Hearings, Reports and Prints of the Senate Committee on Appropriations


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Seite 207 - Congress and $4,984,000 for 89 'million units. 4. Publications for International Exchange and the Library of Congress. — As provided by law (44 USC 1718 and 1719), the Library of Congress is supplied with not to exceed 150 copies of Government publications including the daily and bound editions of the Congressional Record and certain other congressional publications of which not to exceed 125 copies shall be for distribution through the Smithsonian Institution to foreign governments which agree...
Seite 121 - July 1, 1968, provides that the Comptroller General, in cooperation with the Secretary of Defense, and the Director of the Bureau of the Budget conduct this study and report to the Congress by December 31, 1969.
Seite 329 - Law 763 provides that the compensation of such employees shall be fixed and adjusted from time to time as nearly as is consistent with the public interest in accordance with prevailing rates. A general survey of Government and industrial employees...
Seite 464 - Police, the rank and salary of inspector plus $l,fi25 and such increases in basic compensation as may be subsequently provided by law so long as these positions are held by the present incumbents...
Seite 615 - ... submit the following statement in explanation of the effect of the action agreed upon by the conferees and recommended in the accompanying conference report: The House amendment struck out all of the Senate bill after the enacting clause.
Seite 244 - Salaries of full-time, temporary, and part-time employees of the Superintendent of Documents. 12 Personnel benefits For required contributions to retirement fund, life insurance, and employees health benefits. 21 Travel and transportation of persons Travel expenses of the Office of the Superintendent of Documents, including statutory requirements of inspection of condition of depository libraries. Also covers necessary travel for inspection of new machinery and equipment, and to open and operate...
Seite 589 - Retention and repair of the existing wall* as corrective action is not recommended as it would require the hazardous removal of much of the facing so as to allow installation of ties to the backup wall, or the installation of ties through the face joints with resulting disfiguration of the structure. There would still be walls and foundations of structurally inferior construction with the walls requiring continuing protective treatment.
Seite 209 - ... the Federal Register, approved by the President (1 CFR, pt. 32). The cost of printing the US Government Organization Manual, the Public Papers of the Presidents of the United States, and the Weekly Compilation of Presidential Documents is charged to the cost of printing the Federal Register (sec. 6, 49 Stat. 501: 44 USC 1506). The expenditures for the Federal Register for all work ordered in the fiscal year 1968 amounted to $1,451,775 for 21,532 pages.
Seite 419 - To enable the Architect of the Capitol, under the direction of the House Office Building Commission, to...
Seite 107 - State" includes Puerto Rico, Guam, American Samoa, the Virgin islands, and the District of Columbia. (b) The term "facility for the mentally retarded...

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