| 744 Seiten
...been ufed to make it thought a party ' play, yet what the author once faid of an' other, may the moft properly in the> < world be applied to him on this occasion : " Envy itfelf is dumb, in wonder loft, " And factions drive who (hall applaud him moft." ' The numerous and... | |
 | 1761 - 548 Seiten
...applied to himfelf on this occafion. The numerous and violent claps of tfheWliig party on one fide of the theatre were echoed back by the Tories on the other ; while the author fweated behind the fcenes, with concern, to find their applaufe proceeding more... | |
 | Joseph Addison - 1778 - 240 Seiten
...who I}, all applaud liim molt." " The numerous and violent elaps of the Whig par" ty on the one fide of the theatre were echoed " back by the Tories on the other, while the Author " fweated behind the feenes, with concern to find " their applaufe proceeding more... | |
 | Alexander Pope - 1789 - 300 Seiten
...jirive, ixhojball applaud him mofl. The numerous and violent claps of the Whig-party en the one fide of the theatre, were echoed back by the Tories on the other l while the author fweated behind the fcenes with concern to find their applaufe preceding more from... | |
 | Vicesimus Knox - 1790 - 908 Seiten
...Itiive, who ihull appUud !n~ mo:*« The numerous and violent claps of the whig-party on tl'e one fide of the theatre, were echoed back by the tories on the other; while the author fiveated behind tlie fccncs with concern to find thdr applaufe proceeding more from... | |
 | Sir Richard Phillips - 1803 - 578 Seiten
...yet what the author once said of another, may the most properly in. the world be applied to him ou this occasion : " Envy itself is dumb, in wonder lost,...theatre, were echoed back by the tories on the other ; while the author sweated behind the scenes with concern, to find their applause proceeding more from... | |
 | Joseph Addison - 1804 - 470 Seiten
...war; The nation thanks them with a public voice, By show'rs of blessings Heav'n approves their choice; Envy itself is dumb, in wonder lost, And factions strive who shall applaud them most. Soon as soft vernal breezes warm the sky, Britannia's colours in the zephyrs fly; Her chief... | |
 | Thomas Gray - 1807 - 728 Seiten
...Fiamminga, Raffaello come la Venere da Medici, quale appunto, il Miltono l' avrèbbe dovuta de» scrivere. Envy itself is dumb, in wonder lost, And factions strive, who shall applaud him most. Dice un loro famoso poeta se ben mi ricordo. Ed ecco come un poeta Italiano, quel medesimo Lazzarini... | |
 | John Watkins - 1808 - 752 Seiten
...possible has been used to make it thought a party play, yet what the author once said of another, may the most properly in the world be applied to him on this...the one side of the theatre, were echoed back by the lories on the other; while the author sweated behind the scenes with con.cern, to find their applause... | |
 | John Watkins - 1808 - 568 Seiten
...possible bas been used to make it thought a party play, yet what the author once said of another, may the most properly in the world be applied to him on this...numerous and violent claps of the whig party on the •ne side of the theatre, were echoed back by the tories on the other; while the author sweated behind... | |
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