for taxes or for domain rents, the same being due from private individuals, or arrears accruing from public stores left behind, the following further claims: a. Upon the repayment of advances made out of the State Treasury or the State property in general, for account of the country or of the successor of the landed proprietor. b. Upon claims due from foreign Governments, which claims have only been made at a later period, as for instance, in the liquidation with France, and the liquidations with other Governments for the maintenance of troops. VI. After the cession has been effected, the Royal Prussian Government entering the surrendered districts, has to receive not only the new revenues forthcoming since the 1st of May, but also the arrears of the former period before the 1st of May; it has likewise to pay out of these arrears so to be received, the expenses remaining on account of Austria. The Royal Prussian Government undertakes to finish, within 3 months after the effected surrender, that is, before the 1st of October, the collection of all the arrears, excepting such as cannot be recovered owing to the undoubted insolvency of the parties, as also the accounts relating to the same for the information of the Imperial Austrian Government. On the other hand, the Austrian Government engages to state and verify all the expenses of administration incurred since the 16th of June, 1814, but not yet paid: a like period of 3 months being allowed for this duty, within which time also the claims must be made. This obligation on the part of the Royal Imperial Austrian Government applies, in like manner, to arrear expenditures from the time when under the French Government, in so far as the funds thereunto allotted by the French laws have, either in whole or in part, been actually taken possession of by the Austrian Government; and also to all other claims for which, in accordance with the Treaties existing with France since 1814 and 1815, no further demands can be made upon that country. VII. Inasmuch as even without the preceding regulation, there will commence, after the effected cession, such a separation of the financial administration, that the new Royal Prussian Government of the ceded districts will receive in its treasuries only what comes in from its territory, either in current revenue or in arrears, nothing further will be necessary than to fix and determine the proportion of contribution to be borne by each part towards those expenditures which were heretofore defrayed in common with the other districts on the left bank of the Rhine formerly united with them, and so long as the land districts will further partly remain in common. With this view both the Commissioners have agreed upon the following principles: a. The quota for the salaries of officials belonging to à district extending over now different territories, will be proportioned according to the number of the inhabitants of those districts. b. As regards pensioners, their actual place of residence will have to be decided. c. The maintenance of prisoners in the houses of correction would, as regards natives of the hitherto administered districts, fall to the charge of that Power in whose territory the place of birth of the parties is situated, and for foreigners to that of the Power in whose territory the tribunal at which the parties have been tried is located and has occasioned the division. VIII. The liquidation of all the debts occasioned by war, whereunto also belongs the settlement of the magazine accounts for the whole of the former period of the joint administration in common, shall be completed, according to the Convention entered into on the 1st of May, between Austria and Bavaria, within 3 months at the latest, reckoning from the 1st of May; a regulation which applies not only to the payment of the different sums due, but also to the additional or supplementary equalization of each individual district belonging to those which formerly administered their affairs in common, and tọ the repayment of the advances made out of the State Treasury. For this purpose, the Royal Prussian Government will be permitted to depute a Commissioner to the Commission of Liquidation, already organized for the above objects, as well as for regulating more explicitly with the Royal Bavarian, and the Grand Ducal Hessian Courts, the future proceedings of the said Commissioner, and the manner in which their business is to be accomplished, should it not be possible to effect the same within the terms already fixed, that is up to the end of July. But for the present, this Commission remains in the form originally existing as a joint authority, subordinate in like manner to the present new administration of the country. IX. It having been especially remarked by the Seisin Commissioner, as regards the older debts occasioned by war, but still remaining unpaid, that there are contractors belonging to the Department of the Saar whose claims were paid, by the then existing Austrian and Bavarian Administrations, with assignments upon the purchase money of escheated domains, the assurance has been given, in consequence of a wish expressed by Austria, that, in the event of no acknowledgment of such assignments being obtained by a further conference with the Royal Prussian Government, every endeavour should be made that the claims of the said contractors should be satisfied by means of the organized Common Liquidation Commission. X. The Royal Prussian Government takes over to its own charge all the officials who were in employment in the ceded districts on the 1st of May of this year, or who have since been employed in the then existing offices, as also such individuals as have been assigned from the former district tribunal at Cusel to that of St. Wendel. The central officials especially, some of whom were already in employ on the 1st of May, and others who since that time have filled up vacancies, with whom likewise are to be included officers belonging to the former militia of the middle Rhine, are, moreover, to be taken into its charge by the Prussian Government, agreeably to the stipulation made in Article XI, of the Convention of the 1st of May, between Austria and Bavaria, in which it is said, that in the case of a division, the proportion adopted in the direct tax-revenue shall be regarded as the most correct scale for contributions, and this the more, because the negotiation previously entered into with Bavaria on this point, shows that on the part of Bavaria a far larger portion than this proportion would fairly assign has been taken. According to this proportion, of the present existing central officials parts would fall to the share of the Prussian, and ¦¦ parts to the Grand Duchy of Hesse; and hereafter, such of the central officials as are registered in the Annex, and are enumerated in the second column, shall be taken under its charge by the Prussian