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from Pliny, who says if the wine be mixed with water, the wine sokes through the wood, but the water remains.

8. To make a pretious water that Doctor Steuens did greate cures with, and kepte it secret tyll a little before his death, then taughte it to the Archbishop of Canterburye.-Take a gallon of white Gascoigne wine, ginger, gallingall, cynamon, nutmegs, graynes, cloves, annis seeds, fennell seedes, carraway seedes, of every of them like much, viz. a dram of each; then take sage, red mintes, red roses, time, pellitory of the wall, rosemarye, wilde time, and gromell, lavender (the flowers if you can get them), of every of them an handfull; then beate the spices small, and the hearbes allso; then put them all in ye wine, and let it stand therein twelve houres, stirringe it divers times; then still it in a lymbecke; and the first water being greene, put it by itselfe, for it is the best; the second water being white, is good, but not so good as the first; put that by itselfe; it is good

for all manner of diseases, to drinke it fastinge, and at nighte laste, at every time a spoonefull; it is a presious and noble water, for a spoonefull is a preservative.

This, no doubt, was a precious cordial for the days it was in use. But we ques

tion whether water made of wine and spices, however skilfully combined, or slowly or coldly drawn, was half so exhilarating as ratafia or golden cordial, or eau-de-Cologne, or Geneva's famous water of juniper. We have never yet discovered the recipe for making the water of the gods, or seen a diagram of the "lymbecke" in which it was distilled; but we are certain that the Moors did no good to the beverage of Western Europe, when they brought with them into Spain the Egyptian art of distillation. Henry Earl of Cumberland, who was borne in 1517, and died in 1564, was, according to the Pembroke Memoirs, "much addicted to alchemy and chemistry, and a great distiller of waters." Pindar was very right

when he said "Water is the best."

13. To make an akeing tooth fall out.-Take wheate meale, and mixe therewith the milke of the hearbe called spurge, and make thereof past or doughe, with which ye shall fill the hollowe of the tooth, and let it be there a certayne time, and the tooth GENT. MAG. VOL. IV.

will fall out of it selfe. Allso, if you washe your mouth and teethe once a month with wine wherein the roote of this hearbe hath bene sodden, you shall never have payne in your teethe.

There can be no doubt but the caustic quality of the juice of almost every species of spurge, especially of Euphorbia peplus, applied to the human teeth, will corrode them rapidly. From its likeness to cream, and its severely acrid nature, the Irish call the plant that produces it, the "devil's churn." In England, from its being used to destroy warts, it is called wart-wort. Turner, the father of English botany, uses the name under peplis, and speaks of the burning taste of the seawart-wort which he saw growing in an island near Venice. Gerard also, who built his Herbal on foundations laid by Turner, tells of the horribly acrid quality of sea-spurge, which he experienced in company with Turner's ancient friend, Master Rich, in a walk along the seacoast, near Lee, in Essex.

15. For him that hath naturally a red face. Take foure ownces of the kyrnells of peaches, and three ownces of gorde seedes, and make thereof an oyle, wherewith you shall anoynte his face morninge and eveninge; this will kill and destroye all redness. A thinge founde true by experience.

This recipe, if it was intended for the benefit of the fair sex, as well as of the gentlemen, might be found to furnish a very acceptable cosmetic for the toilettes of the blooming beauties of the country, who long to exchange the rosy hues of Hebe for the wan enchantments that lighten in the smiles of loveliness in fashionable life. We doubt its efficacy in removing the roseate hues that the liquor of cogniac suffuses over the face, much less in dimming the splendour of the crops of jewels that brandy produces on certain promontories, and, as their name implies, "shine in the dark, like a lighted coal."

19. To make the face fayre.-Take the blossomes of beanes, and distill them, and wash the face in that water, and it will be fair.

'The blossoms of beans!' Who that is enamoured of the fields and nature, has not inhaled their delicious Persian perfume; and has not been struck with the

blackness of the beauty-spot on their corolla? We certainly recommend a place on the toilette of the fair for this delicious water, as the perfumer, on distillation, will really find that it retains the fragrance F

of the flower; which we, however, do not
suspect of yielding an essential oil, and
consequently are not sanguine in our hopes
of seeing the water of bean-flowers rival-
ing the ottar of roses.

21 To take away wartes.-When
you kill a pigge, take the hot bloude,
and washe the wartes, and let it drye
on them; then presentlye after wash
them, and they shall be whole.

