ever the privilege of the reduction of 10 per cent. stipulated in favour of the trade of her subjects, by the VIIth Article of the Convention signed at London on the 26th of September, 1816. And His Sicilian Majesty engages on his part, that so long as this Treaty shall last, the subjects of Her Britannic Majesty shall continue to enjoy a reduction of 10 per cent. upon the duties payable according to the Customs' tariff, upon the total of the merchandize or productions of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, her colonies, possessions, and dependencies, imported by them into His Majesty's dominions; and further, the subjects of Her Britannic Majesty shall not pay any higher duties than those which upon the like merchandize or productions shall be paid by the subjects or citizens of any other nation, conformably always to the terms of the VIth Article of the present Treaty, and the principles laid down in that Article. It is however understood, that nothing contained in this Article shall prevent or restrict the right of His Majesty the King of the Kingdom of the 2 Sicilies to continue to his own subjects the enjoyment of a like reduction of 10 per cent. on the Custom-House duties, or to grant it, if he shall think proper, to other nations, and thus to place them in this respect on the same footing with Great Britain; and to make at any time such changes as His legio della reduzione del 10 per cento, stipulato a favore del commercio de' suoi sudditi, con lo Articolo VII della Convenzione fatta in Londra il 26 Settembre, 1816. E Sua Maestà il Re del Regno delle 2 Sicilie dal canto suo, promette che per la durata del presente Trattato, i sudditi di Sua Maestà Britannica continueranno a godere di una riduzione del 10 per cento su' dazî risultanti dalle tariffe doganali, su la totalità delle mercanzie e prodotti del Regno Unito della Gran Brettagna e dell' Irlanda, sue colonie, possessioni, e dipendenze, ch' essi potranno importare ne' suoi reali domini; ed i sudditi di Sua Maestà Britannica non pagheranno dazî maggiori di quelli che su le stesse merci e prodotti potranno venir pagati da' sudditi o cittadini di ogni altra nazione; ai termini però del convenuto nello Articolo VI del presente Trattato e secondo i principi in quello Articolo stabiliti. Egli è pertanto beninteso che nulla di quanto è convenuto in questo Articolo potrà impedire of restringere la facoltà di Sua Maestà il Re del Regno delle 2 Sicilie di conservare a' suoi sudditi sudditi i godimento di una il simile riduzione del 10 per cento su i dazi doganali, o di accordarla, se gli aggrada, ad altre nazioni, e cosi metterli a questo riguardo nello stesso piede della Gran Brettagna; e d' indurre in ogni tempo nelle tariffe doganali de' Majesty shall deem fit in the tariffs of his royal dominions. XV. The Ionian Islands being under the protection of Her Britannic Majesty, the subjects and vessels of those islands shall enjoy, in the Sicilian dominions, all the advantages which are granted by the present Treaty to the subjects and vessels of Great Britain, as soon as the Government of the Ionian Islands shall have agreed to grant the same reciprocal advantages in those islands to the subjects and vessels of His Sicilian Majesty; it being understood that to prevent abuses, every Ionian vessel claiming the benefits of this Treaty, shall be furnished with a patent signed by the Lord High Commissioner, or by his representative. XVI. The commerce and navigation between the dominions of His Sicilian Majesty and Gibraltar and Malta, shall enjoy all the advantages granted to the subjects and vessels of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and the Kingdom of the 2 Sicilies, by the present Treaty. XVII. As soon as the Ratifications of the present Treaty shall have been exchanged, the stipulations contained in the Convention of Commerce and Navigation between Great Britain and the Kingdom of the 2 Sicilies, signed at London on the 26th of September, 1816, as well as in the Additional Articles of the same date, shall be, without distinction and for ever, considered as null and void. suoi reali dominî que' cambiamenti che crederà opportuni. XV. Le Isole Ionie essendo sotto la protezione di Sua Maestà Britannica, i sudditi e bastimenti di quelle isole godranno