Abbildungen der Seite

OV1758. Memorial of the Amsterdam merchants.

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HE Merchants of

Other letters advife, the honour to obta

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$597 who have

an audience of your

that the was intent upon fome Royal Highness for the third time, find them felves ject, in of Portugal obliged to renew theffels and cargoes continue complaints of the great ms to be deeply intereffed. 191 Advices from LISBON, of Oct. 1o. 8tm us, that leveral regiments were rching from the Portuguese frontiers other barts of the kingdom towards 4 capitals

and that the week before, etachment of cavalry and grenadiers 1 been sent beyond the Tagus a

vate letters from thence, his Moft
ithful Majesty y was in a ve
very dangerous
y, till attended by one Mr Scrafton,
English furgeon; who finding that his
und had been too haftily healed, laid
n again; fince which his Majefty
bears to be out of
danger; but it is
red he will never more have the ufe
his right arm.

expedition. According to fome

They write from Breft in FRANCE,
and three frigates
led from thence the 15th of October,
North America, with a good many
sops, large quantities of animu
ion. We are allo told, that an
ber flect left that port
ort on the 15th of
ɔvember, confisting of nine fail, part
infports and part fhips of war. This
et is thought to be deftined for Goree
the coaft of Africa.

it nine men of of war, c

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AGUE, dated Nov. ightineffes have


take the liberty to put your R. Highners in mind, to fuffer by Engli The deputies therefore That the first time that their confidence in your Highness's equity led them to have recourfe to you, their principals, who had the cutest ground of our navigation and commerce: That's on that of complaint, forefaw at that time the total ruin account, your R. Highness gracionfly promifed powerfully to support their just complaints in the affembly of the States-General, and even to make remonftrances in your own name to the British That the merchants of the province immediately court, provided the losses were properly attested: drew up a lift of the veffels that had been carried either into the ports of G. Britain or thofe of her colonies, with an eftimate of the value of the carcommitted by English privateers on board, thofe goes, and a detail of the enormous robberies veffels; the whole accompanied with original and credible atteftations: That, not content with ha ving_respectfully delivered thofe incontestable proofs to their High Mighinefies, and to your took the liberty to reprefent, in writing, and verR. Highness in private, the Body of Merchants bally, how much it imported the welfare of the provinces to take proper meatures for putting in end to fuch unjust depredations, and for obtaining reparation of fo great lofles: That in the second audience which your R. Highness was pleased to nefs declared, that the fubfequent damage exgive them upon fresh complaints, your R. Highceeded what you could have believed: That your R Highness, in your aftonifiment, added, in terms full of cordial affection, that if things fhould continue as they were, your dear in whofe welfare you took fo much, ir country, ving adopted it alone for your country, would h concern, habe ruined; that you would employ your utmolt endeavours to obtain reparation of past loffes, and would immediately take fuck meatures for

that end as fhould be confiftent with the honour which fhould always have your protection; and that you would junify the fincerity of your promiles by facts.

Bored him by word of the republic, and the advantage of commerce,

Their High again received diftches from M. Hop, Lop, our minifter at ondon, informing them, that Lord olderneffe had mouth, reprefentations ith regard to to the infults done to our ffels by the English would be ufelefs, hile their High Mightineffes permitted That the deputies, on their return home, made eir fubjects to carry on an illicit trade, their principals; who were equally pleafed and a report of the fuccefs of their commiffion to 5 which it was for both the honour and certain of feeing the face of affairs foon changed: tereft of G. Britain to put a stop."! but their joy and expectation is turned into bitThey write from the fame place, of ternefs; which is the more fenfibly felt, as they ov. 21. that on Thurfday fevennight, now again, find themfelves, under a neceflity of . Nov. 9. a deputation of the molt importuning your R. Highness for the third time, minent merchants of Amfterdam arri- by exhibiting a lift of feventy of their fhips taken ed there; and that, after vifiting the near thirteen millions of florins: That thefe vefby the English fince that time, amounting to enfionary, and the prefident of the fels have been condemned, fome in the three eek, they waited on the Princess-Re-kingdoms, others in the British colonies, and ent, to whom they delivered the fol- elfewhere, under the most frivolous pretences, in wing memorial.ger lesvol pumpled contempt of all law, contrary to juftice, and reaVOL. XX.

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fon, as well as the treaties in force between the two nations: That being informed an accom modation was negotiating with the British miniftry, the Body of Merchants flattered themselves they should obtain, by this treaty, an indemnification of their great loffes; but that not one merchant had as yet reaped the fmaileft fruit from this negotiation.