Whoever practised this receipt with success, mixed the pig's blood with some matter, which he kept a secret; for, though we never tried the experiment, we are sure that blood, as it flows warm and unadulterated from an animal, can have no manner of effect in removing warts, or any other schirrhus tumour; but warm blood is a convenient vehicle for a quack to use in working medical


22. To remedye baldnes of the heade. Take a quantitye of Suthernwoode, and put it upon kindled coales to burne; and being made into powder, mix it with the oyle of radishes and anoynte the balde place, and you shall see great experiences.

What is here meant by experiences?' Changes? A new growth of hair, or a natural wig? Johnson is not quite right when he says that whey is one of the meanings of whig. He should have said sour whey; for till within the last forty years we remember a very agreeable summer beverage called whey-whig, being used by the people of Westmoreland, and made of whey with savoury herbs, such as mint, balm, and time, steeped in it, till it became slightly sour, and impregnated with the essential oil of the herbs. Of milk and whey they also said that it was gone, wented, whiyged, or changed when it had turned sour. The word wig, as applied to an artificial covering of hair, has also that application, from a wig being a substitute or change for natural hair. And wig and wigh, in composition in the names of towns, means new or changed, and in some instances, as in its application to the Godmundingaham of Bede, Wighton means the idol's town, because idols were substitutes. If ointment of the oil of radishes, and the ashes of southern, should be found still to possess the virtue of covering bald heads with a crop of natural hair, how many elderly gentlemen, dear Mr. Urban, will be congratulating themselves with its delightful experiences,' after you kindly communicate to them this charming prescription!

30. A good drinke for them that are bewitched or forespoken.-Take rosemary three braunches, two leaves of comfrye, halfe a handfull of succorve, half a handfull of tyme, three braunches of hearbegrace, a quarte of running water, and seeth it tyll it be half consumed, and then strayne it. And then take one nutmegge, and one race of ginger, one pennyworth of mace, and them into the water, and drinke thereof two pennyworth of suger, and put first and laste a quantity at a time. warme; and eate five almondes everye time after you have drunke of the water.

Fasting, they say, makes men acquainted with the unseen world; and no necromancer can have communication with the spirit of the dead, or do his unearthly works of witchery, without both he and the persons who employ him have spent a long time in fasting. We cannot tell how the wizzards do, but many believe that no man will see ghost or spirit, or think himself bewitched or forespoken, who is in health to eat and drink as he ought; and as the stomachic here recommended may have the effect of producing a healthy digestion and sound sleep, it is possible that it may be good for persons who think themselves possessed and bound in the spells of witchery. The accounts we hear of the command that the magicians of Egypt have over the spirits of the dead, and the communion that the fasting seers of Thebes enjoy with good spirits, will, we hope, be soon given to the world through the press. We will, however, briefly tell some few particulars, which we have heard respecting a mazician at Cairo, and he and many others in that ancient country are now well known to many travellers both from England and from France. He came to any place he was sent for, and performed his feats in a private room, or in the open air, as he might be requested. He had no machinery or apparatus of any kind with him, except a fire and incense. His first request was that you would bring him a boy of twelve or thirteen years old-any that you chose; and he poured upon the palm of the boy's hand a blotch of common black writing ink. He then muttered certain prayers, and threw perfumes into the fire; and said to the boy" Call the seven flags," which being done, he asked, "Now how many do you see?" Perhaps "None," was the answer. Look again."

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46 Oh, I see one, two, three,
What is their colour ?”
&c." "Now I see one,!


This preparatory ceremony being completed, the prayers were renewed, and fresh incense cast upon the fire. "Now," said the magician to the boy, "Call the sacred bull." The sacred bull," the boy exclaimed, and he was asked what he

now saw.

