Abbildungen der Seite

weak enough to do so, that abuses had not been ful-conceived that he was perfectly justified in charging ly examined, and properly remedied. He had five them with any motives which might be fairly inweeks been imprisoned on a judge's warrant. Heferred from their conduct. At the time he bad suffered that imprisonment, because he wished wrote the articie in question, ministers had subto expose the injustice of a law, that ought to be met verted the constitution. They stated, that it was with the execrations of the people. He had been insufficient to guard the nation against treason refused copies of the informations filled against bim which existed only in their mind-against plots --he was therefore, to gather the charges alleged of which the people new nothing, against conspirafrom what had fallen from the attorney-general.cies, of which they themselves were the only deposi Fortunately he had received a little advice on this tories.

occasion, otherwise, perhaps, he would not had any When, in consequence of such statement, the ithing to say in his defence Suppose this case had constitution was suspended, and the liberty of the been just the reverse of what it was-supposing, subject was placed under the mercy of the secre nstead of being a single man, caring for few, and tary of state, he had a right to contend that he was or whom few cared, he had been a tradesman with only making use of that legitimate condemnation large family-suppose he had been in ill health of those who planned such measures, which, as a and requiring all the attention persons in such a public writer he was authorised to do, in the prostate demanded-what then would have been bis duction of the publication exhibited against them. situation, in this boasted land of liberty, when bur-The defendant next adverted to the present law of ried to a prison, because he dared to express his libel, which he observed, was borrowed from the opinions? The defendant then observed, that he proceedings of the star chamber, and might be trawas charged first, with a libel on the king's admi-ced ultimately to the Justinian code, that which istration of government-and next with a libel on was intended to put down the last spark of freedom the administration itself The first charge was fal-in Constantinople, (such was our commercial enterJacious for it was a constitutional maxim that the prize) had been imported here, but it was not naking could do no wrong-and, therefore, he could turalized, and he trusted the jury would look at it not be said to administer the government. If it with a most suspicious eye; and that, by their ver were asserted that he did administer the govern-dict this day, they would declare, that no character ment, then the maxim was futile-for, in the ad-in a public situation, should hereafter be exempted ministration of government he, like others, was lia- from inquiry, nor from accusation, when accusation ble to error. was deserved, The defendant, after a great varie. The defendant then proceeded to argue, that ty of remarks on the speech of the attorney-gene. his statement with respect to the administration ral, proceeded to state, that he believed the preitself, was well founded. When warfare was com-sent prosecution was commenced in consequence of menced for the purpose of putting down the prin-his having remonstrated with the late attorney-geciples of the French revolution, they were told, ral, on the conduct pursued by the rev. Mr. Powis, that all their hopes of happiness in Heaven and of a magistrate in Staffordshire who caused a person blessings upon earth, depended upon resistance to to be apprehended while selling The Black Dwarf. those principles. They all knew the promises The defendant called on the late attorney-general made by the minister of the day-and they all to prosecute the author of it, in London, and to put knew the result of those promises-they were all an end to the proceedings against those who retail. fallacious. Every thing except legitimate monarchy ed it in the country. Soon after this communica had been lost.-And here he wished to know, | tion two informations were filed against him—which wether, by the triumph of legitimate monarchy, he attributed to this circumstance. The defendant the learned gentleman meant the triumph of those then adverted to the strongest points in the alleg. accursed and detestable principles which were re-fed libel, which he strenuously defended. He ad cognized by the ministerial writers of the day? If mitted that they were strongly written and he inhe did, then had England fought to establish the tended that they should be so, in order, if possible, most pestilential principles that ever were adopt-to awaken the people to a just sense of their situ ed-principles which Englishmen had always re-ation.

sisted, and which freemen would always be ready The attorney-general replied at great length. to oppose. If a system founded on such principles He defended the course of proceeding which had were to be adopted, he would rather be its victim been adopted, with respect to the defendant, as than its slave-the learned gentleman might exstrictly legal.

