| James Thomson - 1757 - 244 Seiten
...paft, And broken flumbers, rifes ftill refolv'd, 215 With new-flufh'd hopes, to run the giddy round. FATHER, of light and life ! thou GOOD SUPREME ! O teach me what is good ! teach me THYSELF ! Save me frjm folly, vanity, and vice, From every low purfuit ! and feed my foul 320 With knowledge, confcious... | |
| John Newbery - 1762 - 292 Seiten
...flumbers, rifes ftill refolv'd With new-flufh'd hopes, to run the giddy round. FATHER of light and lifef thou GOOD SUPREME ! O teach me what is good ! teach...Save me from folly, vanity, and vice, From every low purfuit ! and feed my foul With knowledge, confcious peace, and virtue pure ; Sacred, fubftantial,... | |
| Art - 1762 - 290 Seiten
...rifes ftill refolv'd With new-flufh'd hopes, to run the giddy round. FATHER of light and life! thouGooD SUPREME ! O teach me what is good ! teach me THYSELF...Save me from folly, vanity, and vice, From every low purfuit ! and feed my foul With knowledge, confcious peace, and virtue pure ; Sacred, fubftantial,... | |
| James Thomson - 1763 - 458 Seiten
...part, And broken flumbers, rifes ftill refolv'd, 215 With new-flufh'd hopes, to run the giddy round. Father of light and life ! thou GOOD SUPREME ! O teach...Save me from folly, vanity, and vice, From every low purfuit! and feed my foul 22O With knowledge, confcious peace, and virtue pure ; Sacred, fubftantial,... | |
| James Thomson - 1766 - 266 Seiten
...paft> And broken flumbers, rifes ftill refolv'd, 21; With new-flufh'd hopes, to run the giddy round. FATHER of light and life ! thou GOOD SUPREME! O teach...Save me from folly, vanity, and vice, From every low purfuit! and feed my foul 220 With knowledge, confcious peace, and virtue pure 5 Sacred, fubftantial,... | |
| James Thomson - 1774 - 272 Seiten
...215 With. new-flufh'd hopes, to run the giddy round. FATH.ER of light and life! thou Goon SUPREME 1 O teach me what is good ! teach me THYSELF! Save me from folly, vanity, and vice, From ev'ry low purfuit! and feed my foul. 220 * THE keener tempefts rife : and fuming dun From all the livid... | |
| Ann Murry - 1778 - 246 Seiten
...following claffes. Thofe addreffed to the Deity—of which I fhall produce an. example from Thompfon. " Father of Light and Life, thou good Supreme, " O teach me what is good, teach me Thyfelf!" The next are thofe prefented to Apollo, the Mufes r or any Virtue, and are ufed by Poets... | |
| James Thomson, Patrick Murdoch - 1788 - 322 Seiten
...vifions paft, And broken flumbers, rifes ftill refolv'd, With new-flufh'd hopes, to run the giddy round. FATHER of light and life! thou GOOD SUPREME! O teach...Save me from folly, vanity, and vice, From every low purfuit ! and feed my foul With knowledge, confcious peace, and virtue pure; v' Sacred, fubftantial,... | |
| Vicesimus Knox - 1791 - 510 Seiten
...EXTRACTS. -POETICAL. BOOK THE FIRST. SACRED AND MORAL. { i. An Addrefi totheDeiiy. THOMSON. FATH ER of light and life ! Thou GOOD SUPREME ! O teach me...THYSELF ! Save me from folly, vanity, and vice ; From cv'ry low purfuit ! and feed my foul Withknowledge.confcious peace, and virtue purej Sacred, fubftantial,... | |
| Vicesimus Knox - 1791 - 964 Seiten
...ELEGANT EXTRACTS, IN VERSE. BOOK THE FIRST. SACRED AND MORAL. | i. At Mdreft to I be Dtitf. THOMSON. FATHER of light and life ! Thou GOOD SUPREME ! O teach me what a good. Teach me T HYS EL F Save me from folly, vanity, and vice, From every low purfuit ! and feed... | |
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