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of the Treaty of Paris of 10th of June, 1817, shall be verified, must be immediately carried into effect at that epoch by the Courts of Modena, Parma, and Tuscany, without any exception either of act or right, and with the solicited and benevolent assistance of the other 2 Powers, in the following manner:

1. His Imperial and Royal Highness the Archduke Grand Duke of Tuscany, on assuming the possession of the Duchy of Lucca, assigned to him by Article CII of the Congress of Vienna, confirms as his the 2 townships of Barga and Pietrasanta, which are contiguous to that duchy, with the exception only of that portion of the Apennines, which is situated among the lofty mountains of Piastrajo and Porticciola, and which runs down into the opposite territory of Modena, to which it is to belong, establishing a frontier line, which is to be determined by Tuscan and Modenese Commissioners; which line, winding directly over the summit and between the 2 declivities, shall begin and finish where the 2 lines descending to the water-shed on the Modenese side have their origin; so that these lines being abandoned, a perfectly new one, of at least 2,200 Viennese toises shall be formed, which will unite the present confine in Porticciola with that which, descending from Monte Piastrajo, forms the limit to the territory of Barga, towards the Garfagnana, belonging to Modena. This limit which rejoins the River Cerchio, between Castel Vecchio and Fiattone, follows that river as far as Torrite Cava, which torrent shall in future separate the Tuscan territory, now the Duchy of Lucca, from the Lucchese district of Gallicano, which is to fall to His Royal Highness the Duke of Modena.

From thence following up the ancient and irregular boundary, it will extend a little above Campolensi, as far as the township of Pietrasanta, the frontier of which remains in its present state as regards the Duchy of Modena, until at Monte Carchio it touches the present Lucchese confine of Montignoso, whence following the eastern line, which divides it from the township of Pietrasanta, it will continue till near the Lake of Porta. And as it is mentioned in Article II, paragraph 3, that around this lake, which becomes Modenese, a precise margin is made out, here also the frontier line will be traced out by Tuscan and Modenese Commissioners, and in the manner now fixed upon as follows:-At the distance of 400 Tuscan braccia, measured on the shore from the mouth of the outlet of the Lake of Porta, a line shall be extended of 1,530 braccia, following the direction of the footpath now existing, and which leads to a house, No. 16, so marked in the Tuscan Revenue Maps. From the extreme point of this line, and inclining to the footpath on the right, another line of 265 braccia is to be traced; then another third line, of 1,360 braccia, till it arrives at the canal of Seravezza, at 100 braccia from the mouth of the lake into which it runs ; from thence, following up the east side

of the road, denominated della Casetta, for the distance of 1,400 braccia, the whole configuration will be completed by a last line of 1,700 braccia, as far as the present boundary of Montignoso, at the distance of 400 braccia from the post-road; in which perimeter are to be considered as included, besides the maritime fort of Cinquale, together with the guard-house belonging to it, the sluices and the above-mentioned house with the road leading to it, all of which are afterwards to be given up to His Royal Highness the Duke of Modena.

2. His Royal Highness the Archduke of Modena, on assuming the possession assigned to him by the Congress of Vienna, but not ceded by the present Treaty, of the Lucchese territories of Montignoso, Minucciano, Castiglione, and Gallicano, as well as of Fivizzano, which is now Tuscan, while on the one hand, he is relieved from all the obligations imposed upon him by the Court of Lucca for Castiglione, as settled by the Convention of the 4th of March, 1819, on the other hand, obliges himself to indemnify Tuscany for the capital laid out by her in constructing a military road from Fivizzano, according to the Act of the 5th of October, 1829, will, without waiting for anything save the immediate arrival of the Tuscan Commissioners, proceed to incorporate the district of Barga, which is specified above as being placed on the Modenese water-shed of the Apennines, as also that surrounding the Lake of Porta, likewise described, and taken from the western extremity of the Tuscan territory of Pietrasanta, as well as in Lunigiana, the Tuscan districts of Albiano, Calice, Rico, and Terrarossa, preserving exactly the actual frontier towards Piedmont, and following in the direction of the new State of Parma, in Lunigiana, the ancient boundary line described and drawn out in a coloured map annexed to this Treaty, namely, the present boundary which separates the Modenese district of Rochetta from that which is now Tuscan, of Pontremoli, for the distance of 1,300 Viennese toises, and that sinuous boundary which separates from the Modenese district of Mulazzo, the Tuscan one of Calice, between Casoni and Parana, for other 3,070 toises, simply united near Casoni by a short tract of new boundary in a straight line of 200 toises, after which a new branch of 2,540 toises between Parana and the nearest point of the frontier of Lusuolo rear Castevoli; following at first the footpath of Tresana on Mount Coletta, and then descending to the left in the torrent called Canosilla. From this point the said frontier of Lusuolo will continue as far as the Magra Contana, distant 2,080 toises; from thence between Fornoli and Terrarossa, from the Magra to the torrent of Civiglia, the last new direct branch of 700 toises will be traced, passing over the road to Pontremoli, 300 toises below Piastra, and then following the old frontier line which ascends to the Apennines to the distance of 8,770 toises, separating from the district

of Bagnone, now belonging to Tuscany, and which becomes a part of Parma, the Modenese districts of Licciana and Varano on the Taverone, which remain Modenese as well as Fivizzano. In this way the curved frontier line in Lunigiana, between Modena and Parma, and which for the length of 19,360 toises will run from the various summits of the mountains which shut in the Magra, will consist of 15,920 toises of the old frontier and only 3,440 toises of entirely new, divided into 3 branches, easily traceable, the first of 200 toises, the second of 2,540, the third of 700, in the precise direction from west to east.

