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rifice scarcely should be thought too great to obtain for them this essential requisite for health. Children who are accustomed to go out, if it be but for an hour a day, evidently suffer if deprived of the privilege; they seem dull and poorly, and are often very cross and irritable: in short, out-door exercise is essential, not only to bodily, but to mental health.

The exercise of the senses, and of the mental powers, may be very advantageously pursued out of doors, and may greatly conduce to the pleasure both of children and mothers; and here let me urge upon mothers the desirableness, to say the least, of joining their children in their walks, and striving to enter into all their frolics. While walking, you may exercise a child's sight by desiring him to look at distant objects, and by asking him what he thinks they are like; if he mistake them, approach nearer to them, and let him again try to distinguish them. Or you may examine a pebble or a stone, and enquire its shape, its colour, its weight; try whether it be comparatively soft or hard, and whether he can break or crush it like sand. You may pick up a flower, and tell him the names of the different parts, and of the colours it displays. You may lead him to distinguish between the smell of different flowers, or between that of a hay-field and a bean-field, or of any other object that may be agreeable to the sense. His hearing, too, may be improved, by directing his attention to different sounds; as, to the sound of a distant carriage—is it a cart, a coach, or a lighter vehicle? The notes of different birds, and the voices of different animals, will also afford ample exercise for his hearing.

Whilst a child is thus employing his senses, ths best powers of his mind will likewise be cultivated. You will teach him observation, without which the brightest book of nature is a mere blank. He will exercise his attention, by examining objects with so much care as to be enabled again to recognize them, particularly if he be accustomed to describe them to his father on his return home. He will be led, by degrees, to a perception of differences between objects and parts of objects: his memory, too, will be cultivated; and he will early imbibe a taste for the cheap and inexhaustible pleasures which nature provides for her children.


Portrait of Dr. Forbes Winslow.

Lithographed from the Life. By

THE numerous friends and admirers of Dr. Forbes Winslow, author of "Physic and Physicians," will be glad to learn that a Portrait of that gentleman has just been published. It is a correct likeness, and, as a piece of art, is most creditable to Mr. Macguire. Dr.Winslow, we understand, has, of late, been particularly applying himself to the subject of insanity. We believe we may add that something more on the subject, in continuation of his excellent work, "Health of Body and Mind," may soon be expected from the doctor's pen.




A FEW days after the breaking out of the rebellion, in the year 1798, my regiment, which lay in Dublin, had instructions to hold itself in marching order. Being a young man, with a slight touch of the dare-devil, and fondly building upon a speedy promotion, I hailed our immediate order to march with all the enthusiasm of an enterprising young Captain, who had to fight his way to distinction. The night before our march, my sleep was interrupted by dreams of personal danger-at times encountering a band of pikemen ordering my men to charge bayonets-dashing in amongst them-now and then kissing the cold steel pike, which, at times, tickled me in the ribs, and left anything but an agreeable impression. But morning coming, and the drum beating, I found myself as comfortably in bed, as if my dear Mamma had but just tucked me in for the night. Jumping from bed, I was soon in a condition to ring for my attendant, who informed me it was time for muster. Everything for our march having been packed the over-night, and placed upon the luggage cart, I left my room for the Barrack-yard, where the soldiers were busily arranging themselves in their respective companies. A short time, and we were on the march. The morning was fine, but by no means oversultry; and, although the sun shone with an unusual strength, we had every chance of a temperate heat for our day's march. Ireland was then under "Martial Law," but nevertheless, the prying citizens were out, and busily inquiring of each other where the soldiers were going to. Windows were thrown up, and no sooner up than two or three heads would pop out. What was rather remarkable, the heads all had night-caps, ornamented with borders, under which might be seen, the homely face of the shopkeeper's wife, the rosy cheeks of her daughter, and the no less healthy, but full-moon face of "Biddy," the "sarvice woman;" all inquisitiveness as to where we were going, yet not daring, in their robes of Morpheus, to put questions to "the soldiers."

Having got outside the suburbs, we had very few pretty faces to look at, the houses being far apart, and mostly cloaked by avenues, so that our march lost that charm which the good wishes of the fair had hitherto given it. Our first day's march was thirtyfive Irish miles, over bad roads, across hill and dale, and clouds of dust; and, contrary to our expectations, exposed to excessive heat. 2 F

Dec. 1844.-VOL. XLI. NO. CLXIV.

It being well understood that the united Irishmen had their spies in every city, town, and village, care was taken to keep the civilians in ignorance of the place for which we were destined. They were well aware, however, that our sudden movement was owing to the alarming state of the north, and needed but little information to satisfy them of the very spot to which we were on the march.

"Arrived at Arklow, we had orders to halt; and the Colonel, after a conference with the commander-in-chief of the garrison (Major-General Needham), thought proper to send the men to barracks for the night, with the understanding that we were to resume our march for Wexford at break of day. Having formed an acquaintance with a six-bottle Captain, or, more politelyspeaking, a brother officer, he proposed my drinking to the success of his Majesty George the Third, or, in plain words, to the speedy annihilation of the Papist rebels, who had caused us all this marching and counter-marching. To satisfy Captain Blackmore, for whom I had a regard, and by no means to gratify my thirst by whiskey punch, though I could now and then tipple a little, his proposal was agreed to. Having put up at the best house of accommodation we could meet with, and partaken of supper, my friend and I paid our respects to whiskey punch; but he, drinking two tumblers to my one, soon fell fast asleep in his chair, with his head in anything but a becoming posture, hanging right backwards, and snoring like a pig. I was about to ring for the waiter, when a loud knocking at the street door arrested my attention; leaving the bell-rope undisturbed, I proceeded to the window and attempted to raise it, so as to have a look at the intruder, but, curse the care of old Boniface, he had it secured with double fastenings, so as not to be surprised by the rebels. Returning to the bell-rope, I was about to pull it with all my might, when in walked my host, followed by a little scrap of a waiter, both out of breath.