Government. All the pensioners likewise whom France has taken upon itself, and whose domicile has hitherto been in the ceded districts now fall to the charge of the Royal Prussian Government. XI. All the stipulations made between Austria and Bavaria in § 14 of the Convention of the 1st of May, from a to d, concerning the delivering up of Acts, and of the maps, plans, and documents, belonging to them, are also entirely agreed to and accepted on the part of the Prussian Court, subject to reservation of further agreement with the Grand Duchy of Hesse. These stipulations are as follow: a. The registries of the subordinate merely local and district authorities remain entirely with that administration of the country, into whose territory, the greater portion of the district of such authorities falls; all special documents must, however, as regards the separated parts be handed over in their entirety to the other administration, and, at the same time, an inspection of the general Acts, as well as the making of copies and extracts, must be permitted to the same. b. The registries of the central authorities whose sphere of jurisdiction extended over the whole now divided country, and especially the registries belonging to the joint administration, as well here in Worms as partly also in Frankenthal, and further the registries of all the central authorities thereunto belonging, as of the Boards of Taxes and Domains, the Superior Forest Office, the Mine Inspection, the General Treasury, the Commission for the Liquidation of War Debts, the Bureau of Military Accounts, the Commission for the Liquidation of the Claims on France, the Commandership of the Gens-d'armes, the Central Committee of the Militia, the Court of Appeal, the Administrative Commission of Justice, the General Consistory, the Inspection of Schools, and the Medical College must, according to the instructions already issued, be divided in such a way, that in the event of the future Sovereigns of the country being unwilling to allow the commission for the liquidation of war debts to be continued jointly, the special Acts for single places or districts shall be separated according to the territories in which the existing entire district of administration has been divided, while the general Acts, which by their very nature are inseparable, shall be still kept together. c. So soon as the further cession of territories shall be carried into effect, the Austrian administration of the country be ended, and the Bavarian administration assumes its proper seat in Spires, the general Acts, after due separation and classification, shall be given over by those Powers, as well as the special Acts concerning their territory, and which are now in course of delivery, because the greater portion of the country has fallen to their share by a mere temporary depositing of the Acts, or a keeping under lock and key, would much impede and embarrass the affairs of the country. To the other 2 Governments, however, of Prussia and Hesse Darmstadt, who also come into possession of portions of the country, there is reserved not only the common use of the general Acts, the inspection of the same, and the taking of copies and extracts, but also even a further revision and definitive adjustment of the separation and classification of the Acts by a Commission formed of deputies from all the 3 Courts, who must bring this matter to a conclusion within 3 months after the cession of the countries has been effected. d. In the expectation also that the other 2 Courts about to come into the possession of the country may probably consider it their interest to allow still to continue in common for the whole former district of administration the now sitting commission for the redemption and equalization of the war debts, and also the bureau of military accounts at present occupied with making up the magazine accounts, and that the said 2 Powers may permit those central authorities to hold their sittings at Spires, where all the other general Acts have, for the present, been deposited, the special Acts of the other parts of the country, which are still to be ceded, are also left with this Commission provisionally, and with reservation of the rights of the other 2 Courts, in the event of their thinking fit to make some other arrangement. The protocols kept at the Austrian Administration at Worms, for the districts falling to the Crown of Prussia, which have already, even without the above regulation, been since the 1st of May separated from those belonging to the Grand Ducal Hessian Court, together with the deposited Acts, will be immediately delivered over to the Prussian Seisin Commissioner. XII. The Commissioners who, on behalf of the Imperial Austrian Government still remain in these countries for the purpose of adjusting all pretensions and claims resulting from the former administration shall be allowed free access to the registries as well as the perusal of the Acts delivered up; they may for their own use require information from the officials of the ceded district, and demand likewise the communication of Acts connected with current transactions respecting the adjustment of affairs belonging to the former administration, and chiefly regarding the labours of the commissions upon the war debts and the claims upon France. Every facility and assistance they may require shall, moreover, be afforded them by the Royal Prussian Government. XIII. The regulations set forth in the Protocol drawn up at Kreuznach on the 2nd of June last year, concerning the surrender of a district to the Crown of Prussia 12 months since, shall remain in full force, so far as they have not been altered by this Convention. This Protocol concerning all the above matters has been drawn up and signed by both parties; there being made 4 copies of the same tenor, 2 of which copies are intended for the special use of the 2 Commissioners, and 2 for being sent to their 2 respective Courts. Done at Worms, the 1st day of July, 1816. (L.S.) VON DROSSDICK. (L.S.) SCHMITZ GROLLENBURG. REPORT of the Secretary of War to the President of The United States.-November 30, 1844. SIR, War Department, November 30, 1844. In fulfilment of an official duty, I have the honour to submit to you the annual report of the affairs of the War Department, embracing such suggestions and observations as my connexion with its administration seem to authorize me in presenting for your consideration. The functions of the War Department, comprehending not only the direction and the control of the military establishment, but also that of pensions and bounties for military service, of improvements of rivers and harbours, of the mineral lands, and of all Indian affairs, render the distribution of these duties among the several bureaux, besides a matter of great convenience, one of almost absolute necessity. And the wisdom of that administration which thus separated |