Abbildungen der Seite


TEXAS. Proclamation of President. Proposal for Annexation to United

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Resolution. Introduction of United States' Forces into the

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THURINGIA. Treaty of Commerce and Navigation with Belgium.


Brussels, 1st September, 1844. 742

Convention with France. Postal.

Ordinance. (French)

Paris, 11th September, 1844. 1258
Postal Convention of Septem-
ber, 1844.... Paris, 16th December, 1844. 1259
(do.) Postal Convention of Septem-
ber, 1844.... Paris, 27th December, 1844. 1274


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Brunswick. Convention. Postal.........London, 8th July, 1845.
France. Convention. Slave Trade....London, 29th May, 1845.
Additional Articles. Postal.



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Declaration. Slave Trade.

London, 6th December, 1845.
Hanover. Convention. Postal............London, 8th July, 1845. 36
Sicilies. Treaty. Commerce, Navigation.

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Austria and Mexico. Treaty. Friendship. Commerce. Navi-

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gation........London, 30th July, 1842. 734

and Prussia. Convention. Cession of part of the

Baden and France.

Worms, 1st July, 1816. 146




Carlsruhe, 27th June, 1844. 1237

Belgium and France. Additional Articles. Postal.

Brussels, 1st September, 1844. 1239


Convention, Extradition.


Brussels, 28th October, 1843. 725

Belgium and Sweden.

and Prussia. Treaty. Commerce.

Bremen and Sardinia.

Brussels, 1st September, 1844. 742
Convention. Navigation.

Denmark and Sardinia.

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Paris, 18th July, 1844. 732
Treaty. Commerce. Navigation.

Paris, 14th August, 1843. 728

Equator and France. Treaty. Commerce. Navigation.

Quito, 6th June, 1843. 683

France and Greece. Additional Convention. Postal.

and Luxemburg. Convention.

and Netherlands.

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The Hague, 26th September, 1844. 1255
Convention. Extradition.

The Hague, 7th November, 1844. 1233

and Sardinia. Treaty. Commerce. Navigation.

Turin, 28th August, 1843. 57

and Tour and Taxis. Convention. Postal.

Paris, 11th September, 1844. 1258

and Tuscany. Convention. Extradition.

and United States.

Florence, 11th September, 1844. 1252
Convention. Extradition.

Washington, 9th November, 1843. 1229

and Venezuela. Treaty. Friendship. Commerce. Navi-

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Florence, 28th November, 1844. 186

New Granada and Venezuela. Treaty. Friendship. Commerce

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Portugal and Prussia. Treaty. Commerce. Navigation.

Protocol of Ratifications.

Berlin, 6th May, 1844. 883

Prussia and Russia. Convention. Cartel.


Berlin, May, 1844. 704

Sooloo and United States. Engagements, Commerce, &c.

5th February, 1842. 51


Texas and United States.

Treaty. Annexation of Texas to
United States (not ratified).

Washington, 12th April, 1844. 262

United States and Nations and Tribes of Indians. See UNITED


TRIPOLI. Correspondence with Great Britain. Slave Trade.........
T'SLAMBIE. Treaty with Great Britain. Peace. Friendship.

.1844. 604

Fort Willshire, 17th September, 1835. 1012
with Great Britain. Peace. Friendship.

King William's Town, 5th December, 1836. 1017
Proclamation. Amendment of

Treaty of 1836.

Graham's Town, 1st February, 1841. 1066
Slave Trade.....1843, 1844. 604
Slave Trade. 1843, 1844. 603

TUNIS. Correspondence with Great Britain.
TURKEY. Correspondence with Great Britain.

Firman. Establishment of Protestant Church at Jerusalem.

10th September, 1845. 1347

Order in Council. (British.) Privileges in British Ports.

London, 8th August, 1845. 885

TUSCANY. Ordinance. (French.) Extradition Convention of September,


St. Cloud, 28th November, 1844. 1252

TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz.—with

France. Convention. Extradition.

