(do.).... Privileges in British Ports. London, 8th August, 1845. 885 Ordinance. (French.) Treaty of Friendship, Commerce, and Navigation of March, 1843. Neuilly, 29th June, 1844. 694 TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz.-with France. Treaty. Friendship. Commerce. Navigation. Great Britain. Caracas, 25th March, 1843. 694 London, 28th February, 1844. 90 New Granada. Treaty. Friendship. Commerce, Navigation. Caracas, 23rd July, 1842. 819 W. WALDECK and PYRMONT. Treaty with Belgium. Commerce. Navigation. WINNEBAGOES. Treaty with United States. WIRTEMBERG. Brussels, 1st September, 1844. 742 Prairie des Chiens, 19th August, 1825. 1281 WYANDOTTS. Treaty with United States. Brussels, 1st September, 1844. 742 Cession. Upper Sandusky, 17th March, 1842. 1327 [1844-45.] JUST PUBLISHED, November, 1859. By JAMES RIDGWAY, PICCADILLY, BRITISH AND FOREIGN STATE PAPERS, 1844-1845. (Vol. 33.) Compiled by the Librarian and Keeper of the Papers" at the Foreign Office. 1 Vol. Large Octavo. Price 30s. Bound in Cloth. The previous Volumes may be had separately, 30s. each. WHERE MAY ALSO BE HAD: HERTSLET'S INTERNATIONAL TREATIES, RELATING TO COMMERCE, NAVIGATION, SLAVE TRADE, COPYRIGHT, POST-OFFICE, &c. at present subsisting between Great Britain and Foreign Powers; together with the Laws, Decrees, and Orders in Council, relating to Trade, and to the Interests of British Subjects in Foreign Countries, as well as to those of Foreigners in Great Britain, &c. 10 Vols. 8vo. £11. 5s. Boards. Mem. This Work is completed, up to the latest Period. The Volumes may be had separately: viz., Vol. 1, 12s.; Vol. 2, 12s.; Vol. 3, 188.; Vol. 4, 188.; Vol. 5, 20s.; Vol. 6, 25s.; Vol. 7, 30s.; Vol. 8, 30s.; Vol. 9, 30s.; Vol. 10, 30s. |