Abbildungen der Seite

Jack 162

Muirhead 500

Jamelun 1611 Mure 277

[blocks in formation]

Jenilon 27691 Murray 52. 332.
Ince 553.4, ebiT 391. 443. 500.

Warrington, E. 391
Watfon 51. 554

Bradftreet 53


Branden, E. 444

Dancer 220


Innes 443 GRA
Irvine 661
Keihi, B. 390
Keith 660

Nairne 162
Neadham 110
Neville 1611390


Wedderburn 661

Brandon, C. 391

Dandridge sol

*Welwood 51

Bray 53

Darby 220


Brettell 52

Dauber 391

Wiley 110

Brigadiers 53

David sss.

Wilkinson 16T

Davis 220

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]

Nimmo: 613

1. Nisbet 275-444)

[ocr errors]

Kennedy 52

Keyton 500

Kildare, C. 220

[blocks in formation]

Northampton, E.
Noualhac 161 (660
Obrian 443

Kinnaird, L390 Oetingen, P. 331
Kinnoul, E, 391 Ooltveen 553
Kintore, E. 611, Orme ib.

Windbolt 110

Windfor, V. $2
Wood 276
Woodford 612

Bridgwater ib.
Briftol, E. 332
Brodrick 53

Brown 52. 220, 1
Bruce Hope 52
Brudenell 53,
Bullock 110


Dean III
Delgarno 221
ii Dennis 53
Defbrifay 221
Delkfoord, L. 66:
Dick 613
Dickson 111. {{i
Doig 501

Donaldson $3

Young 553. 613


Burgess 555

Dams 220

Burgh 220

Adey 221

Burleigh 220

Pruffia, P. 331

Adlam 501

Burton 53. 391.

Donnelen 241 (55)

Admirals 53

444. 501

Douglas 221-6-

Aldridge 501

Byng 613

Downe, V.354 &

[blocks in formation]

Alfton 613

Calthrope 53


Lawrence 660

Rezzonico 443

Amherst 555

Campbell 220

Lee 661

Ripley 110

Ancrum, E. $2

Cardonnel 662

Leveridge 161,

Robinfon ib.

Lienhardt 275 1

Robion 443

Andrews 555
Angel 614

Carmichael, Bp

Lindlay 661

Rogers 390

Annelley, L. 444

Lindley, M. 660

Lintot ib.

Rollo, L. 110
Ronald 661

[blocks in formation]

Anton, L. 5
Appleton 555
Argyll, D. 613


Armagh, Abp 221
Armiger 221
Arnot 53

Saxe-Weymar, D. Baggs 220

Schaub 110 (390 Baillie 111

162. 277
Carmichael 501
Carre 53.555

[ocr errors]

Athunry, L. 391

Caftlecomer, V.391
Cathcart, L. 52
Cavendish 221
Caulfield 613
Chalmer 501
Chalmers 220.

[ocr errors]

Charleville, E. 391

Chedworth, L. 613
Chudleigh 220
Clarkfon 501
Cleland ib.

Drake 555.66a
Drummond 391-
Dundas 555 150
Dunlop 220
Dupplin, V. 52-
Durand 555

Duroure $2.231
Edgcumbe, La
Edin Magifr. fel,
Edmonfton 613

Effingham, E-ja
Elliot 220, I #
Ellis 221

Erikine 662
Excife Commit
Eyre 613-
Falkner 551
Farnaby i
Fauquier $2
Fenwick 391

Mackenzie 332.
390. 661

Scot 51

Seller 444

Baker 332
Balcanqual 613

Macleod 161

Shaftesbury, C. 332 Ball 221

Maclonghlid 220

Sharp 52

Barber 111

Cliffe 111

Main 612

Shelley 613

Barclay 501

Clinton 53.277

Maitland 443.612

Sloane 443

Barlow 221

[ocr errors]

Manning 52

Smith 220. 500.

Barrington 221.

Clive 277
Coalthurft 220

Marlborough, D.