change his brief for a dagger, and write his epi- Mr. Justice Abbott charged the jury. It was, he taph in his blood. They were told that the liber. observed, open to every subject, to discuss the mea ty of the press must have its bounds and limits. If sures of the government, provided he did so reait must have those limits, he hoped Englishmen sonably, fairly and calmly-but if, instead of SO diswould not suffer an attorny general to prescibe cussing measures, a person choose to utter and is them. They loved that liberty too much to trust sue forth to the world slander and calumnly against it in such hands--and if the orphans were too weak the government or the individuats composing it, he to walk alone, they would not he was sure, entrust was guilty of a libel.There was a point where the leading-strings to that individual who stood reasoning ceased, and calumny and slander began. directly between the government and the people. and it was for the jury to consider whether the pa The defendant then went on to animadvert on the per in question was, in point of law, a free, fair, whole of the publication in which the alleged libel and candid discussion, or whether it did not go was contained, contending, with much energy, that, beyond that line of argument which ought to be as a public writer, he was justified in descanting on preserved. His opinion was, that it was a scandalthe conduct of public men-who, the moment they fous, malicious and seditious libel. became public men, merged their private in their The jury retired, and after deliberating an hour public character. He would assert, that ministers and a half, the foreman, with some of his fellows, not only felt a desire to destroy the constitution of appeared in the court the remainder of the ju the country, but he would go further, and declare ry, from the structure of the court could not be that they had accomplished their desire, and he se seen.


Mr. Justice Abbott said, he would receive any verdict from the whole of the jury, but he could aot receive any thing offered by a part of them.

The foreman, as we understand, stated that a fall other delusions, it will be found out at last, part of the jury wished to return a conditional ver-and then good bye to petitioning. In the literal Acceptation of the term, nothing is or can be so ridiculous. The right of petitioning! Bravo! John Bull, bravo! You have the right of petitioning, have you? And your ancestors obtained it for you, dil they? And Hampden bled for the right of petition ing, did he? And Sydney was beheaded, and Rustors sent Charles to the block, and drove James to, for the right of petitioning, did they? And you possess the right, Johnny, do you? And are charged sixty millions a year for it, are you? Well, you may call it one of your dearest rights, for you

The usual question was then put-whether, the jury found the defendant guilty or not guilty? To which the foreman answered Guilty-and the ver-sel, for the right of petitioning. And your ances dict was recorded.

At a late hour in the day, Mr. Chitty said, he was instructed to tell his lordship that the verdict was not legal-three of the jury having dissented from it at the time. One of them he understood wished to present to his lordship on behalf of him-have paid dear enough for it, in all conscience. But self and two of his fellows, a paper relating to the verdict, when they came into court, but he had not an opportunity of delivering it.

Mr. Justice Abbott said that no objection was made at the time, the question was put, and the answer of Guilty was given in a tone that must have been heard throughout the court. No paper had been tendered to him and in answer to a question from the foreman, he stated that he could only re ceive a verdict from the whole of the jury, he could receive no communication from a part of them.

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The defendant said, as an Englishman, he woul protest against the verdict, as illegal-But four of the jury appeared in court-and, if a mistake had been made, his cause ought not to be prejudiced by it.

Mr Justice Abbott said his cause would sustain no prejudice; but that this was not the place for discussing the question.

you are a good sort of a fellow: and being no judge, of the value of diamonds, it is the same to you whether you have glass or French paste. It must glisten a little to please your imagination; and you are pleased as the poor Indian who gives his gold or his treasure for a bauble. But the savage is the better off of the two, for though he gets but a bauble, it is something at least; but you, John, have got nothing for your liberty, you have had every pocket picked into he bargain,

"But you have the right of petitioning, you say. Yes, you have indeed; and you petition away with a vengeance. You see those whom you petition have a voracious appetite for such kind of food. They swallow them as fast as the serpent of Moses swal lowed all the other serpents. Only you have fed them a little too fast, and having to pick out of sp many, they are now become a little nice. They would have the politest epithets bestowed upon them; and if you will flatter their vanity, and rely The King v Thomas Jonathan Wooller. upon their wisdom, faith, you may use your right of This was a second information against the de- petitioning frequently as you please. You will fendant, for printing and publishing a libel in the a sist trade by it. Le syers will find parchment "Black Dwarf," No. 5, of February the 12th: idearer, and the tailors will get it cheaper to make was charged on the record to be a scandalous, measures with. malicious and seditious libel, of and concerning the right of petition, of and concerning King John, Charles I. James II. William III. &c.

The Attorney General stated the nature of the libel: he admitted that it was ludicrous in its form, but it was, perhaps, the more injurious and dangerous on that account. He censured in strong terms the endeavors here made to draw down con tempt upon one of the most valuable rights of En. glishmen, settled at what he should ever call the glorious Revolution of 1688, and he went through the various paragraphs, pointing out such parts as in his opinion were peculiarly offensive. He took occasion to inform the jury that the defendant had a singular facility of composition; for, being a printer, he frequently had no need of manuscript, but printed from the dictation of his mind as he proceeded.