Florence, 11th September, 1844. 1252

Florence, 28th November, 1844. 186

Lucca, &c. Treaty. Limits.


UNITED STATES. Act of Parliament. (British.) Execution of Extra-

dition Treaty............8th August, 1845. 1000

Circular. Duties on Imports.

Washington, 5th August, 1844. 828

Correspondence with Great Britain. British Import

Duties on American Rough Rice.

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Message of President. Interpretation of Article X of
Treaty with Great Britain of 1842. Surren-
der of Criminals.

Washington, 20th March, 1844. 892

UNITED STATES. Message of the President. Treaty for Annexation of Texas

to United States.


Washington, 22nd April, 1844. 252

of the President. Rejection by Senate of Treaty

for Annexation of Texas.

Washington, 10th June, 1844. 258

of the President. British Import Duties on
American Rough Rice.

Washington, 15th June, 1844.

of the President. Opening of Congress.


Washington, 2nd December, 1845. 198

Message of President of Texas. Annexation to United

Washington, 16th June, 1845. 272

Order in Council.

(British.) Import Duties on Sugars

the growth of The United


London, 26th April, 1845.

(do.).... Privileges in British Ports.


London, 8th August, 1845. 885

Ordinance. (French.) Extradition Convention of No-

vember, 1843.

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Proclamation. Extradition Convention of 1843, with

France....Washington, 30th April, 1844. 1229
(Texas.) Admission of Texas into the


Washington, 15th April, 1845. 267

....(do.).... Proposed Annexation to United

Washington, 5th May, 1845. 268

Report of Secretary of War.
of Secretary of Navy

30th November, 1844.



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Resolution of Congress. Admission of the State of Texas
into the Union ....Washington, 1st March, 1845.

TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz.: with

France. Convention. Extradition.

Washington. 9th November, 1843. 1229

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Washington, 12th April, 1844. 262

with NATIONS and TRIBES of INDIANS, viz.-with

Chippewas. Treaty. Cession.

Prairie des Chiens, 19th August, 1825. 1281
Treaty, Cession.

La Pointe of Lake Superior, 4th October, 1842. 1338

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UNITED STATES. TREATIES, &c., viz.: with

Ioways. Treaty. Cession,

Prairie des Chiens, 19th August, 1825, 1281

Treaty. Cession.

19th October, 1838. 1308

Menomonies. Treaty. Cession.

Prairie des Chiens, 19th August, 1825. 1281

Miamis. Treaty. Cession.

Wabash, 23rd October, 1826. 1286

Treaty. Cession.

Wabash, 6th November, 1838. 1309
Treaty. Cession.

Wabash, 28th November, 1840. 1323
Amended. 25th February, 1841. 1325

Munsees. Treaty. Cession.

3rd September, 1839. 1320

New York. Treaty. Cession.

Buffalo Creek, 15th January, 1838. 1290
[Amended 11th June, 1838.]

Supplementary Article.

St. Regis, 13th February, 1838. 1302

Osages. Treaty. Cession. 2nd June, 1825. 1277
Treaty. Cession 11th Jany., 1839. 1317

Ottawas. Treaty. Cession.

Prairie des Chiens, 19th August, 1825. 1281

Potawatimies. Treaty. Cession.

Prairie des Chiens, 19th August, 1825. 1281

Sacs and Fores. Treaty. Cession.

Prairie des Chiens, 19th August, 1825. 1281
Treaty. Cession.

11th October, 1842. 1342

Saganaw Tribe of Chippewas. Treaty.

Cession........ Saganaw, 23rd January, 1838. 1306

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Prairie des Chiens, 19th August, 1825. 1281

Wyandotis. Treaty. Cession.

Upper Sandusky, 17th March, 1842. 1327

URUGUAY. Correspondence. Joint Intervention of Great Britain and

France between Buenos Ayres and Monte Video.

February. November, 1845. 930

Order in Council. (British.) Privileges in British Poris.

London, 8th Angust, 1845. 885

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