LETTER BILL, for the Correspondence between Great Britain and Hanover. General Post Office, London, 184. The following Articles are sent herewith, the receipt of which it is requested may be acknowledged, viz. CLOSED MAILS from the BRITISH OFFICE in transit through HANOVER. Destination. Weight of Letters in Ounces. Number of Newspapers. REGISTERED LETTERS affixed to the present Bill, and included in the foregoing Articles. Number. Whence sent. To whom addressed. Place of Destination. ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF RECEIPT for the Correspondence between Hanover and Great Britain. CLOSED MAILS for the BRITISH OFFICE in transit through HANOVER. Origin. Weight of Letters in Ounces. Number of Newspapers. REGISTERED LETTERS affixed to the present Bill, and included in the foregoing Articles. Number. Whence sent. To whom addressed. Place of Destination. LETTER BILL, for the Correspondence between Hanover and Great Britain. Hanoverian Post Office, Bremen, 184 The following Articles are sent herewith, the receipt of which it is requested may be acknowledged, viz: II. PAID LETTERS to be placed to the Credit of the BRITISH OFFICE. 4. Paid Letters from Hanover, Brunswick, and the city of Bremen, for Great Britain .. 5. Paid Letters from Hanover and Brunswick, for British Colonies and Foreign Countries, through Great Britain 6. Paid Letters from other Countries, through Hanover, for British Colonies and Foreign Countries III. LETTERS, NEWSPAPERS, &c., forming no charge between the 2 Offices. 7. Letters from Countries in transit through Hanover, for Great Britain, &c. 8. Newspapers from Hanover and from other Countries, in transit through Hanover.. Number of Amount. Letters. CLOSED MAILS for the BRITISH OFFICE in transit through HANOVER. Origin. Weight of Letters, in Ounces. Number of Newspapers. REGISTERED LETTERS affixed to the present Bill, and included in the foregoing Articles. Number. Whence sent. To whom addressed. Place of Destination. ACKNOWLEDGMENT OF RECEIPT for the Correspondence between Great Britain and Hanover. CLOSED MAILS from the BRITISH OFFICE in transit through HANOVER. Destination. Weight of Letters in Ounces. Number of Newspapers. REGISTERED LETTERS affixed to the Bill, and included in the foregoing Articles. Number. Whence sent. To whom addressed. Place of Destination. ADDITIONAL ARTICLES between the General Post Office of Great Britain and the General Post Office of France, for carrying into execution the Convention of April 3, 1843*.Signed at November 1, 1845. Paris, London, [Signed in the English and French Languages.] In pursuance of the power granted by Articles XLIX and LXXXVII of the Convention of April 3rd, 1843, between France and Great Britain, to the 2 Post Offices, to settle the matters of detail, which are to be arranged by mutual consent, for ensuring the execution of the said Convention. The Undersigned, duly authorized for that purpose by their respective offices, have agreed upon the following Articles: ART. I. The exchange of mails is suppressed between the offices of Cherbourg and Jersey, of Paris and Gibraltar, and of Marseilles and Gibraltar. II. Letters originating in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, the British colonies and possessions, for the cantons of the Swiss Confederation, may be forwarded to the French Post Office, either unpaid or paid to their destination, at the option of the senders. III. Reciprocally, letters originating in the cantons of the Swiss Confederation, addressed to the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, the British colonies and possessions, may be forwarded to the British Post Office, either unpaid, or paid to their destination, at the option of the senders. IV. The French Post Office shall pay to the British Post Office, for postage on unpaid letters originating in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, the British colonies and possessions, addressed to the cantons of the Swiss Confederation; namely: 1st. On letters from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, at the rate of 1s. per ounce British, net weight. 2nd. On letters from the British colonies and possessions (but only from the port of embarkation in the said colonies and possessions) at the rate of 3s. 4d. per ounce British, net weight. There shall be added to the rate of 3s. 4d. fixed as above, that of 8d. for the internal postage of such of the aforesaid letters as are forwarded from Jamaica (those coming from Kingston excepted), Canada, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward's Island, and Newfoundland; making in all 4s. per ounce British, net weight. V. The French Post Office shall likewise pay to the British Post Office, for postage on letters, originating in the cantons of the Swiss Confederation, which shall be paid to their destination in the United * Vol. XXXI. Page 37. |