The defendant, as in the former case, admitted the facts of authorship, printing and publishing; and Mr. Steill proved that he sold about 750 copies of this number of the Black Dwarf.

The libel was then read in the following terms:

"But in reality, Master Bull, you estimate all this boasted right a little too highly. Are you not aware that you only have it in common with the free burgesses of the Mogul, and the independent slaves of the Dey of Algiers? They say they are very sorry too; and that your petition ought to lay on the table for consideration; and that a proper time ought to be taken for such consideration. But then they, poor souls! are so busied for your good, throughout the session, that the proper time never comes, and your grievances are never redressed: It is sometimes hinted, that they are only tempora→ ry, and will cure themselves; and there is no doubt of that: only be patient for half a century, and if the grievances do not die away, why you will; and that is the same thing. Now you see, that while you possess the right of petitioning, and they possess the right of neglecting your petitions, it is just the same thing as if you had no right at all.

"This is the best side of the question. This is the view of the case when your petitions are deemed to be fit to be received; for you see that your right of petitioning is confined to a peculiar mode of expression. If your pockets are picked, you must "The people of this country have heard a great not pray the house of commons to hang a minister deal about the right of petition; notwithstanding a-you must civilly ask them to be so kind as not thousand proofs of its inefficacy, they seem as fond to let him do it again. If your valuable constituof it as ever. But some tub must be thrown out to tion is injured, or totally destroyed, you must the whale. There must be found some way or only ask for its renovation in the most mild and other to dissipate the well grounded discontent gentlemanly terms. The house must not be inthat so universally prevails; and, like a breakwater, sulted! Oh no! the house must not be insulted the right of petitioning is thrust forward to stop Aithough every body knows that the house of comthe current of popular dissatisfaction. All this is mons, collectively taken, speaks neither the voice ery well: but what purpose will it answer? Like of the people, nor attends to the wishes of the pea

ple; although every body knows that a majority of the house are what it would not be prudent to say; although the experience of ages has proved

Inconre of, and charge upon the consolidated find, in the quarters ending 5th July, 1816 and 1917, for Great Britain.




£10,064,992 £9,5$9,499.




£13,233.814 €13,120,000.


the ready servant of the existing minister; and that, therefore, it is neither rationally nor constitu tionally the representative of the public; yet all this is to be veiled in silence. We may petition the house for reform, if in the same breath we will admit that it wants no reform; we may entreat it to restore us the blessings of our constitution, and give us back our rights, if we will confess that our In the quarter of 1816 rights have not been infringed upon, and that the blessings of the constitution have never been im. paired. Such is now the state of the right of petiion. We must suppress the remonstrance of truth, and the firm tone of justice, and then our com. plaints may be heard-and despised.

"The terms imply this-the right of petition is the only privilege of slaves.-Freemen would blush to hear it boasted of in its modern acceptation. our ancestors fools, then, and slaves?

Were They were men, but not scholars. I

They approached their monarchs with petitions,
it is true; but then they carried arms in their hands
to support them," &c.

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Ireland is not yet ascertained.

£3,168,822 3,780,501

But on the 18th of July, 3 per cent consols were at 83 1-8!

American 6 per cents in Landon, July 16, 104. On the 7th of July the prince regent signed the bill for continuing the suspension of the habeas

corpus act.

American flour in England, July 18, 55, per bbl. and dull sale.

Mr. Ponsonby died on the 8th of July. He was for several years one of the heads of the opposition; but, as well in his private as in his public capacity, his loss will be severely felt in England.

Mad, Lavallette was recently been in London, into sell the stocks that she held in the British


A fever of the most malignant description prevails amongst the inhabitants of the city of Cork. A number of houses for the reception of the sick had been opened in various parts of the city.

isted at Huddersfield.
A serious riot or insurrection appears to have ex-


A number of Scots have emigrated to Poland. By a decree of Alexander they are exempt from military conscription.

Much lamentation is made in England about the ecclesiastical system, forcing that which ought to neglect and ruin of churches. The fault is in their be a free-will offering.