That with grief they behold their hopes of protection 'diminith daily, rather than increase: That it is to be feared the evil will grow worse and worse, and rife to the utmoft height: That feveral fhips of war, which have returned to the ports of the republic from their voyages, have been difarmed and laid up, without being replaced by others: That it is evident to a demonitration, that the aforefaid illicit practices muft give a mortal blow to commerce in general, and to our country in particular: That thousands of perfons, who were poffeffed of great wealth, or in eafy circumstances, are thereby fallen to decay; and, if a speedy remedy be not applied, not only eminent merchants, but fwarms of retail-traders, will infallibly be ruined: That by this decay of trade many hundred mechanics are deprived of work, particularly thofe employed in the filk-way, in fugar-houses, dying, &c. who confequently languish in idleness.

rived at its numoft period: and to consider, that if the reftitution of the hips and cargoes be de layed, the one will go to decay and the other be fpoiled. They moreover conjure your R. Highnefs, to interpose your good" offices in feck • manner. that the English nation may make good the immenfe loffes they have fuffered, and atftain from doing them further damage, to the hazard of totally ruining the republic.

The Merchants cannot forbear laying before your R. Highness the firm resolution taken by hi Highness the late Prince of Orange, your ille ous husband, of most laudable memory, to enploy, had Heaven been pleased to prolong days, every method to reflore the trade which thefe provinces carry on by Hamburg, to its for mer flourishing flate. They most humbly re commend to your R. Highness this branch of trade, which hath cost them fuch heavy inp tions during fo many years, and of which they will be able to continue the payment, when, by the interpofition of your R. Highness, they Chall be fo happy as to enjoy the protection in this t fpect, which is not more neceflary than ardently defired. If that should fail, the Merchants mall declare, upon their honour, that the comm of these provinces in general will be at an cad and that, notwithstanding their zeal for the w fare of the commonwealth, they will be while to pay taxes much lefs neceffary.

To thefe humble fupplications the Merchant add the molt fincere prayers for the profperity of your R. Highness's family; whom morester they requeft to preferve their common rights and liberties, purchased at so dear a ráté, and lo maitain them against those who seek to make the public fuffer.

Juft as we were finishing our foreg affairs, we found what follows in the London papers.

That at prefent (and what will it be in the middle of winter?) great numbers of creditable tradesmen are forced to fubfilt on the charity of their respective companies and of the hofpitals: That the number of thefe neceflitous people increafes daily, whilst the revenues of the charitable foundations decrease, because they are obliged to give alms to fuch numbers, and because they are deprived of the contributions they ufed to receive in better times: That it is natural for every one who forefees a threatening lofs, to attend rather to his own prefervation, than to the affiftance of those whofe unhappy lot has rendered them objects of compaflion: That frugality thus prevailing over liberality, people continue to feel the misfortunes of others, but are little difpofed to give them any relief: That, confidering on one hand all thefe difafters, and on the other the welfare of commerce and of their country, the Body of Merchants have thought it their duty again to reprefent to your R. Highness, Both of them entered upon the cott that if redrefs doth not foon fucceed to their command of armies about the fame age; plaints, it is to be feared, that, in cafe the hips expected home should be taken like the others, want of means will force the merchants to give

up trade.

For thefe reafons, being perfuaded of your R. Highness's clemency, they prefume to claim the performance of the promifes you were plea

"It has been a queftion, Which is the greatest character, that of Julius CESAR, or that of FREDERICK B King of Proffia? to folve which, we fubmit the following comparison to the judgment of our readers.

both of them were put to the bane of their feveral empires, without valuing them a rush. The marriages of both were matters of interest rather than it clination; but in that particular, the magnanimity of the Pruffian greatly furpaffes that of the Roman. The fcens of Cæfar's actions were rather glorios than dangerous; thofe of Frederick wer always dangerous, and therefore alwa

fed to make them at their second audience; promiles fo agreeable, fo full of tenderness and regard, and fo much confided in by them, that they ftill expect to feel the effects of them. Accordingly they most humbly fupplicate your R. Highnels, to be graciously pleafed to concur in the neceffary meatures for faving the commercial glorious. Therequickness of Celt fubjects of the republic from a calamity that is ar- conquefts never was exceeded but

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hofe of Frederick. The progrefs of the ormer was fwift, that of the latter was apid. The barbarians against whom afar fought, were barbarous in every espect the barbarians who acted a ainft Frederick, were barbarous in all Enfes but in the practice of arms. Cæfar ad his Pompey, and Frederick has his Daun the two former were Romans, he two latter are Germans. Though far was generally victorious, yet he vas furprifed by Pompey at Dyrra hium; and though Frederick was feldom beaten, yet he was in the very Fame manner furprifed by Daun at Hochkirchen; and each owned he might have Deen ruined, had his enemy known how to have made ufe of his victory.

