The CAP and Green AgricultureInstitute for Public Policy Research, 1990 - 31 Seiten |
Häufige Begriffe und Wortgruppen
15 per cent agreement agricultural policy alternative areas argues associated Baccalauréat budget cereal chemicals commercial agriculture Common Agricultural Policy concern countries countryside crops David Miliband economic effects eliminate encouraged environmental estimates European Commission European Community existing exports farm incomes farm policies farm products farming sector farmland fertiliser free market GATT negotiations Gavyn Davies Harvey hectare implemented income support increase industry inputs intervention ISBN Jonathon Porritt land prices levels of support major market failures market system mechanism natural environment objectives Offset output paper PEG limits PEG option PEG payments PEG proposal political possible potential pressures problem production practices quantities quota reduce reform regions requirements road pricing rural environment scheme set-aside signals social spending subsidies substantial supplies support payments support policies surplus target tion trade distorting Uruguay Round Value Added Tax wildlife world market prices world prices