Mr. Wooller, in his defence, stated, that when he wrote the above production, he had not the slightest expectation that it would be a source of serious enquiry in a court of justice.-He did not imagine that the ministerial jealousy of the freedom of the press would be quite so contemptible as to notice it. It was meant merely as a joke, and must be considered as the farce to the tragedy of the last information. In the sentiments, however, he heartily concurred, and if urged seriously, he' should have supported them seriously. He went over the various parts of the libel that were con sidered particularly objectionable, arguing that the whole was grounded upon historical and incontrovertible facts. As to the passage regarding "enforcing the redress of grievances, and, indeed, the whole of that portion of the letter, he insisted that it meant nothing more than the moral force which sound doctrines must ever enjoy: that, though in the time of king John or Charles I. the force of arms might be necessary; in the present day, when all men were comparatively so well educated and enlightened, the force of reason was much stronger and more satisfactory. Such was the fair meaning to be put upon the whole libel, which was dictated on the spur of the moment, at a time when the house of commens was rejecting an immense num. In the court of king's bench, Mr. Cook, an ber of petitions, in favor of parliamentary reform. can merchant, formerly residing about 90 miles The attorney general replied; after which Mr. from Sierra Leone, in Africa, obtained a verdict of Justice Abbott summed up, going minutely over 19,000 pounds damages against col. Maxwell, late nearly every paragraph of the publication, and declaring it as his decided opinion that it was libel-governor of Sierra Leone, for destroying his factory lous; that however, was a question, the decision of which by law rested with the jury only.

[blocks in formation]

the prince regent, and a speech from him on SaParliament was prorogued, after an address to turday the 12th of July.

The duke of Northumberland has left a revenue to his eldest son of 80,000 pounds per annum, and to each of the younger children he has bequeathed 100,000 pounds in cash.

Certain jewellers in London were lately robbed was a diamond necklace valued at 10,2801 of property valued at 30,000. Among the articles

by fire, and carrying off his moveable property, under the pretence of the plaintiff being engaged in the slave trade. The plaintiff also obtained a verdict of 1000 damages for false imprisonment.

A letter from the younger Watson to his father, is extensively published in Eugland, as coming from the United States, and it is probably a fabrication. The London papers say it is so-"to compliment America, and delude our credulous countrymen into emigration.

The Gazette of last night (says a London paper of July 17) contains a proclamation, ordering that the calling out of the militia in Great Britain, for the purpose of being trained and exercised in the training or exercising of such militia is to take place present year, be suspended; and consequently no this. [There is meaning in this].

Count Flahault, one of Napoleon's aids in the bate

De of Waterloo, has married a daughter of lord tory. This happy dispensation of Providence canKeith. We notice the marriage of a Miss F. Bow-not fail to mitigate, if not wholly to remove the man who was long detained as a prisoner in the pressure under which so many of the nations of seraglio of the dey of Algiers, from which she lately escaped.

A fellow in England, for a considerable wager, had commenced a walk of 500 miles backwards, to be performed in 20 days. He performed 23 miles in the first hour.

The British parliament.

Was prorogued on the 12th of July, on which occa sion the prince regent "red the following specch from the throne."

"My lards and gentlemen

Europe have been suffering in the course of the last year; and I trust that we may look forward in consequence to an improvement in the commercial relations of this and of all other countries. I can. not allow you to separate without recommending to you, that upon your return to your several counties, you should use your utmost endeavors to defeat all attempts to corrupt and mislead the lower classes of the community, and that you should lose no op portunity of inculating amongst them that spirit of concord and obedience to the laws, which is not less essential to their happiness as individuals than it is indispensable to the general welfare and prosperity of the kingdom."

"I cannot close this session of parliament with ont renewing my expressions of deep regret at the continuance of his majesty's lamented indisposition. The diligence with which you have applied yourThe lord chancellor then read the commissions selves to the consideration of the different subjects for proroguing the parliament to the 25th of August which I recommended to your attention at the com-next.