Spain, Q. 500 (612 Baftide 501


Cochran 52.391

Field-officers 111

Marten 660 (554 Stennet 110

Bazeley 220

Cocks 332

220, I

Martin 277

Stevenfon 660

Beady ib.

Collingwood 555

Fleming 221

Mafham, L. 553

Stewart 390. 443 i Beauclerk 52.221

Colvil 221

Flitcroft 110

Matthews 52.

Stratton 661

Beaver 53

Colonels $3. 221.

Foggo 501 ü

Maule, Ep 220

Suffex, E. 51

Beckwith 221

Maulmy 110

Maxwell 161. 500
Meath, C. 660,
Melvill 277

Sutherland 161

Bentinck 277

Taylor 661

Belford 52

Tencin, Card. 161

Bennet 501

Thurburn 500

Mercer 443. 661

Tinker 553

Bernard 52

Middleton, V. 443

Tuder 500

Berry 501

Milne 51

Tulloch 220

Bickerstaff 220

[ocr errors]

Miraflou 275

Upper Ollory, E.

Blakeney 662


Molefworth, V. 553 Urquhart 613 (500

Bocland 52

Molelworth 52

Moncreiffe 612

Ward $54

Montgomery 390

More 276
Morice 220

Waddel 661

Mornington, L. 52 Wait 390
Moftyn 161

Bowers 220

Vance 51

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Bouquet 53

Crosbie 444

[blocks in formation]

·Cotterel 555. 613

Cottrell Dormer

Forde 111

Forfter 53
Fowler 220

Frankland 53-:

Fraser ib.

Courtown, L. 444 Galbraith 53

Cramer 614 ag

Crofton 277


[blocks in formation]

Forrefter 501. 662

Gage 53. 221

Gardiner 220

[blocks in formation]

Bowes, L, 391
Bowyer 614
Boyle, L. 111

Cullen 6r3

General officers, $2«

[ocr errors]

Cuningham 111.

Gill 111


555 0145 159 Glynn 501.614


[merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small]

Goodwin rit (614 Jenkinson's55
Gordon 220. 613. Jennings 221
Gore 110, II, 62. Jenyns 614
Goring 613 (391 ii Jocelyn 555
Graham 555. 662 Joddrell 614.
Granby, M. 277 Jones ib.
Grant 53 332.613 Kennedy 162
Griffin 53-221.

Monro 53(501,662 Robertfon sopitia Taylor53.221.555
Robinson 221 Teefdale 22 poida
Rochead for

Montgomery 53.
Morgan 613
Morres 162
Morris 53

AF, Thomas ib.

Rochefort 220m Thornton 662 saal
Rollo 53 mankThorp 391

[ocr errors]

Moslyn 162, 665

Ross 501

Tinker 674

Rothes, E.55

Townshend 53 15

Murray $2. 53.

Rowley 531

221, 77155A

Nairn 613


Ruffel 613 meds/Trollope 221

[ocr errors]

Haddaway sor

Knowles 33

Hadden 220

Ladbroke 392

Haldane 52, 111.

Lade 162

221. $55

Lafaufille 01

Haldiman 53

Lafcelles $2

Napier 221
Nath 392
Nefbit 220

Newbottle, L. 501
Newton 555
Nisbet 501 ii

Ruthworth 662

Tucker 614

Rycaut 555

Tuder 662

Sackville 52. 53.

Tullamoore, L.39*

Sailley 555

(555 Tyron 555

St Clair $3

Hall 221

Laurie soi

Noel 52

Salmon, Bp 277
Salt 221

Hallowes 555

Lawrence $3

Norris 53

Hamar 614

Learmonth 501

Northefk, E. ib.

Hamilton 220. 5or Lee Farrant 110

Ogle 332

Savage LI
Savile 662

Legge ib.

Handfield 501

Le Grand 662

Hardy $3

Hampden 662 (v.