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"I see a great many people leading forth a bull. Now they are preparing to sacrifice him. Now they are eating him." This procession being past, the boy was told to call for the Sultan. The Sultan at the call appeared, attended with a troop of horsemen, and himself riding upon a splendid black charger, from which he alighted, and ascended a throne, his court falling off on each side in the form of a crescent. All these preparatory incantations being duly performed, the conjurer said to me, "Now ask for what you choose, for anything lost, or any person dead or alive, and the boy will see them on the ink-spot in his hand and describe them to you." One of the party had lost some jewelry, and on asking for it, the boy said it was on the person of one of the party, who confessed he had it, and that he had taken and kept it by way of a joke. Many illustrious dead were invoked, and the boy invariably described them as appearing to him in the costume of the age and nation to which they belonged. One of the party asked for a friend who had been some time dead; and he was described as appearing with both his arms, of which the magician was told he had lost one long before he died. "That might be," was the answer;" but all who come at our command, come perfect persons, as God created them." We cannot lengthen this note, except by exclaiming-Happy long forgotten dead, who escaped from this world in that blessed obscurity which exempts your repose from being disturbed by the earthly agents of evil spirits! Wretched, ye wise and mighty of the dead, whose names are emblazoned on the pages of history, and whose spirits are subject to be touched with madness, and tormented with devils, to gratify the curiosity of those idle and unfeeling, who not only ransack the graves, but harass the souls of their forefathers! What would Henry Cornelius Agrippa say to all this? Formerly men went to get instructions in magic of the devil, in certain caves in the neighbourhood of Toledo, in Spain. Now it is found that the art, as known in the first ages of the world, was never lost in Egypt.

54. A medicine against all manner of infirmitys.—Take and drink a cupfull of the juice of betonye, the first Thursday in May, and he shall be de

I from all manner of diseases

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An annotator, on the margin, calls this a piece of foolish witchcraft."

63. A confection for one that cannot eate well.-Take the juice of fennell two partes, and the third of honye, and seeth them together tyll it be as thicke as honye, and put pepper to it, and take everye day fasting two or three spoonefulls thereof, &c.

71. For to get a stomache. Take rosa solis halfe a pinte, rose water halfe a pinte, a quarter of a pinte of dragon water, and two spoonefulls of sallet oyle, and halfe a pinte of wormewood water, and one nut megge beaten to powder; boyle all these together a little while, and after that take five leaves of liverworte, of lungworte three leaves, and two races of ginger beaten to powder, and put these to the foresayde and drinke of it, eveninge and morninge, twoe spoonefulls at a time, five dayes together.

Indolence and sickly constitutions, gave people bad appetites formerly as well as now. The prescriptions for getting a good appetite abound in the manuscript we are quoting from. But beside the indolent who will not take exercise to create a desire for food, and the sickly, to whom nature has denied the pleasure of eating, how many gourmonds are there who, instead of eating to live, live to eat, and are constantly exciting the rapacity of medical avarice by fees for tonics, stimulants, and dinner pills.

78. For one that is or will be dronken. Take swallowes and burne them, and make a powder of them; and give the dronken man thereof to drinke, and he shall never be dronken hereafter.

We recommend this recipe to the consideration and patronage of the Temperance Societies. What the appearance, the constituent parts, or the taste of the ashes of a swallow may be, we know not, for we have neither seen, analysed, nor tasted a specimen of them. But if they would cure drunkenness, the swallowers of drink would certainly decrease, however gnats might increase in the fens of England, or midges in the moors of Scotland, by the increased demand for swallows. Man settles in marshes, and takes drams and tobacco to correct the effects of the bad air he lives in; and swallows haunt fens and water sides for the winged insects they produce, so that for a considerable part of the year, from the latter end of April to some time in September, the sols that inhabit straths, and moors, and marshy sea-side countries, may easily

of the flower; which we, however, do not suspect of yielding an essential oil, and consequently are not sanguine in our hopes of seeing the water of bean-flowers rivaling the ottar of roses.

21. To take away wartes.-When you kill a pigge, take the hot bloude, and washe the wartes, and let it drye on them; then presentlye after wash them, and they shall be whole.

Whoever practised this receipt with success, mixed the pig's blood with some matter, which he kept a secret; for, though we never tried the experiment, we are sure that blood, as it flows warm and unadulterated from an animal, can have no manner of effect in removing warts, or any other schirrhus tumour; but warm blood is a convenient vehicle for a quack to use in working medical


22. To remedye baldnes of the heade. Take a quantitye of Suthernwoode, and put it upon kindled coales to burne; and being made into powder, mix it with the oyle of radishes and anoynte the balde place, and you shall see great experiences.

What is here meant by experiences?' Changes? A new growth of hair, or a natural wig? Johnson is not quite right when he says that whey is one of the meanings of whig. He should have said sour whey; for till within the last forty years we remember a very agreeable summer beverage called whey-whig, being used by the people of Westmoreland, and made of whey with savoury herbs, such as mint, balm, and time, steeped in it, till it became slightly sour, and impregnated with the essential oil of the herbs. Of milk and whey they also said that it was gone, wented, whiyged, or changed when it had turned sour. The word wig, as applied to an artificial covering of hair, has also that application, from a wig being a substitute or change for natural hair. And wig and wigh, in composition in the names of towns, means new or changed, and in some instances, as in its application to the Godmundingaham of Bede, Wighton means the idol's town, because idols were substitutes. If ointment of the oil of radishes, and the ashes of southern, should be found still to possess the virtue of covering bald heads with a crop of natural hair, how many elderly gentlemen, dear Mr. Urban, will be congratulating themselves with its delightful experiences,' after you kindly communicate to them this charming prescription!

