PORTUGAL. Decree. Slave Trade Tribunal at Loanda.` Page Belem, 14th September, 1844. 410 Order in Council. (British.) Privileges in British Ports. Treaty with Prussia. Navigation. Protocol. London, 8th August, 1845. 885 Berlim, 20th February, 1844. 877 POTAWATIMIES. Treaty with United States. Cession. Prairie des Chiens, 19th August, 1825. 1281 PROCLAMATION. (Cape of Good Hope.) Amending Treaty of 1836 with Graham's Town, 1st February, 1841. 1071 (Texas.) Cessation of Hostilities with Mexico, and Washington, 15th June, 1843. 251 ....(do.).... Admission into The United States. Washington, 15th April, 1845. 267 ....(do.).... Proposed Annexation to United States. ....(do.).... Cessation of Hostilities with Mexico. (United States.) Extradition Convention of 1843 with Washington, 5th May, 1845, 268 Washington, 4th June, 1845. 270 Belgium. Treaty. Commerce. Navigation. Brussels, 1st September, 1844. 742 Portugal. Treaty. Commerce. Navigation. Berlin, 20th February, 1844. 877 Protocol. Ratifications. Q. Page QUA MACHOBAN. Treaty with Great Britain. Friendship. QUILCA. Blockade of. Peruvian Decree Cape Town, 3rd March, 1836. 1015 R. REGULATIONS. (Feejee Islands). Commerce............................................... 14th May, 1840. 54 Madrid, 5th February, 1844. 817 REPORT. (United States.) Secretary of War. ........30th November, 1844. 133 Austin, 7th July, 1843. 275 (United States.) Admission of Texas into the Union. Washington, 1st March, 1845. 265 REUSS GREITZ. Treaty with Belgium. Commerce. Navigation. REUSS LOBENSTEIN and EBERSDORFF. Navigation ...... REUSS SCHLEITZ. Treaty with Belgium. Brussels, 1st September, 1844. 742 Brussels, 1st September, 1844. 742 Brussels, 1st September, 1844. 742 RUSSIA. Message. (United States.) British Import Duties. Correspondence with Great Britain. Slave Trade........1844. 528 SACS and FOXES. Treaty with United States. Cession. Worms, 1st July, 1816. 146 Prairie des Chiens, 19th August, 1825. 1251 Treaty with United States. Cession....11th October, 1842. 1342 Page SAGANAW TRIBE of CHIPPEWAS. Treaty with United States. Cession. Saganaw, 23rd January, 1838. 1306 SAMOAN ISLANDS. See NAVIGATORS ISLANDS. SARDINIA. 7th February, 1839. 1320 Order in Council. (British.) Privileges in British Ports. London, 8th August, 1845. 885 Ordinance. (French.) Promulgation of Treaty of Commerce St. Cloud, 12th October, 1843. TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz.: with Denmark. Treaty. Commerce. Navigation. 57 Paris, 14th August, 1843. 728 France. Treaty. Commerce. Navigation. Lucca, &c. Treaty. Limits. Florence, 28th November, 1844. 186 SAXE ALTENBURG. Treaty with Belgium. Commerce. Navigation. Brussels, 1st September, 1844. 742 SAXE COBURG GOTHA. Treaty with Belgium. Commerce. Navigation. Brussels, 1st September, 1844. 742 SAXE MEININGEN. Treaty with Belgium. Commerce. Navigation. Brussels, 1st September, 1844. 742 SAXE WEIMAR-EISENACH. Treaty with Belgium. Commerce. Navigation. Brussels, 1st September, 1844. 742 SAXONY. Treaty with Belgium. Commerce. Navigation. Brussels, 1st September, 1844. 742 SCHWARTZBUrg RudolstaDT. Treaty with Belgium. Commerce. SCHWARTZBURG-SONDERSHAUSEN. gation....Brussels, 1st September, 1844. 742 Navigation. Commerce. Brussels, 1st September, 1844. 742 SECRET ARTICLES. See TREATIES. SEPARATE ARTICLES. See TREATIES. SICILIES. Correspondence with Great Britain. British Place of Worship at Naples Order in Council. (British.) ....(Do.)... Exemption from Pilotage Dues Treaty with Great Britain. London, 8th August, 1845. 991 SIOUX. Treaty with United States. Cession. Naples, 29th April, 1845. 19 Prairie des Chiens, 19th August, 1825. 1281 Page SLAVE TRADE. Act of Parliament. (British.) Suppression of Slave Trade. 24th August, 1843. 888 Decree. (Portugal.) Slave Trade Tribunal at Loanda. Belem, 14th September, 1844. 410 594 596 SOOLOO. Engagement. Protection of Citizens and Commerce of United States ............ 5th February, 1842. 51 SPAIN. Correspondence with Great Britain. Slave Trade. 1843, 1844. 313, 362 with Great Britain. British Commercial Privileges .1844, 1845. 940 Claim of Spain to admission with Great Britain. Regulations. Blockade of Alicante and Carthagena. 949 Madrid, 5th February, 1844. 817 Royal Order. Commercial Privileges to French Vessels in Spanish Ports SPEECH of King of the Belgians. Opening of Chambers. 22nd October, 1844. 714 of Emperor of Brazil. Opening of General Legislative Assembly. of King of the French. Opening of Chambers. 26th December, 1844. 716 of Queen of Great Britain. Opening of Parliament. 4th February, 1845. 1 of Queen of Great Britain. Closing of Parliament. of King of the Netherlands, Opening of States-General. 21st October, 1844. 717 Page SPEECH of King of Sweden. Opening of Extraordinary Diet. 20th July, 1844. 1362 of President of Diet of Switzerland. Opening of Ordinary Diet. See also ADDRESS. ST. HELENA. MESSAGE. 1st July, 1844. 709 Order in Council. (British.) Privilege to French Vessels of 3rd September, 1839. 1320 SWEDEN and NORWAY. Convention with Belgium. Extradition of Criminals. 8th August, 1845. 885 Speech of King. Opening of Extraordinary Diet. Stockholm, 20th July, 1844. 1362 SWITZERLAND. Speech of President. Opening of Ordinary Diet. Lucerne, 1st July, 1844. 719 T. TAMBOOKIE. Treaty with Great Britain. Friendship, Proclamation. Amendment of Treaty of 1837. Shito, 18th January, 1837. 1043 TEXAS. Constitution of the State..... Graham's Town, 1st February, 1841. 1071 Correspondence with Great Britain. Slave Trade. .............. .1844. 530 Message of President. Annexation of Texas to United States. ..(do.)............. Washington, 16th June, 1845. 272 of Texas. Washington, 22nd April, 1844. 252 Order in Council. (British.) Privileges in British Ports. London, 8th August, 1845. 885 Ordinance. Accepting Proposals of United States for Admission into the Union. Proclamation of President. Cessation of Hostilities against Mexico, Washington, 15th June, 1843. 251 Admission into The United States. Washington, 15th April, 1845. 267 |