Harman 555
Harrington, E. 52
Harrison 53, ITT.
Harvey 555 (221
Hafket 614
Hallam 613
Haviland 53

Lennox 221
Lind sol
Lindlay 53. 501 ii.
Lille, L. 444 (613
Litchfield 110, 11
Lockhart 111
Logie 221

Owen 555
Pallifer 162
Panmure, E. 52
Parflow 221
Paul 162
Payne 53

Ofborne 53, 662

[blocks in formation]

Sandford 221. 501

[blocks in formation]

Secker, Bp 162.221 Warburton 52 (613.

Sempill 220. 391, Warren 662

Walker ib.
Waller 53

Wandesford, E.391

Peighin ib.

Sewell 662:

Warwick ib.

Pelham 332

Shannon, E. 221

Watson 53. 220.

Loudoun, E. 52

Pembroke, E. 221 Shelley 53

221 ii. 501

Hawke ib.

Lucas 662

Petitot ib.

Sherriff 391

[ocr errors]

Webb irr. 391

Hay 531

Hayward 220
Hazlewood ib.

Lumifden 221

Philps 220

Shirreff 501

Lyfaght 444

Phillips 221

Macalifter 501

Phin soi

Head 111. 220

Macdowal 221

Pigot 221

Hele Treby 555

Macintyre 220

Pillans 501

Hepburn ib.

Mackenzie 50I

Plumptree 662

Herriot soi

Macmahon 220

[merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Pococke $3
Ponsonby 221
Pope 111
Pope 391
Popham 332

Sleigh 555

Souter 220

Spittal 614

Porter 277
Powlett 53

Spooner 220

Prescott 221

Squire 501
Stanwix 53

Preston 111. 613

Maffey 615

Prideaux 221. 555

Staples 111
Stephenfon 391

Howe 277. 662
Audfon 555

Mailers 221. 5or.

Pym 221

Stewart 614

Maule 221


Pye 392

Hughes 111. 220.

Maxwell ib.

Ramfay 221

Stopford 444 (332

Hull 613 (555 Mercer 220

Reddith 613

Strahan 392

Hume, Bp 220, 77 Miller sor

Hutchinfön 52

Milliken 613

Reoch 501
Rezzonico 391

Stretch 220

Strode 221

acobs 53

Mitchel 220. 555

Rhodes ib.

Stuart 52. 220, 1

Fames ib.

amicfon for ii
ekyll 162

Mompeflon 501

Monat 277

[blocks in formation]

Monckton 53

Stubbs 391
Sudley, V. ib.

Kichmond, D. 221 Talbot 221

[blocks in formation]

Ambrofe's looking unto Jefus in Baptifinal covenant, letter on it

A-d's motives for renouncing 54


[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]

Winchester, M.662

Wolfe 221

Woodward 391
Worge 555
Wren 221

Wrey 614

Wright 110

Yonge, Bp 332
Yorke 52. 613

Young 53

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

› Letter to the Monthly Review
ers 278

Letters on 1 Tim. iii. 16. 111
Mafon's discourses 162
May's fermons ib.

Modern doctrine confidered 504
Muir's Chrifl's crofs and crown `
Nelfon's univerfat Bible 277 (672
Owen on indwelling fin 448
Oxford, Bp of, his fermons 111
Paul's creed III-
Pike's public falling ib.
Flain truth 164
Poor, God's providential care of
Potter's works 278 (them 333
Potts's preacher's plan 162
Prefervative in perilous times 448
Price on morals III.
Religion, natural and revealed,
at variance 162 * -
Robertion's inquiries 54
Romaine's difcourfes on the Song
St George's bleflings of Chriftian
philofophy 333
Sermons, }

by J. Baker 504

* by C. Barton 3330
by G. Benton 163. 504,
by J. Bliftone 278

by Dr Brett 54


[blocks in formation]
[ocr errors]
[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Well on prayer 504
Worthington's two letters t

HISTORICAL and "Misery

A Ddrefs to the focity of so
college 333
Adventures of a Turk 615
Algebra, of the negative
Almira 112, 66
Amorous friars 671.
Atalantis for 1758 164

Atalantic amours 333
Atlas minimus 164
Authors, cale of 112
Baker's fufferings 448
Barnard's trial, thoughts on
Bayly's introduction to lang
Bear-leaders 112, 64

