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" ... township, or any other purpose whatever, for the term of five years from and after the day of sale... "
Constitution of the State of Illinois: November 16, 1818, Read and Ordered ... - Seite 24
von Illinois - 1818 - 24 Seiten
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Acts Passed at the First Session of the 1st Congress - 3d Session of the ...

United States - 1796 - 576 Seiten of !?pJtirr«ll3ïw"d* January next, shall remain exempt from any tax laid by ordeÇ or under the authority of the State, whether for State, County,...or Township, or any other purpose whatever, for the tenn o/ five years from and after the day of sale ; And further. That the bounty lands granted, or...
Vollansicht - Über dieses Buch

The Laws of the United States of America. ...

United States - 1804 - 454 Seiten order or under authority of the flate, whether for ftate, county, townfhip or any other purpofe whatever, for the term of five years from and after the day of fale. NATHL. MACON, Speaker of the Houfe of Reprefentati-ves. ABRAHAM BALDWIN, Prefident of the Senate,...
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Acts Passed at the First Session of the 1st Congress - 3d Session of the ...

United States - 1811 - 464 Seiten
...laid by the order or under the authority of the state, whether for state, county, township, parish or any other purpose whatever, for the term of five years from and after the respective days of the sales thereof; and that the lands, belonging to citizens of the United States,...
Vollansicht - Über dieses Buch

Laws, Treaties, and Other Documents, Having Operation and Respect to the ...

United States - 1811 - 480 Seiten
...remain exempt ftom any tax laid by order or under authority of the state, whether for state, county, township or any other purpose whatever, for the term, of five years, from ayid after the day of sale. VIJ. 74. ,">d March, 1803. Tracts of land appropriated for the use of n-hools...
Vollansicht - Über dieses Buch

A Geographical Description of the State of Louisiana: The Southern Part of ...

William Darby - 1817 - 374 Seiten
...laid by the order or under the authority of the state, whether for state, county, township, parish, or other purpose whatever, for the term of five years from and after the respective days of the sales thereof, and that the lands belonging to citizens of the United States,...
Vollansicht - Über dieses Buch

A geographical description of the state of Louisiana. [With] Appendix

William Darby - 1817 - 372 Seiten
...laid by the order or under the authority of the state, whether for state, county, township, parish, or other purpose whatever, for the term of five years from and after the respective days of the sales thereof, and that the lands belonging to citizens of the United States,...
Vollansicht - Über dieses Buch

House Documents, Otherwise Publ. as Executive Documents: 13th ..., Band 1

United States. Congress. House - 1820 - 490 Seiten
...and after the first day of January next, shall remain exempt from any tax laid by order, or under the authority, of the state, whether for state, county,...whatever, for the term of five years, from and after the respective days of sale thereof; and that the bounty lands granted, or hereafter to be granted, for...
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Niles' National Register, Band 19

1821 - 454 Seiten
...after the first d»y of January next, shall remain exempt from any tax laid by order, or under the authority of the state, whether for state, county...whatever, for the term of five years from and after the respective days of sale thereof; and that the bounty lands granted, or hereafter to be granted, for...
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A Digest of the Laws of the United States of America, from March 4th, 1789 ...

Edward Ingersoll - 1821 - 884 Seiten
...laid by the order, or under the authority, of the state, whether for state, county, township, parish, or any other purpose whatever, for the term of five years, from and after the respective days of the sales thereof, and that the lands belonging to citizens of the United States,...
Vollansicht - Über dieses Buch

The Maryland Resolutions, and the Objections to Them Considered

Virgil Maxcy - 1822 - 52 Seiten
...remain, «xempt from any tax laid by order, or under authority of the state, whether for state, county, township, or any other purpose whatever, for the term of five years from and after the day of sale." To say, after reading the 'above extract, that Congress are at liberty to discontinue the school reservations...
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