£ £ GREAT BRITAIN 8. d. 729,952,352 13 03 2,116,418 5 1727,835,934 7 11 s. d. £ s. d. IRELAND 38,836,888 0 4 TOTAL 38,836,888 0 4 United Kingdom on 5th January, 1846 768,789,240 13 43(a)2,116,418 5 1 766,672,822 8 3 The Act 10 Geo. IV, c. 27, which came into operation at the 5th July, 1829, enacts, That the Sum thenceforth annually applicable to the Reduction of the National Debt of the United Kingdom shall be the sum which shall appear to be the amount of the whole actual annual surplus Revenue, beyond the expenditure of the said United Kingdom; and the following Sums have been accordingly received by the Commissioners, to be applied to the Reduction of the said Debt, including Sums on account of Donations and Bequests. National Debt Office, January 5, 1846. Deferred Life Annuities, per 10 Geo. IV, c. 24, and 3 Will. IV, c. 14 ..... Deferred Annuities for Terms of Years, per ditto £ s. d. 12,046 8 0 785 8 6 £12,831 16 6 AN ACCOUNT OF THE UNFUNDED DEBT OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND; And of the Demands outstanding on the 5th January, 1846; Distinguished under the following heads; viz.-Exchequer Bills; Sums remaining unpaid, charged upon the Aids granted by Parliament, and the Exchequer Bills to be issued out of the Consolidated Fund; and distinguishing also such part of the Unfunded Debt and Demands as have been provided for by Parliament; together with an ACCOUNT of the WAYS and MEANS remaining in the Exchequer, or to be received on the 5th January, 1846, to repay such part of the Unfunded Debt and Demands outstanding, as have been provided for. TRADE OF THE UNITED KINGDOM. AN ACCOUNT of the VALUE of the IMPORTS into, and of the EXPORTS from, the United Kingdom of GREAT BRITAIN and IRELAND, During each of the Three Years ending the 5th January, 1846; calculated at the Official Rates of Valuation, and distinguishing the Amount of the Produce and Manufactures of the United Kingdom Exported, from the Value of Foreign and Colonial Merchandize Exported :—Also, stating the Amount of the Produce and Manufactures of the United Kingdom Exported therefrom, according to the Real or Declared Value thereof. AN ACCOUNT of the Value of the IMPORTS into, and of the EXPORTS from, GREAT BRITAIN, During each of the Three Years ending the 5th January, 1846; calculated at the Official Rates of Valuation, and stated exclusively of the Trade with Ireland; distinguishing the Amount of the Produce and Manufactures of the United Kingdom Exported, from the Value of Foreign and Colonial Merchandize Exported:-Also, stating the Amount of the Produce and Manufactures of the United Kingdom Exported from Great Britain, according to the Real or Declared Value thereof. |