• Bell on populousness and

Borlafe's hiftory of Comm

Bower, conduct of the jeans
- detected 222-

A complete detection of 11:
Bickell on the Hebrew toge
Brown's estimate 162
defence of it 333
Letter to the effimator
The Campaign 671
Card playing, obfervations on 34
Carter's Epictetus 222
Catalogue of James II's p
--of noble and royal auth
Chiron; or, The mental ope
Chriftie's grammar 448 (112
Cicero de officiis Laa
Clarke's laws of chance
The Cloyfter 671
Imar $15
Coleridge's fentences für gan
Collection of ftaries 671
Commerce vindicated 44
Confiderations upon wár, d
ty, bc, 112, 65
Dean's child's guide $4
Dictionarium polygraphic
Die and bed-mod 112
Donn's mathematical clays 54
Drama, remarks on 212
Edinburgh almanack 616
Edwards's natural biltory i
Enghh architecture 112

by J. Witherspoon ib.
Sherlock's difcourfes 111
Specimen of true theology 448:
Square on indifference for religion
Subfcriptions, hardfhip of ib. (111
Tempestuous foul calmed ib.
Theron and Afpafio, Welley's
anfiwer to letters on 222. (ib.
Remarks on 'Wesley's apfwer⚫
Brine's animadverfions on the

letters ib.


A plain account of faith, in
anfwer to the letters ib.>
Trial of the vicar of St David's
Spirit &11

Turner's facial religion 162 -
Wallin of neglecting divine in-
ftitutions 54
Wetley against unfettled notions
in religion 162

[ocr errors]
[ocr errors]

Europe, its first inhab
&c. 502.
Exchequer, ancient due
bout it 222
Fairfax s complete fportmat 16
Fareworth's life of Sam 1-333
Female rights vindicate: 472
Fielding, J. letter to 333
Fofter enarratio doc. Epicteti z
Stoicorum 278

France, defcription and pla
of its fortified places 560

Francis's orations of Demofthe-
Friendly admonitions 54 (nes 222
Froude's adventures 558
Gentleman of pleafure's amufe
ments 616


Gordoni de nat. rerum quæft. 224
Grand Magazine 54
Guide to the German language
Hales on ventilators 164
Hamilton de fect. con. 503
Hanbury on planting 615
Handmaid to the arts 611
Happy orphans 671

Harris's life of Charles I. 111
The Herald 222
Hero's philofophy 164
Hill's vegetable creation 333
account of the muthroom-
Hiftory of England 54 (tone 502
of London bridge 333
of Wheatfield ib.
of Henrietta 55. 164


Louisburg, account of its re-
duction 615. 672
Magdalen-houfe, of a plan for so3
Maphæus's canto to Virgil 222
Marigny's hiftory of the Arabi-
Martin's geography 112 (ans 54
Maffie's plan for a Magdalen-
houfe 615
Memoirs of Mifs F. M. 671
of F. Henley 333 [302]
- of a Proteltant 112

of a young lady of family 55
Menelai fphærici 222 1672
Methoditts, new-year's gift for
Mickmakis Indians, account of

Miller of cultivating madder 558
Monthly reviewer 558.
Moral and critical reflections 112
Morbleau 333

Navy, hiftory of it 448. 504
Nevile's imitations of Horace 164

of M. de Pompadour 560. Novels never before printed 222
616. [574. 642.]

of Lord Stanley 671
Tooke's oblervations on Vertot's
anfwer to E. Stanhope 333 (447
A review of the obfervations
Holwell's narrative of the fuffo-
cated at Calcutta 54. [77.133.]
Horrebow's hiftory of Iceland 54
Human nature farveyed 278
Hume's effays and treatises 222
Humorous ethics 164
Inferiptionum delectus 222
Introduction to trade 503
Johnfon's art of writing letters


Jortin's life of Erafmus 558
Italian love 333

Juan and Ulloa's voyages 164
Lancelot Poverty-struck's lucu-
brations 167
Latin tongue, method of learn-
ing 54
Lawfon's lectures on oratory 615
Leland's life of Philip of Mace-

don 164

Letter to the Bp of Norwich 112

to Dr Lowth 448 -
to Mr Garrick 503
to Mr Hanway $58
to Gen. Bligh 615
from ditto to Mr Pitt ib.
Ditto examined ib.
to the Dean of Bristol 672
to Dr Shebbeare ib.