Cæfar, upon finishing his expedition into Africa, wrote to the fenate a fahous laconic letter, Veni, Vidi, Vici; but Frederick could have given an account of the clofe of his campaign in 1758, more laconically by one third, Veni, Fici; for the terror of his name prevented his even feeing his enemies. [595]

In learning they were equal: both of them were poets, and both of them hiftorians. Each compofed the memoirs of his own family; Frederick that of Brandenburg; Cæfar that of the Juli, which he read over the corpfe of his grandmother, and of which we have a fragment in Suetonius. Cæfar ruined the liberties of Rome; Frederick afferted thofe of Germany. Cæfar was debauched; Frederick is fober. Cæfar was tall; Frederick is hort. Cæfar's nofe was hooked; Frederick's is fquare. Both of them alike fhone in the arts of polished life; each of them carried the Mufes both into the field and the cabinet; and to conclude, the characteristic of Frederick, by a fort of prefcience, was drawn by Lucan in the following line, which be defigned as the character of Cæfar,

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Nil aðum reputans dum quid fupereffet agendum."

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[Many ponponed articles, are now inferted,] The parliament was, by proclamation, fummoned to meet on Tuesday Nov 140; but, by an order of council, dated Nov. 7. it was prorogued to

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purfuance of the authority given

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his Majefty's commiffion under the great seal, amongst other things to declare the caules of his holding this parliament, his Majefty has been graciously pleafed to direct us to aflure you, that he always receives the highest fatisfaction, ia being able to lay before you any events that may pro

mote the honour and intereft of his kingdoms.

That, in confequence of your advice, and enabled by that affiftance which you unanimously gave him, his Majefly has exerted his endeavours to carry on the war in the most vigorous manher, in order to that defirable end, always to be wifhed, a fafe and honourable peace. It has plea fed the divine providence to blefs his Majefty' meafures and arms with fuccefs in feveral parts; and to make our enemies feel, that the ftrength of G. Britain is not to be provoked with impunity.

We have it all in command from his Majefty to acquaint you, that the conqueft of the ftrong fortrefs of Loufburg, with the islands of Cape Breton and St John; the taking of Frontenac, of the highest importance to our operations in North America; and the reduction of SeneFrench commerce and colonies; and, in propofgal; cannot fail to bring great diftress upon the tion, to procure great advantages to our own.

That nation has also been made sensible, that, whilft their forces are fent forth to invade and ravage the dominions of their neighbours, their own coafts are not inacceffible to his Majelly's fleets and armies. This they have experienced in the demolition of their works at Cherburg, erected at a great expence, with a particular view to annoy this country; and in the lofs of a great number of fhips and veflels: but no treatment, however injurious to his Majefty, could tempt him to make retaliation on the innocent fubjects of that crown.

In Germany, his Majefty's good brother the King of Pruflia, and Prince Ferdinand of Bruntwick, have found full employment for the armies of France, and her confederates; from which our operations, both by sea and in America, have derived the moft evident advantage. Their fucceffes, owing, under God, to their able conduct, and the bravery of his Majesty's troops and thofe of his allies, have been signal and glorious.

His Majefty has further commanded us to ob ferve to you, That the common cause of liberty and independency is ftill making noble and vigorous efforts, against the unnatural union form


ed to opprefs it: That t

jects, the fource of our commerce of his fub- rent, in the reputation thereby acquired to yor

riches, has, by the vigi lant protection received from his Majesty's feet, flourished in a manner not to be parallelled during fuch troubles. In this flate of things, his Majefty, in his wifdom, thinks it unneceflary to use many words to perfuade you to bear up against all difficulties; effectually to fland by, and defend his Majefty; vigorously to fupport the King of Pruffia, and the rest of his Majesty's allies; and to exert yourselves to reduce our enemies to quitable terms of accommodation."