mencement of the session, demands my warmest Crim. con. cases make a great display in the Loy. acknowledgments; and I have no doubt that the fa-don papers, happening among the "nobility, gentry vorable change which has happily taken place in and clergy"-precious sets of people. our internal situation, is to be inainly ascribed to Criminal offenders-By the statement of criminal the salutary measures which you have adopted for offenders in England and Wales, lately published, preserving the public tranquility, and to your stea-it appears that 47,522 persons have been committed dy adherence to those principles by which the con- to goal for criminal offences during the last 7 years, stitution, resources, and credit of the cour.try have of whom 4,120 received sentence of death (536 of been too successfully exerted in some parts of the whom were executed)-267 transported for life: country to alienate the affections of his majesty's 533 for 14 years: 4,543 for 7 years imprisoned for. subjects, and stimulate them to acts of violence and 5 years, 4: do 4 years, 2: do 3 years, 54: do 2 years' insurrection, I have had the satisfaction of receiving and above 1 year, 1,374: 1 year and above 6 months, the most decisive proofs of the loyalty and public spi- and under, 13,518: whipped and fined, 1,154. rit of the great body of the people; and the patience



with which they have sustained the most severe The most important item of intelligence from temporary distress cannot be too highly commend-France is, that the crops were so flattering as to ed, I am fully sensible of the confidence which you have reduce the price of corn one half, in some of have manifested towards me by the extraordinary the departments.

powers which you have placed in my hands; the ne The archbishops' sees are to be restored in France cessity which has called for them is to me a matter-some additional bishopricks are to be establishof deep regret: and you may rely on my making aed-and archbishops, if not bishops are to be placed temperate, but effectual use of them, for the protection and security of his majesty's loyal subjects.

Gentlemen of the house of commons.

in the chamber of peers.

Gens. Domage and Belair; and the marchioness Lavalette, have been arrested in France.

The population of Paris, by a late census, amouuts to 715,595, independent of the garrison, There are 27,371 houses, and 217,352 families.

"I thank you for the supplies which you have granted to me, and for the laborios investigation which, at my recommendation, you have made into the state of the income and expenditures of the On the anniversary of Louis XVIII's return to country. It has given me sincere pleasure to find the capital; his majesty reviewed 13 legions of the that you have been enabled to provide for every Parisian national guard upon the Bouvelard Chubranch of the public service without any addition martin. The streets through which he passed were to the burdens of the people. The state of public lined with military, and the white flag and other credit affords a decissive proof of the wisdom and appropriate emblems were displayed from their expediency, under all the present circumstances, of windows. The number of men under arms were those financial arrangements which you have adopt. estimated at 36,000. The city was illuminated at cd. I have every reason to believe that the defi-night. ciency in the revenue is, in a great degree, to be as. cribed to the unfavorable state of the last season; and I look forward with sanguine expectaton to its gradual improvement.

"My lords and gentlemen,

It is said in the Paris papers that the French emigrants that have reached the United States "do not amount to a less number than 30,000." People do not think what thirty thousand is. I have a right to know something of this matter; and venture an "The measures which were in progress at the opinion that three thousand have not arrived here, commencement of the session for the issue of a new in ships and vessels, since the first return of Louis; silver coinage have been carried into execution in nor do I believe that any have crossed the ocean in the manner which has given universal satisfaction; balloons. Vessels from France very seldom have and to complete the system which has been sanction-more than 10 to 20 passengers-1 am certain that ed by parliament, a gold coinage of a new denomina- they have not averaged 20: this would give us fiftion has been provided for the convenience of the teen hundred vessels from France in the period public. I continue to receive from foreign powers stated!! More on this subject hereafter. the strongest assurance of their friendly disposition A steam boat, on a principle that makes explotowards this country, and of their desire to pre-sion impossible, is said to have been invented in serve the general tranquility. The prospect of an France. abundant harvest throughout a considerable part of the continent is in the highest degree satisfac

Several arrests were recently made at Bordeaux. 5 per cent. consuls 66 1-10, July 12.

France is said not only to have solicited the with The emperor of Russia, on the 7th of May, by. drawing of the allied troops, but to have requested decree, established at St. Petersburg, an Imperial England to pay them, being unable to do it her. Commercial Bank:


1. Thirty millions of roubles, of the capital of the The great occasion No less than ten new theatri-crown, are placed at the disposal of the bank. cal pieces are in readiness to appear on the several 2. The bank is allowed to take money-1st, on stages in Paris, great and small, immediately after interest-21, in deposit." the accouchement of the duchess de Berri. One of them is called Is't a girl or a boy? [What a job it would be, if the expected baby should be still born! But, I suppose it would be high treason, in France, to imagine it.]

The dutchess of Berri and the queen of Spain are running a race to have a young Bourbon. The pa. pers say it is doubtful which of them will be the first in the straw.

3. The bank gives loans on Russian goods, according to the principles of the discount office, and accepts bills, taking the per centage according to the course of commercial operations.

