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Before the CIRCUIT COURT of the UNITED STAO held in
Richmond, (Virginia), May term, 180??



On all the Motions made during the Examination and Trial, and on
the Motion for an Attachment against Gen. Wilkinson.

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L. S.

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BE IT REMEMBERED, That on this thirtieth day of July in the year of Our Lord, eighteen hundred and seven, and in the thirty-first year of American dependence, WESTCOTT & COMPANY, of the said District, hath deposited in this Office, the title of a book, the right whereof they claim as authors, in the words following, to wit:-" The TRIAL of O AARON BURR, on an Indictment for "TREASON, before the Circuit Court of the United "States, bril in Richmond, (Virginia), May Tern,

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eighteen hundred and seven: Including the Arg "ments and Decisions on all the Motions made di "ring the Examination and Trial, and on the Me"tion for an Attachment against General Wilkinson, in conformity to the act of the Congress of the United States, entitled "An act for the encouragement of learning, by securing the copies of maps, charts, and books, to the authors and proprietors of such copies, during the times therein mentioned."

G. DENEALE, Clk. the District of Columbia.

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Circuit Court of the United, States.

MONDAY, August 3, 1807.

Prefent, JOHN MARSHAL, Chief Juftice of the United States.

The trial of Col. AARON BURR this day commenced, pursuant to adjournment, on an indictment for treafon against the United States.

The Court affembled at 12 o'clock, and an immenfe concourse of citizens attended to witnefs the proceedings.

A few minutes after Col. Burr entered, attended by his Counfel and Mr. Allon, from South Carolina.

Mr. HAY obferved, that he could take no fteps in the business until he had afcertained whether the witneffes fummoned on the part of the United States were prefent. He therefore requeßled that their names might be called over, which was accordingly done; when it appeared that of 102 on the lift, only 19 were prefent.

Mr. HAY begged leave to mention, that he had nothing more to fubmit to the Court this day. It was his duty to furnith the accufed with a lift of the Jurors, and their places of refidence ; but on account of feveral difficulties, it would be impoflible to make out thofe lifts before the day after to-morrow, which time, after fome converfation, was agreed to.

He alfo obferved, that it might be proper to have the names of the Jurors called over, though not impannel them at prefent. They were accordingly called; and of 12 fummoned from Wood county, and 36 from the body of the District of Virginia, as returned by Jofeph Scott, Marthal, but two were abfent.

He then requested the Marthal to deliver, as foon as poffible, a correct copy of this lit to the opposite Counfel.

Mr. P. RANDOLPH enquired, whether this was a proper opportunity for any man on that pannel to ftate his objections to the fervice.

The C. Julice replied, that it would be better to wave any objections, until the Jury were about to be impannelled.

Mr. HAY withed fuch of the witneffes as had not appeared before, to be recognized as the others had been: and accordingly, Meflrs. Duncan, Nevill, M'Dowell, and Peters, were recognized by the clerk.

The Deputy Marfhall was then about to adjourn the Court


Mr. BURR recalled the recollection of the Court to the mo

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