Gentlemen of the boufe of Commons, The uncommon extent of this war, in diffe, rent parts, occafions it to be uncommonly expenfive. This his Majesty has ordered us to declare to you, that he fincerely laments, and feels deeply for the burdens of his people. The feveral eflimates are ordered to be laid before you; and his Majesty defires only fuch fupplies, as fhall be requifite to push the war with advantage, and be adequate to the neceflary fervices.

My Lords, and Gentlemen,

His Majefty has, in the laft place, graciously commanded us to aflure you, that he takes fo much fatisfaction in that good harmony which fubfifts amongst his faithful fubjects, that it is more proper for him now to thank you for it, than to repeat his exhortations to it. This union, neceffary at all times, is more efpecially fo in fuch critical conjunctures; and his Majefty doubts not, but the good effects we have found from it, will be the itrongest motives to you to purfue it.

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The LORDS addrefs, Nov. 24. Moft Gracious Sovereign,

WE your Majefty's most dutiful and loyal

fabjects, the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, in parliament affembled, beg leave to ap proach your throne with hearts full of that duty and affection to your facred perfon and government, which become the most faithful fubjects to the best of kings.

That conftant regard and attention which your Majefty has fhewn to the honour and intereft of your kingdoms, have filled our minds with the molt grateful fentiments; and we fee, with real fatisfaction, thofe active and vigilant efforts which your Majefty, in your great wifdom, has made, to carry on the war with vigour, in order to the defirable end, which we all wish, a safe and ho. nourable peace,

Juftice and good policy required, that our enemies fhould feel how dangerous it is for them. to provoke the fpirit and strength of the British nation. We acknowledge, with becoming thankfulness, the goodness of the divine providence, in having crowned your Majesty's mea fures and arms with fuccefs, in feveral parts; and, we joyfully congratulate your Majefty on the conqueft of the frong fortress of Louisburg, with the illands of Cape Breton and St John, the ta king of Frontenac, and the reduction of Senegal." The high importance of thefe fucceffes is appa

Majefty's arms, and in the diftrefs they cannot fal to bring upon the French commerce and colonic as well as in the happy effects procured to that of G. Britain. 5 wee

We have seen, with the warmest emoties of refentment, the exorbitant devastations connt ted by the armies of France upon the domin of your Majefty and those of your allies in Gen many. "They must now have experiented tow much, in confequence of their unboundedn tion to invade their neighbours, their own coul are expofed in the demolition of their expenive works at Cherburg, particularly intended for the annoyance of this country; and in the lofs of many fhips and veffels, as well privateers as other in their ports. At the fame time, we tant fufficiently admire your Majelly's magnamly and moderation, in not having hitherto retaliated on the innocent fubjects of that crown, the ins rions treatment which you have received.

We have a just sense of the real advantages de rived to the operations of G. Britain in particulr, as well as to the common cause in general, fam the wife conduct of the King of Pruffia, and Prize and the bravery of your Majelly's troops, Ferdinand of Brunswick. Their great wi thofe of your allies, have been fignally confi caous, in the fucceffes with which they have bees attended, and must be acknowledged by all Exгоре.

Nothing can poffibly be of greater hasidalin Portance, than the navigation and commerct of your subjects; and we return your Majelty ser dutiful thanks for that protection and fecerity which they have received from your royal c in the difpofition of your fleet, to which their pe

fent flourishing condition is so much owing. The

ftagnation of our enemies trade,' and the taking and deftroying so many of their capital this war, ought, in this view, to be reckoned among the most happy events.

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Permit us to declare our grateful sense of that paternal tenderness which your Majelly his epreffed for the burdens of your people Wer ceive from thence the ftrongest encouragement to adhere, the more firmly, to the cause of the Pr teftant religion and publie liberty, against anyth natural union formed to opprefs it. In this t caufe, we will, to our utmost, effectually find by and defend your Majefty; fupport the King of Prussia, and the rest of your allies; and vigorously exert ourselves to reduce our enemies to equitable terms of accommdoation.

