THE SERMONS, AND OTHER PRACTICAL WORKS, Of the Late REVEREND and LEARNED MR. RALPH ERSKINE, Α. Μ. Minister of the Gospel in DUNFERMLINE. CONSISTING OF Above One Hundred and Fifty SERMONS, IN TEN LARGE VOLUMES OCTAVO, To which is prefixed, An ACCOUNT of the AUTHOR'S LIFE and WRITINGS, I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, Rom. i. 16. VOL. VII. FALKIRK: PRINTED BY PATRICK MAIR, For PETER MUIRHEAD, Merchant, the Revd. JOHN STEWART, M.DCC.XCVI. The Commencement of all Saving Blessings, HAG. ii. 19. From this day will I bless you. The words being confidered in their connection, divided and explained, After a brief introduction, clear analization, and fuccinct explication 84. ৪৪ |