The hoary sire-the mortal stroke, And show what good men are. She, who her lovely offspring eyes Their hope, their stay, their darling youth, The beauteous, seraph, sister-band, Thou knows't the snares on every hand, Guide thou their steps alway. When soon or late they reach that coast, May they rejoice, no wand'rer lost, Burns. A PRAYER, UNDER THE PRESSURE OF VIOLENT ANGUISH. O THOU Great Being! what thou art Surpasses me to know: Yet sure I am, that known to thee Are all thy works below. Thy creature here before thee stands, Yet sure those ills that wring my soul Sure thou, Almighty, canst not act O, free my weary eyes from tears, But if I must afflicted be, To suit some wise design; Then man my soul with firm resolves To bear and not repine. Burns. A PRAYER IN THE PROSPECT OF DEATH. THOU unknown, Almighty Cause In whose dread presence, ere an hour, If I have wander'd in those paths Thou know'st that thou hast formed me And list'ning to their witching voice Where human weakness has come short, Or frailty stept aside, Do thou, All-Good! for such thou art, When with intention I have err'd, No other plea I have, But, Thou art good, and goodness still Delighteth to forgive. Burns. SUNDAY HYMN, IN IMITATION OF DR. WATTS, THIS is the day the Lord of life Ascended to the skies; My thoughts, pursue the lofty theme, And to the Heavens arise. Let no vain cares divert my mind From the celestial road; Nor all the honours of the Earth Think of the splendours of that place, With worlds beneath the sky. Heav'n is the birth-place of the saints, HARK! the prophetic raven brings A solemn darkness spreads the tomb, Tell me, my soul, oh tell me why When conscious guilt arrests the mind, Jesus! to thee I'll fly for aid, Would vanish were my Saviour here. VOL. I. 15 No more imagin'd spectres walk, How sweet these sacred hours of rest, Be others' choice the sparkling bowl; A nobler joy my thoughts design; That tree which bears immortal fruit, Without a canker at the root; That friend which never fails the just, When other friends desert their trust. Come then, my soul, be this thy guest, With this companion in the shade, |