Our duty and fidelity to your Majefty, and our zeal for the Proteftant fucceffion in your rayal family, are uniform and unalterable; our pay ers for the prolongation of your precious lift, and aufpicious reign over us, are fincere and fervent; and we beg leave to give your Majelly the free cft affurances, that nothing fhall be wanting or our part, to improve union and good harmony amongst all your fubjects, for promoting fecuring the interesting and effential objects

The King's answer. the rights of your Majefty's crown, and of the 1. Lands, sol returo you my hearty thanks Proteftant religion, and the common cause of lihis very dutiful and affectionate addrefs. The berty and independency, against the dangerous Faction which you exprefs in my menfures, union which hath been formed to oppress them, the zeal you thew for my honour and fupport, will bear Fue intereft of my kingdoms, and the af themfelves to the utmost, by granting to your up against all difficulties, and exer g of my allies, as well as for purfing the Majefty fuch fupplies as fhall be neceflary, cffeswith vigour, are highly acceptable to me.tually to stand by and defend your Majesty,, and

y cannot fail to produce the beit effects in prefent conjuncture, to soma panes p

The COMMONS address, Nov. 25. Loft Gracious Sovereign, JE Your Majesty's molt dutiful and loyal, fubjects, the Commons of G. Britain, in ament assembled, return your Majesty our Lfincere and hearty thanks for the fpeech de ed, by your Majesty's command, to both les of parliament/ deabsicht ar an c Ve beg leave to congratulate your Majesty, hearts full of the most unfeigned joy, upon many Lignal fucceffes with which it has picadivine providence to bless your Majetty's futes and arms in feveral parts of the world; icularly in the important conquest of the ng fortress of Louisburg, with the islands of Breton and St John; the taking of Frone, fo eflential to our operations in North A ica; the reduction of the valuable fettlement senegal; the total demolition of the harbour works of Cherburg, erected at so great exce by the enemy, with a particular view to oy this country; and the deftruction of the ping and privateers in the ports of France. Your Majesty's faithful Commons feel, with the helt fatisfaction, how greatly these events reand to the honour and interests of your Maje 's kingdoms, to the upholding the reputation the British arms and to the maintaining and ending the glories of your Majesty's reign. We have the most lively fenfe of thefe happy afequences funder God) of your Majesty's wif m in the powerful exertion of the naval force thefe kingdoms, to the annoyance and diftrefs the fleets, trade, and navigation of France, whilt commerce of G Britain flourishes in full protecn and fecurity; and at the same time, of your ajefty's juftice and magnanimity, in fteadily pporting your allies, and in carrying on with gour, in all parts, this arduous and neceflary do fi, si bre k det

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It is with joy, and admiration we see the gloous efforts made in Germany, by your Ma ity's great ally the King of Pruffia, and thofe ade by Prince Ferdinand of Brunswick, fecond, 1 by the valour of your Majesty's troops, and pofe of your allies; and that full employment as thereby been given to all the armies of France ad of her confederates from which, our ope stions, both by fea and in America, have cived the most evident and important advan dul way the fl Permit us to affure your Majefty, that your aithful Commons, juftly animated in defence of VOL. XX.


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vigorously to fupport the King of Prufha, and the reft of your Majefly's allics; firmly relying on the wildom and goodness of your Majefty, that the fame will be applied in the propereft manner, to push the war with advantage, and to reduce the enemy to equitable terms of a fafe, honourable, and lafting peace.

We beg leave alfo, to express our most grateful fenfe of the paternal fatisfaction your Maje fy takes, in that good harmony which fublift amongst your faithful fubjects, and of your Ma. jetty's gracious acceptance of the univerfal zea and affection of your people which falutary'u<? nion hath enabled us to effectually to exert our ftrength abroad, and hath preferved, at home, tranquillity, fafety, and public credit; and we trust, that the continuance of the fame truly national spirit will, by the bleffing of God, be at tended with the like happy effects for the future. Gentlemen, I return you my thanks for your The King's anfwer. dutiful and affectionate addrefs; and for this fiefh my crown, and of my good brother the King of mark of your unanimous zeal in defence of me and Pruffia, and the rest of my allies.You may fervation of my kingdoms, their trade, and colodepend on my conftant endeavours for the prenies; and for the liberties of Europe.

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Adm. Bofcawen, in the Namur, and Rear-Adm. Sir Charles Hardy, in the a French fhip taken in Louisburg harRoyal William, with the Bienfaifant, bour, arrived from North America at Spithead, Nov. 1. Several other fhips came out with them, but parted com pany foom after they left Louifburg. Adm. Boscawen fell in, on the 27th of October, off the land's end, with fix or even French men of war and two frigates from Quebeck; and though he had but four fhips, he offered them bat tle. He exchanged a few hot with them in the clofe of the evening; but in the morning, defigning to renew the engagement, he found the enemy had flipt away in the night, and were almoft out of fight, fo that he could not overtake them. There were great rejoicings at Portfmouth on the Admiral's arrival, and the town was illuminated the whole night. He arrived at London Nov. 45 4 R

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