ne' dominî di Sua Maestà Siciliana tutti i vantaggi che sono conceduti dal presente Trattato a' sudditi e bastimenti della Gran Brettagna, e subito che il Governo delle Isole Ionie avrà convenuto di accordare gli stessi reciproci vantaggi in quelle isole a' sudditi di Sua Maestà Siciliana ed ai loro bastimenti; sottintendendosi che a prevenire gli abusi, ciascun bastimento Ionio che reclamerà il beneficio di questo Trattato, sarà fornito di una patente sottoscritta dal Lord Alto Commessario, o dal suo rappresentante. XVI. Il commercio e la navigazione tra i dominî di Sua Maestà Siciliana, Gibilterra e Malta, godranno tutti i vantaggi conceduti ai sudditi e bastimenti del Regno Unito della Gran Brettagna e dell' Irlanda, e del Regno delle 2 Sicilie, col presente Trattato. XVII. Tostocchè le Ratifiche del presente Trattato saranno state cambiate, le stipulazioni contenute così nella Convenzione di Commercio e di Navigazione tra il Regno Unito della Gran Brettagna e della Irlanda, ed il Regno delle 2 Sicilie, fatta in Londra a' 26 Settembre, 1816, che negli Articoli Addizionali alla medesima e della stessa data, saranno tutti indistintamente e per sempre considerate come nulle ed invalide. XVIII. The present Treaty shall be in force for the term of 10 years from the date of the exchange of the Ratifications thereof, and further until the end of 12 months after either of the High Contracting Parties shall have given notice to the other of its intention to terminate the same; each of the said High Contracting Parties reserving to itself the right of giving such notice at the end of the said term of 10 years, or at any subsequent time. XIX. The present Treaty shall be ratified, and the Ratifications shall be exchanged at Naples at the expiration of 3 months from the date of its signature, or sooner if possible. In witness whereof the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed the same, and have affixed thereto the seals of their arms. Done at Naples, the 29th day of April, 1845. (L.S.) WILLIAM TEMPLE. XVIII. Il presente Trattato sarà in vigore per lo spazio di 10 anni a contare dal giorno in cui saranno cambiate le Ratifiche, ed anche fino al termine di 12 mesi dopo che ciascuna delle Alte Parti Contraenti avrà notificato all' altra la sua intenzione di porvi termine; riservandosi ciascuna delle Alte Parti Contraenti il diritto di dare tale conoscenza alla fine del detto termine di 10 anni, o a qualunque susseguente tempo. XIX. Il presente Trattato sarà ratificato, e le Ratifiche saranno scambiate in Napoli allo spirare di 3 mesi dalla data della sottoscrizione, o anche prima se sara possibile. In fede di che i Plenipotenziari rispettivi l'hanno sottoscritto, e vi hanno apposto il sugello delle loro armi. Fatto in Napoli, il 29 di Aprile, 1845. (L.S.) WILLIAM TEMPLE. (L.S.) PRINCIPE DI COMI- (L.S.) PRINCIPE DI COMI (L.S.) ANTONIO SPINELLI. (L.S.) ANTONIO SPINELLI. CONVENTION between the General Post Office of Great Britain and the General Post Office of Brunswick.-Signed at London, July 8, 1845. THE General Post Office of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and the General Post Office of the Duchy of Brunswick, being desirous to regulate by means of a Convention, the communications by post between the 2 countries upon a more liberal and advantageous basis for the inhabitants of both countries; The Undersigned, William Leader Maberly, Lieutenant-Colonel in Her Majesty's Service and Secretary of the General Post Office, furnished with Full Powers from the Right Honourable William, Earl of Lonsdale, Postmaster-General of Her Majesty the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and The Sieur Henry Augustus Frederick Friesland, Chief Inspector of the Posts of Hanover, Companion of the Fourth Class of the Order of the Guelphs, and Knight of the Third Class of the Prussian Order of the Red Eagle, furnished with Full Powers of his Excellency William Schulz, Minister of State of the Duchy of Brunswick; After having communicated to each other their respective Full Powers, found to be in good and due form, have agreed upon the following Articles : 1.