AN ACCOUNT of the Ordinary Revenues and Extraordinary Resources, constituting TOTALS of Ordinary} £1,354,914 28, 53,102,883 15 11 1,499,498 8 5 51,003,385 5 5 52,958,2009 8 1 Revenues... TOTALS of the Public) Income of Great Bri-£1,354,014 28 54,434,303 11 11 1,499,498 8 6 52,934,805 8 5 54,289,719 6 1.5 tain Whitehall, Treasury Chambers, March 24, 1846. the PUBLIC INCOME of GREAT BRITAIN; for the Year ended 5th January, 1846. 3,550,245 4 8 676,327 4 411 4,056,572 9 1,2 47,632,080 12 3 1,209,646 6 94 52,958,299 8 15 67 37 3,380,245 4 670,327 4 411 4,056,572 91,3 48,083,500 10 3 1,260,046 6 9154,289,719 6 1 [1844—45.] EDW. CARDWELL. F |