Abbildungen der Seite

STATES and CHIEFS, continued-viz.: with


Congo. Treaty. Cession.

Graham's Town, 6th
Beka, 17th

September, 1835. 1004

Treaty. Peace. Friendship.

King William's Town, 5th December, 1836. 1026
Proclamation. Amendment of Treaty of 1836.

Graham's Town, 23rd January, 1841. 1062

Fingo. Treaty. Peace. Friendship.

Fort Peddie, 10th December, 1836. 1036
Proclamation. Amendment of Treaty of 1836.
Graham's Town, 29th December, 1840. 1038

Gaika. Treaty. Peace. Friendship.

Fort Willshire, 17th September, 1835. 1008
Proclamation. Amendment of Treaty of 1836.

Graham's Town, 7th December, 1840. 1053

Griquas. Treaty. Friendship.

Cape Town, 11th December, 1834. 1002
(Philippolis.) Treaty. Friendship.

[blocks in formation]

Zulus. Treaty. Deserters.....Congella, 6th May, 1835. 1003

ALICANTE. Blockade of. Regulations
AMACALEKA. Treaty with Great Britain.

.Madrid, 5th February, 1844. 817

Fort Beaufort, 7th October,

Butterworth Residency, 4th November,

AMAPONDA. Treaty with Great Britain. Friendship.

Fort Beaufort, 7th October,
Faku's Residence, 23rd November,

AMMAKWANE. Supplementary Treaty with Great Britain. Alliance.

1844. 1080

1844. 1083

Fort Peddie, 19th June, 1838. 1050

ANHALT-BERNBURG. Treaty with Belgium. Commerce. Navigation.

ANHALT-CETHEN. Treaty with Belgium.

Brussels, 1st September, 1844, 742
Commerce. Navigation.

Brussels, 1st September, 1844. 742

ANHALT-DESSAU. Treaty with Belgium. Commerce. Navigation.

ARICA. Blockade of. Decrees.

Brussels, 1st September, 1844. 742

[blocks in formation]

Blockade of. Decree.... San Juan de Lacanes, 29th February, 1844. 812
AUSTRIA. Correspondence with Great Britain. Slave Trade........





Order in Council. (British.) Privileges in British Ports.
London, 8th August, 1844. 588

[ocr errors]

TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN Powers, viz.—with
Lucca, &c. Treaty. Limits.

Florence, 28th November, 1844. 186

Mexico. Treaty. Friendship, Commerce, Navigation.

Prussia. Convention. Cession of part of the De-
partment of the Saar.

London, 30th July, 1842. 734

Worms, 1st July, 1816. 146


BADEN. Ordinance. (French.) Extradition Convention of 27th June, 1844.

Neuilly, 24th August, 1844. 1236

TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN POWERS, viz. :—with
Belgium. Treaty. Commerce. Navigation.

Brussels, 1st September, 1844. 742

France. Convention. Extradition.

Carlsruhe, 27th June, 1844. 1237

1843. 1078

BASUTOS. Treaty with Great Britain. Peace. Friendship.

Cape Town, 5th October,
Thabe Bossi, 3rd December,

BAVARIA. Treaty with Belgium. Commerce. Navigation.


Brussels, 1st September, 1844. 742

Laws. Fixing the Budget of Expenditure for 1844, viz. :
Ways and Means......

Public Debt and Dotations
Minister for Foreign Affairs.

Minister of Marine

Minister of Finance

Minister of Justice.

Minister of the Interior

30th December, 1843. 1088
..........30th December, 1843. 1095

Minister of Public Works. ........

.30th December, 1843. 1098
.30th December, 1843. 1100

3rd February, 1844. 1101
12th February, 1844. 1105
13th February, 1844. 1108
.9th April, 1844. 1113

Speech of King. Opening of the Chambers.

Brussels, 22nd October, 1844. 714

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

BLOCKADE (Peruvian) of Islay, Cocotea, and Quilca.

....(do.).... of Arica.

....(do.).... of Iquique.

....(do.).... of Iquique.

Lima, 9th February, 1843. 809
.Lima, 17th June, 1843. 809
.Arequipa, 4th July, 1843. 810
.......Lima, 18th July, 1843. 810

BLOCKADE (Peruvian) of Iquique, raised, and of Arica, renewed.


Lima, 12th September, 1843. 811

....(do.).... of Iquique...............Cocachacra, 1st December, 1843. 811
....(do.).... of Arica and Iquique.

San Juan de Lacanes, 29th February, 1844. 812

(Spanish) of Alicante and Carthagena.

Madrid, 5th February, 1844. 817

BOLIVIA. Order in Council. (British.) Privileges in British Ports.

London, 8th August, 1845. 885

BOUNDARIES. Correspondence between Great Britain and United States.
American North-Eastern Boundary.

BRAZIL. Correspondence with Great Britain. Slave Trade.

.1843-1845. 763

1843, 1844. 312, 364, 365

Speech of Emperor. Opening of General Legislative Assembly.

BREMEN. Convention with Sardinia.

Rio de Janeiro, 3rd May, 1844. 1348
Navigation.... Paris, 18th July, 1844. 732
Privileges in British Ports.

Order in Council. (British.)

London, 8th August, 1845. 885

BRUNSWICK. TREATIES, &c., with FOREIGN Powers, viz. :—with
Belgium. Treaty. Commerce. Navigation.

Brussels, 1st September, 1844. 742

Great Britain. Convention. Postal.