30. A good drinke for are bewitched or foresp rosemary three braunches comfrye, halfe a handful half a handfull of tyme, th of hearbegrace, a quar water, and seeth it tyll sumed, and then strayn take one nutmegge, a ginger, one pennywor two pennyworth of them into the water, a first and laste a qu warme; and eate five time after you hav


of the Saint represented above. The canopies over the head of each figure are uniform, hexagonal in plan, and surmounted by a filiated cupola between two pinnacles. The canopies are relieved with a background of a cerulean blue, and each of the effigies with a richly diapered curtain, or hanging, of cloth of gold. So far the general features of the whole resemble each other. The particular description of each statue is as follows:

S. Matheus.

An aged man with grey beard and bald forehead, clothed in a tunic or surcoat of scarlet with blue sleeves, a white cope or mantle lined with yellow, fastened at the throat; he holds his Gospel on his left hand, a richly bound and clasped volume in the antique style; on the shield below, the emblem of the Trinity, which may be thus blazoned heraldically:- Gules, an orle and a pall conjoined Argent, thereon four bezants, two in chief, one on the fesse point, and one in base, the two in chief inscribed: the dexter with the word" Pater," and the sinister with "Filius, the one on fesse "Deus," "S'c't's Sp's;" on each of the three parts of the orle the words non est," and on each of the parts of the pall the word "est."

and the one on base,


S. Marcus.

In a long green robe with red sleeves, surmounted by a white chasuble; he holds his Gospel in his right hand. The shield is Azure, on the fesse point the Star of Bethlem within the crown of thorns, between three Rails all Proper-a shield of the Passion.

S. Lucas.

Attired in a blue robe with a white mantle, his Gospel in his right hand; the shield, Gules, a spear in bend, surmounted with a staff, with the sponge in bend sinister Proper; over all a cross Argent, having a scroll on the fesse point, charged with the letters J. P. R. T. Also a shield of the Passion.

D. Johannes.

The youthful appearance of this Saint is preserved; his robe is grey, surmounted by a white cope, his Gospel in his right hand. The shield Azure, on a mount Or, the Agnus Dei Argent, the head regardant and encircled with a nimbus Or, bearing a

banner Argent ensigned with a cross Gules.

Above the principal figures, and occupying the minor compartments of the subarches, are the well-known symbols of the Evangelists, deduced from the prophecies of Ezekiel and the Visions of St. John; they are so arranged as to be placed nearly over the figures of the Saints to whom they relate. It is almost needless to add, that these emblems are an Angel, a Lion, a Calf or Bull, and an Eagle. They are here represented white on a red ground. In the spandrils are the sacred monograms, A 2 and J. H. D. Above is the descending Dove.

The donors of this splendid window have caused a very simple memorial of their beneficence to appear in the design. At the bottom of the window, on a ribbon, is the following inscription. Deo et Ecclesiæ Fratres Hoare dicaverunt, A'o D'ni M.DCCC.XXX.III; and this, almost hidden by the ornaments of the altar, is the whole record of the donation of this splendid window.

In consequence of this modest retiring feeling, the artist was left to form his own design, and he shows throughout a close resemblance to ancient examples, on which sacred emblems alone formed the ornamental detail. No vain display of family pride, no pomp of heraldry is visible. The only record of the donors is a simple inscription, set up not for the gratification of vanity, but for the information of the historian.

Will the day never arrive when so pleasing, so appropriate, so innocent an embellishment to our churches, as stained glass, shall be universally introduced? Let us hope that it will -that one day we shall see a little of the surplus wealth of the times dediembellishment of the house of God. cated to the decent and appropriate When that period arrives, it is to be hoped that windows like the present will be constructed, instead of those vain displays of corporate and individual heraldry which we too often meet with on the altar windows of our ancient churches, in situations where those ornaments alone should be introduced, which may harmonize with the sacred character of the place, and accord with the feelings which ought solely to predominate.

E. I. C.

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