Legislative Branch Appropriation Bill for 1950: Hearings Before the Subcommittee of the Committee on Appropriations, House of Representatives, Eighty-first Congress, First SessionU.S. Government Printing Office, 1949 - 375 Seiten |
Häufige Begriffe und Wortgruppen
1949 appropriation additional administrative agencies amount ANDREASSEN ANDREWS annual annum Appropriation Act Appropriation or estimate Architect asking authorized basic rate bill BROCKWELL budget CALLAHAN Capitol Capitol Police Board Capitol power plant cards catalog Chairman Code committee congressional Copyright Office cost decrease departments DEVINY EASTIN employees equipment EVANS Federal fiscal year 1950 funds going GORE Government Printing Office GRIFFITH gross HENLOCK HERRELL House Administration Committee House Office Building June 30 labor law library Legislative Reference Service Library of Congress LYNN maintenance NORRELL operation Pay Act pay roll percent personnel Police positions present printing and binding Public Law 900 purchase questions record Reorganization Act repairs RIDGELL ROBERTS salary SCRIVNER Senate senior specialist Sergeant at Arms staff statement STEFAN supplemental Supplies and materials things tion titles total appropriation Total obligations typewriters United States Code within-grade
Beliebte Passagen
Seite 57 - ... the cost of printing and binding required for the use of Congress; for the printing, binding, and distribution of the Federal Register, and for printing and binding supplements to the Code of Federal Regulations.
Seite 224 - Until otherwise provided by law, there shall be paid out of the contingent fund of the House of Representatives such sums as may be necessary to carry out this authorization.
Seite 278 - Revision of laws: For preparation and editing of the laws as authorized by the Act approved May 29, 1928 (1 USC 59), $8,000, to be expended under the direction of the Committee on Revision of the Laws.
Seite 345 - Librarian to prepare an apartment near to, and connected by, an easy communication with that in which the Library of Congress is now kept, for the purpose of a law library; to remove the law books, now in the Library, into such apartment; and to take charge of the law library, in the same manner as he is now required to do of the Library of Congress.
Seite 71 - To provide the Public Printer with a working capital for the following purposes for the execution of printing, binding, lithographing, mapping, engraving, and other authorized work of the Government Printing Office for the various branches of the Government: For salaries of Public Printer and Deputy Public Printer; for salaries, compensation, or wages of all necessary officers and employees additional to those herein appropriated for, including employees necessary to handle waste paper and condemned...
Seite 345 - The unexpended balance of any sums appropriated by Congress for the increase of the general library, together with such sums as may 'hereafter be appropriated to the same purpose, shall be laid out under the direction of...
Seite 288 - ... and other expenses of such detail personnel shall be made to the government of the District of Columbia, and any sums so reimbursed shall be credited to the appropriation or appropriations from which such salaries and expenses are payable and shall be available for all the purposes thereof: Provided, That any person detailed under the authority of this paragraph or under similar authority in the Legislative Branch Appropriation Act, 1942, and the Second Deficiency...
Seite 76 - Acquisition costs are paid from sales receipts, so no appropriation is required for printing sales copies. By provision of law, the sale price is set at the cost of manufacture plus 50 percent. At the end of each fiscal year, excess receipts not required for purchasing additional publications are turned in to the Treasury Department as miscellaneous receipts. Last year the revenue from this source was $1,439,698, and in every year since 1944 miscellaneous receipts have amounted to more than $1,000,000.
Seite 288 - Act, 1940, from the Metropolitan Police of the District of Columbia shall be deemed a member of such Metropolitan Police during the period or periods of any such detail for all purposes of rank, pay, allowances, privileges, and benefits to the same extent as though such detail had not been made, and at the termination thereof any such person who was a member of such police on July 1, 1940, shall have a status with respect to rank, pay, allowances, privileges, and benefits which is not less than the...
Seite 344 - Kyng, that he wuld remember hym, yf he myght fynde any reasonable mater that myght be objected ayenst the seid cleyme and title, in so moche as his seid Highnes had seen and understouden many dyvers writyngs and Cronicles...