London, 8th July, 1845. 31
Slave Trade.. 1844. 366
Joint Intervention of

BUENOS AYRES. Correspondence with Great Britain.
Correspondence with Great Britain.

Great Britain and France between Buenos Ayres and
Monte Video.

Decree. Government of Corrientes, War against Buenos


Message of President.

February, November, 1845. 930

..Corrientes, 7th October, 1844. 760

Opening of Legislative Assembly.

Palermo, 27th December, 1843. 1349

Order in Council. (British.) Privileges in British


London, 8th August, 1845. 885


CAPE OF GOOD HOPE, Proclamation. Amending Treaty of 1836 with

Gaika Tribe.

Graham's Town, 7th December, 1840. 1053
Amending Treaty of 1836 with

Fingo Chiefs.

Graham's Town, 23rd January, 1841. 1058

Amending Treaty of 1836 with

Congo Tribe.

Graham's Town, 23rd January, 1841. 1062
Amending Treaty of 1836 with

T Slambie Tribe.

Graham's Town, 1st February, 1841, 1066

CAPE OF GOOD HOPE. Proclamation. Amending Treaty of 1837 with



Graham's Town, 1st February, 1841. 1071


CARTHAGENA. Blockade of. Regulations. ....Madrid, 5th February, 1844. 817


Hudson's Bay Company.

2nd May, 1670. 1364
Slave Trade........1843, 1844. 366

CHILE. Correspondence with Great Britain.
CHIPPEWAS. Treaty with United States. Cession.

Prairie des Chiens, 19th August, 1825. 1281

Treaty with United States. Cession.

La Pointe of Lake Superior, 4th October, 1842. 1338

CIRCULAR. (United States.)

[blocks in formation]

Duties on Imports.

Washington, 5th August, 1844. 828
Peruvian Decree.........Lima, 9th February, 1843. 809
1835. 1004

Graham's Town, 6th
Beka, 17th

CONGO. Treaty with Great Britain. Cession
with Great Britain. Peace. Friendship.

King William's Town, 5th December, 1836. 1026
Amendment of Treaty of 1836.


[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

CORRESPONDENCE. Joint Intervention of Great Britain and France between

Buenos Ayres and Monte Video.

February, November, 1845. 930

.1840-1842. 1162

Great Britain and Sicilies. British Place of Worship
at Naples
Great Britain and Spain. British Commercial Privi-
leges in Spain

.1844, 1845. 940

Great Britain and Spain. Claim of Spain to Admission
of Sugars of Cuba and Porto Rico into Great Britain,
upon same terms as Sugars of United States and
.May-December, 1815. 949

Annexation of Texas to The United States....1843-1845.
Great Britain and United States.
American Rough Rice

Great Britain and United States. Surrender of Fu-

gitive Criminals


Import Duties on

.1839-1843. 93, 300

1843-1844. 893

.1843-1845. 763


War against Buenos Ayres.

Corrientes, 7th October, 1844. 761

Great Britain and United States. American North-
Eastern Boundary

[blocks in formation]

Correspondence. Great Britain and Spain. Claim of Spain to
Admission of Sugars of Cuba and Porto Rico into Great
Britain, upon same terms as Sugars of United States and
..May-December, 1845. 949





DECREE. (Corrientes.) War against Buenos Ayres.

Corrientes, 7th October, 1844. 760

DECREE. (Paraguay.) Closing Ports of Republic to Province of Corrientes.

Assumption, 14th October, 1844. 762

(Peru.) Blockade of Islay, Cocotea, and Quilea.

(do.) Blockade of Arica

Lima, 9th February, 1843. 809

Lima, 17th June, 1843. 809
Arequipa, 4th July, 1843. 810

[ocr errors]

Raising Blockade of Iquique, and renewing Blockade of

[blocks in formation]


Blockade of Iquique.........





Lima, 18th July, 1843. 810

Lima, 12th September, 1843. 811

Blockade of Iquique....Cocachaera, 1st December, 1843. 811
Blockade of Arica and Iquique.

San Juan de Lacanas. 29th February, 1844. 812

(Portugal) Decima Tax on Foreigners.


Lisbon, 5th June, 1844. 812
Trade of Foreign Nations with Portuguese Colonies.

Lisbon, 5th June, 1844. 812

....(do.).... Slave Trade Tribunal at Loanda.

Belem, 14th September, 1844. 410
(Venezuela) Execution of Commercial Treaty of 23rd July,
1842, with New Granada.

Caracas, 1st May, 1843. 827
1844. 530

DENMARK. Correspondence with Great Britain. Slave Trade

Order in Council. (British.) Privileges in British Ports.
London, 8th August, 1845. 883

Treaty with Sardinia. Commerce. Navigation.


Paris, 14th August, 1843. 728

EGYPT. Correspondence with Great Britain. Slave Trade... 1844. 604
EQUATOR. Correspondence with Great Britain. Slave Trade.

1843, 1844. 604

Order in Council. (British.) Privileges in British Ports.
London, 8th August, 1845. 885
Ordinance. (French.) Convention. Friendship. Commerce
and Navigation.... Paris, 28th March, 1845. 683

Treaty with France. Commerce. Navigation.

Quito, 6th June, 1843. 683


FEEJEE ISLANDS. Regulations. Commerce

FINGO. Treaty with Great Britain. Peace. Friendship.

.14th May, 1840. 54

Fort Peddie, 10th December, 1836. 1036

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