[blocks in formation]
[ocr errors]

Pain's builder's companion 503
Paufanias on ftatues 278
Payne's tables of interest 111
Philofophical transactions 278
Pine's Virgil 164
Pitt on magazines of corn 112
Pittard on Garrick's acting 54
Plutarch's lives 504
Polite academy 448
Pruffia, K. of, his criticism on
Voltaire's Henriade 333
Pfalm-tunes 55
Rebellion, late, hiftory of it 672
Reflections on English and French
cruelty 615
Robertfon grammatica Hebræa
Rochester's jelts 164 (278
Rollin's ancient history 560
Royal martyr's cafe 333
St Maloes, narratives of the ex-
pedition against 448. 503, 58
Scots almanack 616
Second table, its ufe and abuse
Smith's compendious division ib.
South-fea fortune 671
Stage, cafe of it in Ireland 112
* Swammerdam's hiftory of in-
fects 448. [357-}


[ocr errors]

Swift's hiftory of the four last
years of Q. Anne 164 1.
- Whig's remarks on it 223
Tableaux des monnoyes d'E-
spagne 61.5

Temple's sketches 278.333
Terentii comœdiæ 168. 672
Theatre of love 616


of the war in America 615
Theatrical review 164
Thomas's abridgment of Ainf
worth's dictionary 222
Thompson's voyages 672
...Tragoediarum delectus 222


Lowth's life of William
Wickham 278 >>


Vineyards, inftitution for culti
vating 164837475, 25
Vinforium nemus 222 20.
Virtue triumphant 1 64
Virtuous criminals 671
Voltaire's univerfal history 448
history of the war of 1741 672
Walker's family-book-keeping

મજબૂ કી
Siege of Londonderry 222 C
War of the beasts 165
Warburton, remarks on his pre-
face 448 !

Remarks on his attack on
Taylor 672

Ward on the English language

Warner's life of Sir T. Moore b
Weft-country thoughts on east-
country folly 112-
Wetherall's orations 448

• Whitworth's account of Ruffia

Wild's advice 448 (558. [505.]

[ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Blake on regulating the marine
fyftem 224

Bligh and Howe's conduct 558

Remarks on 616.
• Britain's conduct in regard to
neutral powers 662
Brown's estimate, doubts occa-
fioned by 278

— Letters to Dr Brown ib.
Cape Breton, letter on taking
Characteristics of the state of
Cay's ftatutes at large 54 (448

Britain 112

Collet on the laws of England ib.
Comber's vindication of the re-
volution 448-

[ocr errors]

Copyholders, of their right to
vote in elections 168. 223:
Confiderations on a bill for pro
moting industry 168 cars)
Cries of the public 55
Decifions of the feffion 168
Eflay on the corn-trade-112
•Reply to it 222


Expeditions to France, their
nature and utility, 6165.
Five Millions their cafe (a ed
Fielding's police 112
Folly of appointing men of parts
to great offices. 168
French court's manifefto 615

French administration in Hano- Sixth letter to the people an-

ver 112.[94. 156.]
Gilbert's practice of the high
court of chancery 448
Grove's hints to the legiflature

[blocks in formation]


Propofal for establishing one
223 3
Militia-act. proposals for amend-
•ing it 412
Monopolies, effay on 504
Mordaunt, Sir J. his trial 54
·Confiderations on it ie.
National spirit a fource of politi-*
cal liberty 223
Navy, of the difcouragements of
the feamen in it 112

