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3.-Two Bishops can oppose the power of the Queen more efficiently than can two Knights.

4.—A Bishop supported by a Pawn, mutually guard each other. A Knight similarly placed, does not guard the Pawn. 5.-A Bishop covering an oblique check, attacks at the same time; not so the Knight.

6.-A Bishop in a corner square, is not so easily invested by the King, as is the Knight.

7.-The Bishops with the King alone, can give checkmate; as also can a Bishop and Knight. The Knights with the King alone, cannot give checkmate.

8. By discovering the check of the Bishop, double check is given; which is not the case with the Knight.

Advantages of the Knight over the Bishop.

1.-The Knight can leap over any piece.

2.-The Knight may be played to a square, from whence he may command an attack on eight pieces at the same time. 3.-The move of the Knight cannot be averted by any piece.

4. When the Knight checks, no piece can interpose.

5.--The Knight moves on both colours, and thus commands the sixty-four squares. The Bishop commands only thirtytwo squares.

6. Two Knights mutually support each other, not so the Bishops.

7.-The Knight can frequently enter the adverse army with greater facility than the Bishop.

8. The Knight can give checkmate, when the adverse King is shut up and surrounded.

Another advantage of the Knight against a novice, is, the difficulty of keeping in view the nature of his move.


A pawn (pedone, foot soldier) moves in a straight line forward, one square at a time, and takes the enemy angularly. A Pawn may be moved two squares the first move, subject however to being taken en passant by a pawn of the adversary, but not with a piece. He never moves backward, nor must he quit his own file, except to make a capture, when he takes the square of the captive, and moves forward in that file. For example-If a white pawn is placed upon 37, and a black pawn on 28, either of them could take the other; but if the white pawn on 37 be opposed by a black rook on 29, a black bishop on 28, and a black knight on 30, the pawn then could not take the rook, but might take either the bishop or the knight.

A pawn pushed on to the eighth square of the file, (which is called going to queen) immediately assumes the rank and power of any piece, short of a king-(an assumption which would be derogatory to the divine right of monarchs)—-so that you may have as many queens, bishops, &c. on the board at once, as you can create; or he may be exchanged for any piece lost in the course of the play, and is always to be placed on the square at which the pawn had arrived. This privilege is peculiar to the pawns.

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Recapitulatory explanation, shewing

The eight moves of the knight-radiating from the white king's bishop's third square.

The move of the bishop-diagonally across the board, backward or forward, on the same coloured squares as originally placed.

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The move of the rook-at right angles.

The move of the pawn-a direct line forward through the file. He captures angularly forward, either way-as represented by the dotted lines.


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The men being placed upon the board as represented in the previous page, the players either agree or draw lots for the first move (see Laws 9 & 10) and the game is continued by each player moving alternately. The first move, as it gives the choice of the opening, is considered of the advantage attached to that circumstance, which however, opposed to a good player, is only advantageous for a few moves.

If the road lies open to them, the men cau take the adversary's men who stand in their way, or they may refuse it, if they think proper.

No piece can move to a square already occupied, unless to take the piece, and then he must be placed on the square which that piece had occupied, and not the square on the further side, as at draughts. Example. Suppose the

white queen on 60, and a black knight on 42, the queen can take the knight, who must then be removed from the board, and the queen takes the place, 42; but if the knight is on 43, the queen cannot take him, though he can take the queen, who must then be removed, and the knight placed on 60; a white rook also on 58, can take a black bishop on 10.

It has before been observed, that the king cannot be taken, or removed from the board;* the object of the game of either party, is to blockade the monarch of the opposite color, and he who succeeds in doing so, wins the game.†-See checkmate.

* Charles I. of England, and Louis XVI. of France, were the last monarchs actually removed from the Board; James II. and Louis XVIII. were checkmated.

+ This is the science of politics-the outs always get in by giving check to the ruling power.

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