-International Correspondence. ART. I. Letters originating in any place in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and addressed to any place in the Duchy of Brunswick, and reciprocally letters originating in any place in Brunswick and addressed to any place in the said United Kingdom, conveyed by the British packet-boats to and from the Elbe and through the Kingdom of Hanover, shall be charged in the 2 countries with an uniform postage of 9d. sterling, or 6 good groschen per single letter, of which 6d. sterling or 4 good groschen shall represent the postage due to the British Office, and 2 good groschen or 3d. sterling the combined postage due to the Post Offices of Hanover and Brunswick. With respect to the letters, above the weight of a single letter, which is fixed at an ounce in the United Kingdom, and at a loth in Brunswick, the 2 offices shall employ the scale of progression now in operation in the United Kingdom, as follows: rate. 1st. For every letter not exceeding an ounce in weight, 1 single 2ndly. Above an ounce, but not exceeding 1 ounce, 2 rates. 3rdly. Above 1 ounce, but not exceeding 2 ounces, 4 rates. 4thly. Above 2 ounces, but not exceeding 3 ounces, 6 rates. 5thly. Above 3 ounces, but not exceeding 4 ounces, 8 rates, and so on, 2 rates being added for every ounce or fraction of an ounce. It is understood, however, that 1 Brunswick loth shall be considered to be equal to an ounce British weight. II. The postage of letters originating in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland and addressed to the Duchy of Brunswick, and reciprocally that of the letters originating in Brunswick and addressed to the United Kingdom, may be wholly paid by the receivers, or may be prepaid, at the option of the senders in either country. Prepayment for a part of the distance shall not be permitted. III. Registered letters shall be excepted from the terms of the preceding Article. The postage of these letters shall be always paid in advance, as well with regard to the ordinary postage to the place of destination, as to the additional postage to which letters of this class are liable, according to the regulations of the country from which they are sent. IV. The 2 offices shall mutually account to each other by means of the Post Office of Hanover for the portion which is due to each of the postage of the correspondence forwarded to them, both for that of the letters not prepaid, and for that of the letters which are prepaid. As to the registered letters, it is agreed that each office shall retain the extra postage which shall have been charged in its territory, in conformity with the stipulation in Article III. V. When letters are not conveyed direct between the United Kingdom and the Duchy of Brunswick by the British packet-boats to and from the Elbe and through the Kingdom of Hanover, but are forwarded by the routes of Holland, Belgium, France, or any other foreign country, they must be treated as letters sent in transit between those countries and the United Kingdom. 2.-Transit Letters. VI. The rate of transit postage to be taken by the Post Office of the United Kingdom on letters posted in or addressed to Brunswick passing through the United Kingdom to or from its colonies and possessions and foreign countries, shall be that which is now or shall hereafter be taken upon letters between the United Kingdom and such colonies and foreign countries respectively, in addition to the rate of 6d. sterling per ounce the postage, which is to be charged between the United Kingdom and Brunswick. The colonial or foreign rate, however, is to be calculated from or to the port of arrival or departure of the packet. When such transit letters are not conveyed direct between the United Kingdom and Brunswick by the British packet-boats to and from the Elbe, and by the route of Hanover, but are forwarded by the routes of Holland, Belgium, France, or any other foreign country, they must be treated as letters sent in transit between those countries and the United Kingdom. VII. No transit rate of postage shall be charged by Brunswick upon letters to or from the United Kingdom, or on letters passing through the United Kingdom to and from its colonies and possessions, and to or from those foreign countries with which the British Government shall make arrangements for a mutual reduction of postage when such letters shall pass through Brunswick to or from Hanover either in closed or open mails. |