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he has chosen and seeing others as he thinks, meeting both in different pursuits, he foolishly changes to a new occupation. I would by no means be understood, that one should never quit a present or even a familiar employment for another, the adoption of which times and circumstances render expedient and proper. But in general, such changes are vastly injurious, both to the characters and prosperity of the individuals who make them. They almost infallibly generate an indecision and hesitating irresolution of mind, which are fatal obstacles to a proper and faithful discharge of the duties of any station, and which therefore inevitably preclude the attainment of that felicity and abundance, which are unwisely sought by thus varying from pursuit to pursuit.

Weigh well, as has been already enjoined, before you determine; but having determined enter on your work with resolution, and pursue it with steadiness. Be neither driven from your path by the unexpected difficulties, that oppose your progress, nor enticed to quit it by the flowery fields, which fancy may suppose she sees at a distance. Nor suffer the business of your employment to pass Janguidly along. Unless the wheel be constantly impelled it soon eases to roll, how great soever the force at first communicated. So your business should progress with undiminishing, if not increasing exertions.

Economy in expenses is no less important. I am aware I am not addressing those, who are in habits of dissipation and extravagance-but, it is a great truth that few learn to carry into life and practice the principles of a just economy. It is to be lamented, that youth are taught to associate the ideas of nobleness and generosity with such careless distribution or perverted uses of money, as more justly deserve the name of wastefulness. Such an employment of money though accounted more honourable than the management of the niggard, is however not less injurious to society and, perhaps, is more so to the individual. But there may be a great retrenchment of the ordinary expenses of life, without an approximation to the justly despised character of the real niggard. No one can deny, that he expends every year much to gratify some silly vanity; to pamper some vicious inclination; to indulge some capricious whim; or to obtain trifling and unnecessary articles of convenience or pleasure. All this


disbursement might and should be avoided. Indeed a strict and systematical economy is a moral duty of every individual. It is a duty too, repeatedly enjoined in the sacred scriptures. The same Divine being, who had just fed the hungry five thousand with a few loaves and fishes, expressly commanded his disciples, "Gather up the frag ments that nothing be lost." But, remember, this economical management must never proceed from a hateful care of money-nor from the selfish hope of being hereafter able with more security to indulge your inclinations, or of possessing at some future time the foolish, useless distinction of being rich. Such motives are base-such a use of money is sinful. You should deny yourselves, and compress your own expenditures, that you may relieve the wants, and promote the happiness, of others. The age is now arrived, in which it is the imperious duty of every one to labour diligently, and live economically, that he may contribute more abundantly to the success of the numerous benevolent designs, which are now constantly springing into existence and which are so obviously tending to introduce the promised era of peace and good will

on earth.

But it is time, that I should more particularly direct you to the nobler part of your nature, your intellectual powers. In all your pursuits, keep your eyes steadily directed to the mind; with all your gettings, be sure you get understanding. You cannot expect, indeed you should not wish, to become learned men. But neglect not to feed your minds with knowledge, till you neglect to feed "your bodies with meat. I am not ignorant of the common remark, we can find no time,-our business constantly demands our attention. But be not offended, if I say, it is as frivolous, as it is common. The student, who has been poring the day long over his books, finds it recreation to turn to some manual labour. The labourer might find it equally an amusement to enter for a while the closet of the student, and adopt in a measure his pursuits. Thus in the intervals of labour while the body is gaining strength for new exertions, the mind may be increasing its knowledge and invigorating its faculties.

Some of these leisure moments should be devoted to obtaining an acquaintance with the circumstances, pursuits, and prospects of other men. Many and great dis

advantages result from ignorance on this subject. And it is not the least unhappy of these, that persons, who confine their views to the narrow circle of the neighbourhood, in which they dwell, contract and cherish a selfish preference of themselves, which precludes all exertion for the public good, and almost renders them deaf to the calls of distress, that may sound in their ears. But the person, who cultivates an acquaintance with the circumstances of even his distant fellow men, learns to consider all mankind a family, of which he is a member, and feels it his duty and interest to seek the common benefit of the whole. He enters with spirit into schemes of benevolence, and forgets not "to do good and to communicate.” Cultivate in yourselves these liberal feelings towards the world, and this lively interest in its prosperity and happiness.

