, um, stolen. surreptus, [ripio,] snatched away. surrīdeo, si, 2, to smile. surrigo-surgo, rise.

surripio, pui, rept-, 3, snatch, steal. surrogo, 1, substitute.

sur-ruo, 3, to undermine, demolish. sursum, upward, on high. sūrus, i, M., branch, stake. sūз, suis, C., hog, sow.

Sūзa, ōrum, N., capital of Persia. susceptor, ōris, M., contractor, receiver.

suscipio, cēpi, cept-, 3, take up,

sustain, acknowledge, undertake. suscito, I, lift, cast up, rouse, restore. suspecto, I, to look up at, watch. suspectus, a, um, suspicious, dan-. gerous.

suspectus, ūs, M., looking-upward. suspendium, i, N., hanging. suspendo, di, sum, 3, hang, suspend, support, depend, check, stop. suspicax, ācis, suspicious. suspicio, pexi, ct-, 3, look up to, admire, suspect, distrust. suspicio, ōnis, F., distrust, suspicion. suspiciōsus, a, um, distrustful, suspicious, causing distrust.

suspicor, I, mistrust, suspect, think. suspīrātio, ōnis, F.; -ātus (-itus), ūs, M.; -ium, i, N., sigh, deep breathing.

suspīro, 1, to sigh, sigh for. susque deque, up and down. sustentatio, ōnis, F., delay, suspense, forbearance, maintenance. sustento, I, sustain, support, maintain, endure, delay.

sustineo, ui, tent-, 2, hold, sustain, restrain, maintain, endure. sustollo, 3, lift, raise.

sustuli, [tollo, or suffero,] raised. sūsum=sursum, upward. susurro, I, to whisper, murmur. susurrus, i, M., a whisper, murmur. sūtēla, æ, F., [suo,] artifice.

sūtilis, e, sewed, fastened. sutor, ōris, cobbler.



sūtōrius (-trīnus), a, um, of a cob sūtūra, æ, F., a seam.

suus, a, um, one's own, favorable; pl. M., one's friends or soldiers; N., one's property.

Sybaris, is, F., a Greek town in S. E. Italy, noted for luxury. †sycaminus, i, F., mulberry. †sīcē, ēs, F., gum-resin. †sycophanta, æ, M., informer, slanderer, cheat, flatterer. Sylla Sulla.

†syllaba, æ, F., syllable. sylva=silva, forest. †symbola, æ, F., share, scot. †symbolus (um), i, M., mark, token. †symphōnia, æ, F., harmony. symphōniacus, a, um, for singing. Symplēgades, um, F., cliffs in the Euxine, which dashed against one another (myth). tsymposium, i, N., banquet. †syngrapha, æ, F.; us, i, M., note, bond, contract.

Synnada, ōrum, a town of Phrygia, famous for marble. Syphax, ācis, king of Numidia, ally of Carthage, died B.C. 201. Syracuse, ārum, F., a city of Si

cily, taken by Marcellus, B.C. 212. Syria, æ, F., the country E. of the Mediterranean.

Syrinx, gis, F., a nymph, beloved by Pan, changed to a reed. †syrma, æ, F., a trailing robe. syrtis, is (idos), F., quicksand; Syrtes, two great shoals on the North coast of Africa.

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tabernaculum, i, N., tent, pavilion. tabernarius, a, um, of shops or booths; pl., shopkeepers. tābes, is, F., decay, pestilence. tābesco, bui, 3, consume, dissolve. tābidus, a, um, decaying, corrupt. tābificus, a, um, dissolving, corroding, infectious.

tabula, æ, F., board, plank, tablet, panel, picture.

tabulāris, e, of boards or tablets. tabulārius, a, um, of records; M., registrar; F., record-office; N., archives.

tabulatio, ōnis, F., flooring. tabulātus, a, um, boarded, floored; N., floor, layer.

tabulinum, i, N., balcony, terrace, a shelf for records, picture hall. tābum, i, N., corruption, pestilence. taceo, cui, cit-, 2, to be silent, still, noiseless.

tacitē (to), silently.

taciturnitas, ātis, F., silence. taciturnus, a, um, inclined to silence tacitus, a, um, silent, secret, mute. tactio, ōnis, F., touch. tactus, tango,] touched. tactus, ūз, M., handling, touch. tæda, æ, F., pitch-pine, torch; marriage-torch, wedding.

tædet, uit (tæsum est), it wearies. tædium, i, N., weariness, disgust. Tænarus (os), i, C.; (-on, N.), the southern point of Greece. Tænarius, a, um, Spartan. tænia, æ, F., fillet, hair-band. tæsum est, [tædet,] it wearies. tæter tēter, offensive. tagax, ācis, light-fingered. tālāris, e, of the ankle; N. pl., winged sandals. tālārius, a, um, of dice. tālea, æ, F., rod, bar, cutting. talentum, i, N., talent (cwt, or

sum of a little over $1000). tālio, ōnis, F., punishment in kind. tālis, e, such, of such sort. talpa, æ, F., mole.

tālus, i, M., ankle, ankle-bone, die. tam, so; tam... quam, as (well) as.

tamarix, īcis, F., tamarisk. tamdiu, so long. . . (quamdiu, as). tamen, yet, still, nevertheless. tametsi (tamenetsi), although. tammodo, but just now. tamquam, as if, as it were. Tanais, is, M., the river Don. Tanaquil, ilis, wife of Tarquin. tandem, at length, now then. tango, tetigi, tact-, 3, touch, reach hit, affect, cheat, mention. tanquam tamquam, as if. Tantalus, i, myth. k. of Phrygia, punished in Tartarus with eternal hunger and thirst. tanti (gen.), at such a price. tantillus, a, um, so little. tantisper, for so long.

tantō, by so much (w. compar.). tantopere, so much, so greatly. tantulus, a, um, ever so little. tantum, so much, so far, only. tantummodo, only, a little while. tantundem, just so much.

tantus, a, um, so great, so much, so many.

tantus-dem, a, um, just so great. tapēte, is, N. (acc. -ta, pl., -tas, M.), carpet, rug, tapestry. tarandus, i, M., reindeer (?) tardē, slowly.

tardipes, pedis, slow-foot. tarditas, ātis, F., slowness, dulness. tardities, ēi; -tūdo, inis, F., slow


tardiusculus, a, um, rather slow. tardo, I, to delay, prevent, linger. tardus, a, um, slow, sluggish, lingering, dull, deliberate.

Tarentinus, a, um, of Tarentum (Taranto), in S. E. Italy. tarmes, itis, M., woodworm. Tarpēia, æ, the maiden who be

trayed the citadel to the Sabines. Tarpēius mons, the steep north front of the Capitoline. Tarquinius, i, the 5th and 7th k. of Rome, B.C. 618-578, 534-509 (from Tarquinii, in Etruria). Tarracina, æ, F., a coast-town half-way bet. Rome and Naples.

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