3. His Royal Highness the present Duke of Lucca, prospective Duke of Parma, without in the least assuming the government or title to the Duchy of Guastalla, which he renounces, and the right bank of the Enza, which he also renounces, in favour of His Royal Highness the Duke of Modena, will make an immediate cession to the same Sovereign of one and the other territories by means of Parmesan Commissioners, who shall be elected for that purpose; as well as of the territories in Lunigiana in the manner hereunder defined at § 4; and at the same time His Royal Highness the Duke of Modena, by means of Modenese Commissioners, will directly give up to him the territories of Treschietto, Villafranca, Castevoli, and Mulazzo in Lunigiana, according to the above specified frontier line, as well as the districts on the left bank of the Enza, by which means this river, which descends from Monte Giogo near Fivizzano, cutting at Lake Squincio the frontier on the Apennines preserved for the distance of 3 Italian miles between the Duchies of Modena and Parma, upon the mountains of Tendola and Malpasso, will, in future, serve as a limit between the 2 States, beginning at that lake and ending with the River Po. And whilst Modena acquires thereby on the heights the territory of Succiso placed between the Enza and the actual confine, it renounces that of Scurano, which is on its left; and in the same way it adds (to its territory) a little lower down, Vedriano and Gombio on the right, and loses Bazzano on the left; finally acquiring on the right the district of Ciano and those in the plain of Gattatico, Poviglio, and St. Giorgio, as far as where the valley runs down to the River Po above Brescello; so that by this means there will be only one line of territory united with Guastalla between the Po and the Mediterranean. And this Duchy of Guastalla, of which His Royal Highness the Duke of Modena, by the cessions which have been made to him, assumes the sovereignty and title, preserves in the direction of the LombardoVenetian Kingdom, the same boundaries as at present divide it therefrom.

4. In the same way His Royal Highness the present Duke of

Lucca, prospective Duke of Parma, in assuming, according to the terms of the Articles XCIX and CII of the Treaty of Vienna, the sovereign dominion of his new State, and in directly making over those grants that have been decided upon, taking the most prompt measures, in concert with the Sovereigns of Modena and Tuscany, for the due accomplishment of the new line of boundary according to the directions here laid down, and with the lines that have been already indicated in the plan, in order to avoid any sort of doubt or discussion at the important moment of the transfer of these several territories to new Sovereigns, and of the changes of intricate and ancient frontier-lines for new ones, that have been established as suiting better the nature of the ground, and as presenting many territorial and commercial advantages, will extend his immediate dominion, in concert with the Modenese Commissioners who have been appointed for that purpose, on Bazzano and Scurano on the left bank of the Enza, and on Treschietto, Villafranca, Castevoli, and Mulazzo, belonging to Modena, as well as Pontremoli, Bagnone, Merizzo, Fornoli, Groppoli, and Lusuolo, which belong to Tuscany, which latter will directly make over, in the name of His Royal Highness the Duke of Parma, to His Royal Highness the Duke of Modena, the territories already ceded of Albiano, Calice, Rico, and Terrarossa; it being understood, that from the day of reversion the taxes are all to be in favour of the Sovereign who enters into possession of the territory assigned to him by the present Treaty, excepting the arrears which remain in favour of the ceding party.

X. The present Treaty, of which 5 copies have been made, together with the map concerning it, also signed as the Treaty is, by the different Plenipotentiaries, who also have placed on it the seals of their arms, shall be ratified, and the Ratifications shall be exchanged, at Florence in the space of 2 months, or sooner, if it be possible. Done in Florence this 28th of November, in the year of Grace, 1844.

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THE Contracting Sovereigns agree that in case of any opposition (not to be expected) on the part of any Power, and that they or their successors should not be able to enter upon the possession of the

territories exchanged, or should be disturbed in the peaceful possession of the same, from causes inherent in the territories themselves, or existing previously to the present Treaty, then all the stipulations this day concluded in virtue of their sovereign rights in the sense and in completion of the solemn Act of the Congress of Vienna, shall be regarded as non-existing, and that then all the provisions of the said Act of Congress shall either remain unchanged, or be revived in each respective case. So that the Duchy of Guastalla and the other Parmesan territories contemplated in this Treaty would remain to the Sovereign of Parma, His Royal Highness the Duke of Modena would come into possession of Pietrasanta and Barga, and his Imperial and Royal Highness the Grand Duke of Tuscany would retain the Vicariats of Pontremoli and Bagnone.

The present Separate and Secret Article shall have the same force and value as if it were written word for word in the Treaty of this day; it shall be ratified, and the Ratifications shall be exchanged at the same time with those of the above Treaty.

In witness whereof the respective Plenipotentiaries have signed it, and have affixed to it the seals of their arms.

Done in Florence, the 28th of November, in the year of Grace,

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MESSAGE from the President of The United States, on the Opening of the Session.-Washington, December 2, 1815.



Ir is to me a source of unaffected satisfaction to meet the Representatives of the States and the people in Congress assembled, as it will be to receive the aid of their combined wisdom in the administration of public affairs. In performing, for the first time, the duty imposed on me by the Constitution, of giving to you information of the state of the Union, and recommending to your consideration such

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