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" The next day, while I was heated with what I had heard, I wrote a letter to Mr. Addison, to let him know that I was not unacquainted with this behaviour of his; that if I was to speak severely of him in return for it, it should not be in such a dirty... "
The works of Alexander Pope, with notes and illustrations, by himself and ... - Seite 135
von Alexander Pope - 1847
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The Works of the English Poets: Prefaces

Samuel Johnson - 1781 - 410 Seiten
...publifh tbofe fcandals, and " had given him ten. guineas after they " were publifhed. The next day, while " I was heated with what I had heard , " I wrote a Letter to Mr. Addifon, to "• let him know that I was not unacu quainted with this behaviour of his ;. " that if...
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prefaces biographical and crirical to the works of the english poets

samuel johnson - 1781 - 396 Seiten
...-publifh thofe fcandals, and " had given him ten guineas- after they. " we're publifhed- The next day, while " I was heated with what I had heard, " I wrote a Letter to Mr. Addifbn,. tof lef him know that I was not unac*' quainted with this behaviour of his ;. " that if I...
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The lives of the most eminent English poets; with critical ..., Band 4

Samuel Johnson - 1781 - 516 Seiten pubfim thofe fcan" dais, and had given him ten guineas after " they were publifhed. The next day, while " I was heated with what I had heard, I " wrote a Letter to Mr. Addifon, to let him " know that I was not unacquainted with this " behaviour of his ; that if I was...
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Pope. Pitt. Thomson. Watts. A. Philips. West. Collins. Dyer. Shenstone ...

Samuel Johnson - 1781 - 516 Seiten
...Gildon to publifh thofe fcandals, and had given him ten guineas after they were publifhed. The next day, while I was heated with what I had heard, I wrote a Letter to Mr. Addifon, to let him know that I was not unacquainted with this behaviour of his ; that if I was to...
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The Lives of the Most Eminent English Poets;: Pope. Pitt. Thomson. Watts. A ...

Samuel Johnson - 1781 - 516 Seiten
...publifti thofe fcan" dais, and had given him ten guineas after " they were publifhed. The next day, while " I was heated with what I had heard; I " wrote a Letter ta Mr. Addifon, to let him "- know that I was not unaequainted with this " behaviour of his ; that...
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The lives of the most eminent English poets (concluded). Miscellaneous lives

Samuel Johnson, John Hawkins - 1787 - 650 Seiten
...publifh thofe " fcandals, and had given him ten guineas after they ** were publifhed. The next day, while I was heated " with what I had heard, I wrote a Letter to Mr. Ad" difon, to let him know that I was not unacquainted " with this behaviour of his; that if I was...
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The Works of Samuel Johnson, LL. D.: The lives of the most eminent English ...

Samuel Johnson, John Hawkins - 1787 - 672 Seiten
...publrfti thofe " fcandals, and had given him ten guineas after they *' were publifhed. The next day, while I was heated " with what I had heard, I wrote a Letter to Mr. AdT " difon, to let him know that I was not unacquainted " with this behaviour of his ; that if I was...
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The lives of the most eminent English poets (concluded). Miscellaneous lives

Samuel Johnson, John Hawkins - 1787 - 650 Seiten
...publifh thofe ** fcandals, and had given him ten guineas after they " were publifhed. The next day, while I was heated. " with what I had heard, I wrote a Letter to Mr. Ad** difon, to let him know that I was not unacquainted " with this behaviour of his ; that if I was...
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The Lives of the Most Eminent English Poets: With Critical ..., Band 3

Samuel Johnson - 1800 - 340 Seiten
...he next day, while I was heated •** with I had heard, I wrote a Letter to •" Mr. Addifon, to let him know that I was not " unacquainted with this behaviour -of his; that if «e I was to fpeak feverelyof him in return for it, it " fhould not be in fuch a dirty way ; that J...
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Samuel Johnson - 1800 - 714 Seiten
...publish those scandals, and " had given him ten guineas after they were published. The next day, " while I was heated with what I had heard, I wrote a letter to Mr. Addisoo. " to let him know that I was not unacquainted with this behaviour of his ; " that if I was...
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