4. Half the directors to consist of public officers, and half merchants.

5. The bank to be opened on the 1st of January, 1818.


The integrity of the loans intrusted to the bank French Hospitals.-From a report made to the go-are guaranteed by the imperial word. vernor general of hospitals in Paris, on the state of Several ships of war were launched an the 20th these establishments, from 1803 to 1814, it appears and 25th of May at Casan, a city on the Wolg, that these hospitals are divided into two classes, which empties into the Caspian sea. called hopitaux and hospices; the former ten in We have a rumor that war was expected between number, being for the sick; and the latter of which Russia and Sweden; and that the Russian troops there are nine, affording provision for infants, and about to leave France would be landed in Sweden. incurables, who are destitute. The hotel Dieu, the most ancient hospital, contains 1200 beds. In the Constantinople, June 10.-On the 24 of this month hospice de l'Accouchement, in 1814, were delivered the ceremony peculiar to the East took place of 27,000 females, of whom 24,000 confessed they were shaving, for the first time. the hair of the head of unmarried. From 1804 to 1814, were admitted in-the crown prince Schehzade Abdulbamid, who is to the hospice de l'Allaitrement or foundling Hospi-four years of age, after which he was invested with a tál, 23,458 boys and 22,463 girls, total 45,921 chit-urban. A part of the hair was sent as an offering dren, of whom only 1130 were legitimate. During to the Kiable (the holy house at Mecca.) the ten years 355,000 sick were admitted into the A few days ago, several large transports arrived Hopitaux, and 59,000 poor persons into the hospices. from Egypt with rice, coffee, and other producOf the maniacs there are more women than men. tons of that country, which have dispelled the ap.. -Among the younger females, love has been the prehensions of scarcity that were entertained by the most common cause of insanity; and among the inhabitants of this capital. thers, jealousy, or domestic discord. Among the younger males, it is the too speedy developement An African chief near Sierra Leone, who has of their passions; and among the older, the derange long been in the pay of the British to assist them ment of their affairs, that has crased them. The in suppressing the slave trade, has lately protected calamities of the revolution have been another cause two vessels engaged in it, and compelled a Bri of madness, and it is observed that the men were tish brig, in self-defence, to fire upon his town, by mad with aristocracy and the women with de- which many of his people were killed. It is feared mocracy; excessive grief occasioning himacy in the that in revenge for this Captain Campbell and his Former, and ideas of independence and equality in party, on an expedition into the interior, will be the latter!-London paper,


cut off.




The deaths at Havana, principally of malignant fevers, from the 19th to the 31st of July, inclusive, were 215, or 15 a day!-in a population of 80,000.

The editor of a London paper says, that from certain American papers he had received, a war between the United States and Spain appeared probable. This is a mistake that he might easily Christophe, king of Hayti, has adopted the Lan fall into for a cursory view of our gazettes-but casterian system of education in his dominions, and the editor strangely observes, "if it be true that has established schools deriving their support from the United States are really attached to the cause government, and promulgating instruction in the of freedom they will be more inclined to aid than to rudiments of primary education without expence attack Spain. Freedom and Spain! Ferdinand to individuals. and moderation and forbearance" in the same para- A decree has been passed for the sale of the graph! estates which have become the property of the pubGen.Lacey is removed to Majorca; it being thought lic. They are to be disposed of free of all incumunsafe to keep him at Barcelona, for fear of the peo-brances, and the ancient names are to be changed, ple. His fate is sealed. that the remembrance of their tyrants may cease.”

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By accounts from Spain, it appears that the grand finance plan, projected by the minister Garay, is not to be carried into execution till January 1818. This delay originates in the opposition of the nobles and high churchmen, who will be most af fected by its being put into execution; and in the mean time, it is expected the minister himself will lose his place.


The emperor has sent to England four young Russians for the purpose of being instructed in the new method of teaching, that they may be placed at the head of seminaries.


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We have two proclamations from Amelia. One addressed by "citizen Gregor McGregor," to his soldiers, thanking them for their exemplary con duct and good discipline, and holding out the hope of soon planting the "green cross of Florida, on the proud walls of St. Augustine.”

The other headed "Gregor McGregor, General," &c. declares the whole of Florida in a state of blockade, beginning at the south side of the island of Amelia and extending to the Perdido. His proclamation shall be preserved for further reference.

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