"Why the devil," said I, pretending to be angry, "did you nail down the window?"

"Oh, your honour," answered my host, "sure 'tis dhramin' ye are, to ask that question."

"Who the devil's knocking?" said I, interrupting his explanation of the window.


Faith, Captain," he answered, "mysilf can't say, but here's the kay of the sthreet door at yer service-'tis better than two tongues."

And here my host seated himself comfortably in a chair, and laid the key of the castle on the table, at my disposal.

Turning to the waiter, who was as full of dismay as his master, "Go, fellow," said I, "and see who it is that disturbs us." Taking the key, as by stealth, he politely slipped it into my

2 F 2

right hand, and taking the candlestick in his own, he stood waiting for my advance to the street door. Seeing the fellow was determined to let me have all the honour of the assault, I determined to try how far my solicitations to him would prove ineffectual. Well, sir," said I, looking as fierce as suppressed laughter would allow," Proceed."

"Pro-what, yer honour?" said he.

"Proceed!" I repeated, at the top of my voice.

"What, yer honour!-is it me-shure the likes of me, that waits upon yer honour, knows mysilf betther than going before a gintleman. Shure, yer honour, I'll lighten yer honour to the door."

The knocking, which had for a time ceased, was resumed, and to abridge the disturbance, I descended the stairs, the waiter following, but at a very respectful distance. Throwing back three bolts, disconnecting a large iron bar, and unhooking a chain, I took a breath, and smiled at the care bestowed upon a door, which a pickaxe, after five minutes' labour, would have utterly destroyed: but the rebels had threatened the town, and the inhabitants were determined they would not be taken by surprise.

"Who comes?" said I.

"Wexford," was the answer.

Enough-the key was applied, and the door swung back upon its hinges. The disturber was no other than the sergeant of my company, who, after the usual salute, presented me with a small note. Upon perusal, I found it to be a request for my immediate attendance upon the Colonel.

"Giving orders to have Blackmore taken care of, and the sergeant supplied with a noggin of whiskey, I returned to the parlour, tightened my sword-belt, and departed to wait upon my Colonel. O'Donnel, the sergeant, who waited at the street-door, informed me that the report of firing was distinctly heard two or three times, but whether from the militia pickets, or from the rebels, was not yet known. Quickening my pace, I arrived at the outer gate of the mansion, where Colonel M (afterwards Lord F), had taken up his quarters. O'Donnel giving the sentinel the pass-word, we entered, and without any regard to the regular path, crossed the large grass-plot in front of the house. Colonel M, anticipating my speedy arrival, was pacing the large hall, seemingly in a state of deep abstraction, but upon my entering, was again himself. After kindly shaking me by the hand, he led the way into a small room off the hall, where were seated four elderly gentlemen, chatting over their wine. All rose upon my entrance, and vied in compliments towards me-two, three, four glasses, were immediately poured out, one of which I only partook of. The gentlemen were not in the least disturbed by my presence, but after I had seated myself, resumed their

discourse, which consisted of rebels and pikes, transportation and hanging two insisting that the duty of Government was, to hang and transport every papist in the country. The other twomagistrates-upon the score of humanity and patriotism, thought transportation the most beneficial to the country at large, for it would not only save the expense of hangmen, but would add materially to the revenue. I own that, annoyed as I was by their unmannerly clamour, the originality of the magistrates' propositions quite took my attention. Humanity in transporting poor wretches! thought I. Even the Colonel, who was anything but well pleased with the waste of time, felt inclined to listen, and smiled at me accordingly.

"You see, my dear sir," said one of the most humane of the worthy justices, "transportation is not taking away life, which is attended by an expense, do it how you will. If by shooting-a waste of powder; if by hanging-there are hangmen to be paid; besides, there are pitchcaps to be found, and upon the whole, I presume that transportation, not requiring pitchcaps, powder, nor hangmen, would serve the state and add to the revenue."

Sir T-shook his head in profound denial, and coughing with as much energy as an old Baronet gone in wine could cough, replied, "I admit the humanity, but deny the expense or adding to the revenue. Transport ships must be paid, and convicts fed; as for humanity, why gentlemen, this is no time for exercising it." Having said thus much, and applying a full glass to his lips, which was soon emptied, his opponent explained as follows:

"While I give you great credit, Sir T for the able manner in which you have alluded to the blindness of my being overhumane, at this very critical period; yet when I show you the sound policy of my arguments, you will, from your good taste and patriotic feelings, allow my proposition for transportation to be the soundest and most profitable. Quite a speculation, I assure you, upon my honour, Sir T

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The Colonel looked at me, as if he could no longer keep silence, but the almost immediate return of the worthy magistrate to the marrow of the subject, checked his impatience.

"I think, Sir T--" resumed the last speaker, "you laid great stress upon our having to pay for ships, and feeding convicts?"

Sir T― nodded assent, and stroked his chin as one satisfied of an advantage.

"I grant all that, Sir T-," continued the justice; "but you will own, that when each convict will be worth ten pounds, at the lowest calculation, allowing for shipping, provisions, and other expenses-transportation is humane and political."

"When," interrupted the Baronet, "you prove a damn'd rebel worth half the sum in king's money, you shall have my opinion in favour of the scheme."

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