Confiderations on it 168
of regulating the navy 224
Onely on the relief of the poor
Pitt, Mr, vindicated 168 (112
Political touchstone 503
Pottlethwayt's Britain's commer-
cial intereft 54
- on the African expedition 448
Reafons against further affefling
fiks from Italy 168
Refponfe au mem. concernant
vaiffeaux Hollandois ib.
Rhaplody in the house of Com-
⚫mons 278
Seamen, of paying them regu
larly 168.

of encouraging them 224
- of the exchange of 615
Seasonable thoughts to the jud-
ges 614,15
Secret expedition, on the report
I about it 54

The expedition stated ib.
Shirley's conduct ib.

fwered 168

Taxes odious only in name 667
Things as they are 448
Things fet in a proper light ib.
Thoughts on money 278
War, reflections on 54

Way to wealth and glory 667
Weights and measures, report
about 448

Welch's office of a conftable 55
on removing prostitutes 278

[ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors]

Avon, a poem 278. 334
Bally's providence of the fu
preme being 668
Belifarius, a tragedy 55
Birthday ode 448
Blake's triumph of Scipio 112
* Bone for the Chroniclers 560
British worthies 168
Call of Ariftippus 55
The Capital 560

* Cleone, a tragedy 671. [637.]
Account of it 671

Dido to neas 278

Pomfret ftatues ib.
Potter's Holkham, a pœni
Kymber, a monody 6.
The Prifoner 670
Prophetefs, an opera 112
Pruffia, K. of, his relaxat
- epiftle to Voltaire ib
Pruffia; or, The Picrian
Realon, a poem 334
Rout, a farce 672
Sampfon, an oratorio 168
Socrates, a dramatic poem 4
Songs fung at public places
Sputing club 616

Themistocles, a fatire 672
Thompson's poems 1 12
Tombo Chiqui 163
Traveller, an Arabie poem i
Truth, a vifion 334
Urania, a poem 278
Wedding night 616
• Whitehead's verfes 112. [


BAll on fevers 278 (tion

* Bateman's phyfical tra
Cox on the intermitting pu
• Crine on the gout 222.44
Douglas of impotence in mm33
- on the hydrocele, remarks

His answer to the remarksi
- A defence of the remarks 44
Eye, its fabric and disorders

Dobfon's Pruffian campaign 334 Fordyce hiftoria febris mil
Dodfley's poems 168
Eidyllia 112

Elegy on a drum-head 55
Fancy, an ode 168
*Fox's enthusiasm, a pog69
Frederick's inauguration 112
eulogy 616

Free mafons fongs 278
Frenchified lady never in Paris
Granger's Tibullus 671 (168
Highlander, a poem 224
Hill's infolvent, a tragedy 278
Howard's British genius 504
H-g-n's tales in verfe 616
Images of the ancients 278
The Infignificants, a comedy
The King, a poem 278 (168
Knights, a new scene for 112
Louisburg's reduction 669
Madrigal and Trolletta 448
Moore's effay on preaching 558
Newcomb's vind éta Britan. 670
Ode to the K. of Pruffia 55 ii. 168
Ode à le Roy de Prufle 112
Olindo and Sophronia 168
Oppreffion displayed 55


Gooch's cafes in furgery 112(15)
Haller's medical cafes 168
Home principia medicinæ 112
Huxham on the air 445

[ocr errors]

Inoculation, of avoiding th
danger of it 447
Johnstone on the malignant fe
Langrish on the fmall pex i
Linden on mineral waters 222
• Mackenzie's history of he
504. [633.]
Macquer's chymistry 222
Monro's anatomy 55.


- remarks on Battie onm
-obfervations 448 (nett
- Akenfide's notes on 560
Answer to the notes. 616
Old man's guide to health;
Pharmacopoeia Meadiana 168
Pott on the fistula lachry.nalis
Rotty's fynopfis examined 11.
Schultz on inoculation 278
Stevens on diseases of tha
and neck 168
-on Bath waters 222
Sutherland on Briflol waterss

Parnell's pofthumous works Tea, its effects 557
• Patriot enterprite 334

Valerian, wild, its virtues 45

The End of the Twentieth Volume.

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