But be careful also to discipline your minds with par ticular reference to the distinct concerns of the place of your abode. In consequence of a neglect of this duty in its young men, the prosperity of many a town has sadly declined. The fathers, who had ruled in its councils, and guided its affairs, pass to their long home, but the sons are not prepared to supply their places. None are found te manage its concerns, public spirit deadens, and, if good insitutions are not left to decay, many a favourable opportunity of publie benefit, is forever lost. It is your duty therefore, to look about, and inquire what services. may be demanded of you, and fit yourselves to perform them. Aim even to be distinguished by your preparation for such duties, and your readiness to undertake them. And, when actually called to exertion in this sphere, aim to be distinguished for promptness, resolution, and conscientious independence. This honour you cannot obtain without cultivating your minds, nor till you have learned to draw your happiness from self approbation rather than from the capricious opinions of others. Then you may persevere in the course conscience directs, alike re gardless of the flatteries of one party, and the reproach

es of another.

But in order fully to accomplish this, you must attend to another species of mental improvement, the removal: of early prejudices. Prejudice has an immense influence over the human mind, and happy indeed is it for us, that :

its influence is sometimes salutary. Too often, however, it is pernicious in the extreme, in its effect on both social and individual happiness. The opinions of a vast proportion of men are not the results of their own reflections and judgment; they are the mere echoes of the opinions of others, or the mechanical effect of the circumstances of their condition. Different societies and different circumstances originate different prejudices. But men are as tenacious of a prejudice, thus caught, as of the strong. est convictions of their own judgment. Hence much of that clashing and contest, which so often mar individual and public peace. You will not flatter yourselves with a freedom from that, which enslaves the rest of the world. But to obtain such a freedom should excite your most strenuous exertions. Examine yourselves, therefore, and you will find various prejudices to be removed before you can manage in life with propriety and impartiality. There are not only political and religious prejudices; there are society prejudices; family prejudices; prejudices indeed on almost every subject, that presents itself to the mind. Of course if iudulged, they will sway the conduct in every stage and condition of life, Accustom yourselves, therefore, to examine opinions, and, when actions are con cerned, place yourselves in the situation of a wholly un interested person, and consider what would be the judg ment of such an one, in the case before you.

Permit me to congratulate you, in the plan of your un ion, a foundation is laid for furnishing you with facilities for mental cultivation in the respects which have bee mentioned; facilities, which consist not merely in the li brary for the establishment and support of which your constitution contains provision, but also in the literary exercises it recommends to your attention, and which I am persuaded may be of utility. They will lead you to exercise your intellectual powers; exercise will unfold and strengthen them; and when unfolded and strengthened they will enable you to conduct with dignity and propriety. You will cherish this society, therefore, as one of the most powerful means of making you honourable and useful.

But to consider it a mere selfish institution for your personal good only, would be injustice. Your society wears a fairer aspect, it possesses a nobler character. You have

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added your exertions to those, which are now directed to evangelize the world. You are obscured indeed from the eyes of men, but you are noticed by him, who sees in seeret, and who will not permit your labours to fail of suc cess, or to pass unrewarded. You are engaged in a sublime cause. Thousands of the excellent of the earth are engaged in the same; thousands more will be engaged in it soon. But do not think you have done enough, when you have contributed the mite your constitution demands. Be ready to support every benevolent scheme, that presents itself to your patronage. Covet the honour of being hearty co-workers in the evangelization of the heathen world, as well as in the instruction of the poor in your own land. Think much of the greatness and importance of this cause, great, because it is the cause of the Most High -important, because it involves the immortal destinies of your fellow men.

I have spoken of important duties in human life; but besides these there is a one thing needful; without this be wealthy, be learned, be distinguished as you may, you are poor indeed. May you be wise, then, and acquaint yourselves with God, that good may come to your souls.



WHEN abroad in the autumnal season we behold a -world fading around us. The eye of devotion is raised with this exclamation, Thou God changest the face of nature! Thus also thou dealest with man.

Thou changest his countenance and sendest him away.-JOB.

"Order," has been called, “heaven's first law." Diversity and variety equally characterize the works and ways of God. Diversity of dimensions, orbits, and revolutions, pervades the planetary system. The same diversity extends throughout the earth. Every genus, species, and individual in the animal and vegetable king

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